An easy way to redpill normies is to embellish the nostalgia of "Back in the days"
>Showing a normie things that remind them of their Childhood is perfect.
Post things that bring back good memories
Other urls found in this thread:
>15 yr old me
>comic nerd
>hear about this rad comic that just came out
>pic related
>ride bike to small time comic shop
>go buy 5 of them
>think to self I’ll be rich when I’m old and sell these.
>collect each in the series as it comes out
>story is pretty cool
>about to reveal his identity
>goddamit he’s a fucking nigger
>sell them all and stop reading comics shortly after.
>don’t profit
It was cool while it lasted, being a kid rocked.
Glorious gameboy. No internet jew spying on you or forcing you to put a credit card number.
Purple? Pfff. I had the green one because my parents loved me and I wasn't a faggot.
Every birthday I would ask my Dad for fireworks. My friends and I would eat tons of candy and blow stuff up. & when we ran out we would have bonfires. Good times.
>being 50 years old
>Not being apart of the Teal Master Race
Its like you want other kids to laugh at you.
I liked my purple one.
Renting Sega Dreamcast games and Anime tapes on Friday night.
>& when we ran out we would have bonfires.
Did you do the thing my neighbors always did: place any duds first, then pile all the boxes on top before lighting it off?
Fucking love this track.
Toonami was the best way to spend a saturday night as a kid
I’ll save you a spot’ll be here in no time
I still have my green one. Used to play pokemon on it all the time.
My aunt, uncle, and father at our farm in Manicaland in 1966. For the rest of the world Manicaland is in eastern Zimbabwe, then UDI Rhodesia.
My man, Dreamcast truly was the last great system of the 90’s.
I worked hard to get the money to buy on of theses and i still have it many good memories playing it
And here's my uncle 12 years later, who was killed in an engagement that year.
I had purple because that was the only one available at the store.
A comic-reading friend of mine talked me into buying a comic even though I didn't care for them. I bought issue #1 of TMNT, took it home, read a few pages, decided it was fucking stupid and gave it to my friend Keith. Keith folded it in half twice, rammed it in his back pocket and skateboarded home.
I was into Pokemon. Digimon was for fags.
this game was fun but super difficult
I still play this game on a weekly basis. Key to the game is setting the world to archipelago, building the great lighthouse first, and colonizing everything before the rest of the world discovers magnetism.
I was into both. Get on my level.
>Purple is the Royal color of Rome.
Suck it.
my dude
Made in China. That's where it all went wrong (for this generation anyways)
>Post things that bring back good memories
Fantastic Game
Spent thousands of hours playing Civilization
Rise of nations:
Newgrounds was the shit, I remember playing piko watching cool animations there. Its still around, but I just don't have the time nowadays to get too into it like I used to.
I miss their store... I never got a madness shirt or bought a pencorn as a prank gift.
omg yes
>ywn kill niggers wearing comfy ball high shorts.
Sad, well I guess S.A. bros might rock the short shorts.
Birth of a Nation
>not renting pic related on a comfy snow day
I recently found my old gbc and booted up dk country and got really far in a massive ~twelve hour long session, but when I came back to it the next day it didn't save anything and it turned out the internal battery in the gameboy died so it can't save anymore
who else got an ancient mew card at the movie theater for the first pokemon movie? shit was SO cash
Everything before the Jews did 9/11
CIV 3 redpilled me on the clash of civilizations and taught me that civilizations that fall behind technologically get conquered
Oh God, you might have posted something that only you and I know
I have an urge to watch that again, that was powerful, moving, emotional shit when I was in the 4th grade
Has it been 20 years already?
lol kinda makes it special
And when they do I will be the first one there to help. Pamwe Chete
I was just on a listening binge, went through some old albums and listened to Big Shiny Tunes 5, 6, 7, and 8, Nevermind, All Killer No Filler, and a bunch of old Billy Talent mixtapes I'd made
>tfw you find out SteveO moved to California and works as a fucking real estate agent selling nu-age homes to cucks
My dad had a Compaq luggable similar to this that I played the DOS version Tetris on.
>tfw had one of these but didn't remember getting it
>thought it was literal magic
Who else went to bed the night before their tenth birthday hoping and partly expecting to wake up in the Pokemon world?
lol wow, at least he's doing better than some of his co-stars. Bam is a total mess.
Those first three Sum 41 albums were legit.
fucking LOVED this game. I got a gameshark and got all kinds of good shit
>Imagine a world without israel
Israeli jews are okay - it's the western ones you need to worry about.
Remember who supported the Rhodies.
Watch the Japanese intro theme for that. It will blow your mind!
Talking about your precious purple Gameboy but not about the Pokemon one making you the coolest child at school
It will happen to you too. Think on that for a bit.
Anyone else remember when TV commercials used to seem like they actually cared about the consumer and weren't just kike bullshit? Pic related used to be played every year when I was little.
All jews are the same
hahahaha forgot about ytmnd
One of them is dead, the other in Australia, and the third in Zambia
*SIPS Ahhh Motherload is where it's at
When the commie post is also the best post
bot mode with friends, setting up laptop sentry guns and killing fools. slamming some doritos and drinking mountain dews at the same time. feels, m8
That meltdown was glorious. I have fond memories of the tears collected from that.
I wish they would've animated the show as well as they did the Japanese intro