Differire between Italians and American niggers?

Is there really a difference between Italians and American niggers? Both are obsessed with self image and outward appearance (I.e. fashion and women) and put that at a higher importance over tangible things that actually advance ones life (I.e. education career financial spending etc.) i fail to see a difference here

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Italians left the ghetto a long time ago and have much higher average IQ.

Nigs are still in their ghettos being useless.

Have you ever been to Italy? Even there major metropolises have trouble keeping there shit together and are one spaghetti drought away from descending to third world tier all over again

>spaghetti drought
That’s fucking amazing

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Northern Italian cities are 10000 times nicer than anything you'll find in America. You've never been.

>it's a daily amerigoblin butthurt thread
what's with these third world nigger shitholes like jewsa feeling so important?

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>Northern Italian cities are 10000 times nicer than anything you'll find in America
What? You've clearly never visited Italy


Don't get me wrong, I love spaghetti bros, they're not faggots like Germans and they actually started deporting rapefugees, BUT their cities are infested with chinks
I was in Venice last year and it's mini China

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Delusions are big with you

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>visit major tourist hotspot
>surprised to see chinks
I also saw more chink tourists in Tallin than I see in Italy in an entire year

oh the irony and delusion of the third world mongrel

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I was just down in Calabria and every single store and little bottega was run by slant eyed chinks

Italians are cool as heck! I know some absolutely based Italian-Americans.

Every group has their bad apples, but the Italians are good people. Get your divide and conquer shit out of here.

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Fucking Greece spiting the Eternal kraut., kek.

This is what I'm talking about. These shops and restaurants are supposed to be ran by Mario with mustache I want to feel like I'm in fucking Italy
My uncle pushed nigger to water, because he kept followed him trying to sell him some shitty Panama hat. Overall, Venice doesn't look so good
>visit major tourist hotspot
I stayed in Lignano Pineta is it really a major tourist hotspot? There were too much chinks and niggers there

>Italian Americans are the same as Italians
Clearly you’re an intellectual

Clearly, you’re possessed of sophisticated degrees of reading comprehension.

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Lignano is a pretty big deal in northern Italy as far as tourism goes, naturally it's going to attract niggers
didn't know about chinks being there in mass too

Italian-Americans are a unique cultural group separate from Italians in Italy. It’s the equivalent of saying some 3rd generation Bostonian Irishman the same as someone in Ireland today. The cultural advancement stopped whenever that generation first came to America and only brings in American culture to mix with it making it an odd hybrid of 50 plus year old knowledge culture passed along by word of mouth diluted by each new generation with modern American culture and are really just Americans who cling to a lost identity. This is why hyphenated Americans are retarded mongrels

Explain why shithole Vibo Valentia is overrun with chinks then? I don’t see the average European or American clamoring to get their next tickets to Lamezia Terme

you fail to see it because you are ignorant and malevolent

idk they make better art

Probably the most accurate assessment of the hyphenated American I have ever read

no clue what goes on in Calabria, Vibo IIRC is also a relatively well known touristy place
nevertheless, resident Chinks are less than the usual Romanians, Moroccans, Bulgarians, etc...

Jazz is considered the most complex musical genre in history

Half italian here. My father was in the nypd for 20 years and my mother is a secretary.

What does your family do? Work at the surstromming canning factory?

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This is the exact place we stayed in. Everyone kept saying that northern Italy was migrant free, it turns out it wasn't ..
Our neighbors were Korean family with qt daughter who ran a local clothes shop. They were nice people though, we talked a lot after they finished job. Last night they invited us for wine with food. I'm not proud of it, but I fucked their daughter with no protection (I was drunk as fuck)

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>Have you ever been to Italy?
You haven't either so i guess that concludes your little argument

>Everyone kept saying that northern Italy was migrant free
what? who? most invaders are naturally in north Italy since it's richer and closer to the rest of Europe, they mostly just pass by in the south

Saying that Venice is infested with hordes of tourists and scammers is like saying that water is wet; it has to be the most banal statement made about Italy in here, so much so that it could be made about any very touristy european city
Nice try mutte

>s there really a difference between Italians and American niggers?
yeah, Italians built the greatest civilization known to man.
>Both are obsessed with self image and outward appearance
not really

>it could be made about any very touristy european city
Visit eastern European capitals, no chinks and no niggers (not counting tourists)

Most americans on pol maintain this idea that italians are all brown, short, swarthy criminals because if you're not anglo or germanic you're not seen as a proper white and thus you're on the same level as niggers and arabs. Nevermind the fact that italians have the same skull shape as whites and america itself is named after an italian.

>I stayed in Lignano Pineta
I used to go there as a kid!
The arcade is still there, right?
... Right?

I knew this would be the answer: i'm sorry but Warsaw is not as well known as Venice; it's not a very sought after destination either.
Now Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Prag ( if you want to consider it an "eastern capital") on the other hand...

St petersburg was basically made by italian architects.

That’s actually a picture of Calabria

>Is there really a difference between Italians and American niggers? Both are obsessed with self image and outward appearance
Are you saying that we look good?
think you


It's okay I know, but take a look at Paris before the war for example. There were no chinks/niggers and other migrants.
It's just the plan to fuck up eastern Europe. We will be next


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Whatever not much of a difference

The outskirts of Torino are pretty shit too. Almost got once by a bunch of Romanians who steered a little too far from there gypsy camp. I was wasted and coming back from a juve game luckily I was with some friends

Almost got mugged once**

how can one not love Italy?

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and the renaissance the best period for art.
what's your point?

Based Alfa 156 in the background


Delete this, DELET

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>porco dio

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