Am I the only one who coexists with Baby Boomers who have extremely low vocabulary?

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Attached: boomers.jpg (704x480, 33K)

You're not letting them opine on stuff they care about - ask them to name all the members of the 1987 roster of [local pro sports team] and who was the MVP that year.

Why are they so fucking white??

Attached: Shit white people do.jpg (750x689, 48K)

Pull the plug on this generation.

Seeing them make comments using facebook is pathetic, they are barely even literate

Baby cooners don't exist.

you mean like the millennials and zoomers who use ebonics in everything they say?

>wow its lit
>teachers be like
>whos mans is this

even faggots on Jow Forums say thot, i mean jesus christ this world is fucked

You snot nosed little bitches make my ass want to dip snuff.

Attached: 58-Edsel_Pacer-Conv-KM-08_RH-07.jpg (1024x691, 328K)

What did you say?

Attached: Angry Ali.jpg (768x432, 271K)

>let's do a silly one
Fucking lost it kek

>low vocabulary?
You mean limited vocabulary ?

i was reading the wiki page on dependency injection and my dad started arguing with me about how dependency is not a noun and that it's an adverb
condescending prick attitude and all

>Why are they so fucking white??
Black people don't live to be that age on account of shooting each other.

What did you say?

Attached: Morgan Freeman.jpg (750x500, 284K)

I had better vocab than my Boomer parents by age 12. That generation is super retarded

Every generation has its slang. What pisses me off though is the zoomers are the worst of them all. They are literally speak in memes Genx and millenials built.

I LOVE to mimick the way boomers speak&write. Its fun for me... never had a bad time doin it... also you can get chix doin it, thats IF you play your cards rite... the women love a man who knows how to use a little bit of FINNESS in his communications

Learn yourselves a thing or too, kids

it's not slang, it's literally nigger speak that whites are adopting

Most of them barely graduated high school and went to war or blue collar jobs right after. College was only for nerds and jocks who dropped out after 2 years.
Also who cares?

You should stop surrounding yourself with stupid people. I know many intelligent and articulate baby boomers; in fact, most boomers I know are better-spoken than your average millennial

>low vocabulary

Do you mean a poor vocabulary?

Yeah. English is not my natural language.

Its a mixed bag honestly. Like Boomers they are rebelling against the predominant culture of the times. And like Boomers they will be sent to war because of it. Probably against China.

you lads have been doing that since the 20s and the first jazz hipsters.

american popular culture is nigger culture.

Attached: 220px-TheWhiteNegro.jpg (220x328, 23K)

Good for you then. Your English is pretty decent. I salute you.

we need to bring the term "wigger" back

it was super popular before 2004ish

I know there are exceptions among the boomers but the truth is that the vast majority of them are so dumb that if they had to survive in today's world, competing with the people of my generation, they would not last for 2 months.

Is he the only one?

At least Boomers are hard working.

Thank you, bro. My language is Portuguese.

I am Brazilian and I understand a little Spanish, French and Italian.

Learning Spanish for us Brazilians is very easy. French and Italian is a bit more difficult but not so much.

And English is a language that the whole world speaks. It is necessary to learn.

>Is he the only one?
Nah. Plenty more. You just have to look. Try leaving Poland for a while and you'll see.

Attached: monument of polish butthurt.jpg (750x884, 148K)

At least boomers had work to work hard. Or at least one job that paid enough to make it worth the effort.

With a high school diploma it was possible for a boomer to get a job that paid well enough that he could support himself and support a family in a dignified way. Nowadays with a university degree and several qualifications if you get a job that pays you enough that you can survive, you have to thank God for that.

like where?

Attached: unknown.png (1024x667, 1.09M)

Is pirate your natural language ?

He's only 35.

I'm aware. Both my parents were able to work blue collar jobs, buy a 80 grand house in the 70s to later sell at a profit. 2 cars they totaled yet were able to stay above water. They rode easy past the 80s, coasted the 90s then complained at the 2000s+

Yet they are still working. I see a lot of Boomers working shitty jobs that Millennials wont touch.
