Franklin Ships expedition

Franklin Ships expedition

144 men died

Two ships, the Erebus, and the Terror

Oddly enough the Terror was found in a bay named Terror bay, after the ship

The Inuit always knew where the ship was, the white man never listened. Should the Inuit own the ships?

Now people are dying in Gjoa Haven, and the Inuit believe its because they are disturbing the ships. The spirits are killing people.

How do I know? I live there.

6 dead in the last two weeks. 12 dead in the past year, and the population is only 1300 people.

Attached: Franklin Ships.jpg (275x183, 12K)

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I thought that thumbnail was from Madonna's last appearance for a sec

>Should the Inuit own the ships?
Yes, absolutely. Just have them swim down to the seabed where their wrecks lie and they're all theirs. Have fun spending the $2.50 you'll get selling off the scrap iron.

Who's body is that?

Horus should have never trusted Erebus

what do they serve at the Tundra take out? Seal burgers?

The inuit are heavily inclined towards superstition and fear, naturally because they live in a region that is one of the harshest areas to survive in within the world. Their high suicide rate has always been known, and it's more than likely due to the extremes under which they're expected to survive mixed with the utter poverty that comes with living in a place that no one except mining companies wants anything to do with. Also, suicide can become socially viral, as the idea that maybe all the people who killed themselves off knew something the living didn't begins to take root within the minds of those who remain, and the doubt of that gnaws at people over time. Especially so if all they have around them is snow and ice.

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if this was an x-files episode, they'd finally arrive after a long flight in a cargo plane sitting amongst chicken cages, only to find a suspect has already been apprehended and confessed to the murders
but then the twist would come

The Terror is in shallow water

muskox burgers actually, and they are quite good

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no snow and ice right now

none of the deaths in the past two weeks was due to suicide

>Erebus was one of the primordial deities in Greek mythology, born out of the primeval void, Chaos. It was the personification of the deep darkness and shadows.
shocked it was sunk?

That photograph, and those of the others used to terrify me when I was younger. I had a history and science book that featured some commentaries on the Franklin Expedition, and then if I turned the pages of this encyclopedia over to that reference, those pictures showed up. It is fascinating, more than very scary, by this point, although still unnerving to see the faces.


Here is one other image from an expeditionary's remains.

Attached: postmortem-face.jpg (336x448, 41K)

/pol: come for the news of the day, stay for the playful bantz on primordial Greek mythological deities.

I had a kid's book with pictures of those stiffs in it when I was kid. They scared the shit out of me and I had to be careful reading it to avoid those pages.

I wonder if it was the same book.

I had this with the Titanic's wreck. Something about that abyssal, suffocating darkness still gives me the chills a little.



As a kid those images are scary as fuck
but as an adult they are fascinating. It's the most well-preserved 19th century corpse in the world, you can see how they wore their hair, how they dressed, etc.

It probably was the same book, although I cannot remember the name, with certainty. Perhaps it was something like "20th Century Encyclopedia?"

When you bust a nut but she keeps sucking.

The innuit defeated the vikings. White people call it reverse colonialism. I call it natural order.

>The spirits
We'll never be rid of superstition, will we?

It's caused by spirit activity

i love ghost stories

Eskimos are fucking superstitious. So what?

living somewhere that remote would be spooky

Average yearly death rate for a population is about 1%. 12 is about right for 1300.

>Oddly enough the Terror was found in a bay named Terror bay,

They named it terror bay after the ship they found in it...

The TV show was kino, the faggot ruined everything thing tho.


For me, it was based Goodsir

Attached: Single_Paul_Ready_doctor-harry-goodsir-700x1000.jpg (700x1000, 354K)


Okay, fair point. I read the article. Thus far it's two accidents claiming 4 lives, an old man dying, and someone else dying from a heart attack.

Let's go with the idea that it is evil spirits from the two ships attempting to kill those in the nearby area. Let's also accept that negative intent can and will kill those who don't protect themselves appropriately. Can you tell me that none of that intent was laid against the expedition by the Inuit natives back when they originally attempted to find the northwest passage? Could this not just be the reflection back of ill will from the ghosts of those who succumbed to that ill will when they were alive?

I read about this in elementary school. This picture was burned into my mind.

um no, its been named Terror Bay since 1940, the ship was found there two years ago

what that tells me is that the Cartographer named the Bay there "Terror", because the Inuit told him that is where the ship is, using their oral tradition and he forgot to pass that info on, or he did pass it on, but more important matters were dealt with, and it was eventually forgotten about

cant unsee.

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What's the housing prices like?
You have vacancies

If this is happening in Canada, the ships should be given over to the Indians. Pakistanis, too. But fuck the Inuit abos they get nothing.

double, triple families living in a house

hotel room costs $300 for what would cost 70$ in the south

hamburger and fries, that youd get from frozen section at a grocery store costs $20

This is why I visit Jow Forums.

The only thing that could possibly make Madonna interesting again is if during her next tour she dresses like the Golden Girls, and hams up the elderly Italian thing.
Nothing looks worse than a 65 year old trying to look 26.

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Louie died 6 months ago, and I am friends with his brother. Sammy is my neighbour

The closest "terror bay" to Gjoa Haven is in alaska

No, Madonna looked worse in that VMA thing.

Bongland smile if I ever saw one

YOU TOTALLY PWND THAT OLD BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try King Williams Island

Terror Bay (Inuktitut name: ᐊᒥᑦᕈᖅ Amitruq)[1] is an Arctic waterway in the Kitikmeot Region, Nunavut, Canada. It is located in the south western side of King William Island. The entrance to the bay is marked by Fitzjames Island on the west and Irving Islands to the east. The Bay opens to Queen Maud Gulf.

What's that big bldg in the NW of town, a church?

in the middle of town or by the bay?

if right beside the Bay, the co-op store, if beyond that the Hamlet (local government), if in the middle of town, the elementary and high school

By the way, I recognized this picture, end remembered where I saw it. It's in the insert of the original pressing of Carcass's Reek of Putrefaction LP from 1987.
Pic related, it's on the middle of the left hand side, next to the text 'grisly burial by killer'... Pretty good record!

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Don't disturb the dead user.
Just. Don't. Do. It.

The Innuit defeated Norwegian explorers and settlers, not raiding parties of armed and trained warriors.

nice digits, but what the fuck are you reading?

whats the woman situation like?

also got a radar tower for NORAD 300 metres from my house, could post a picture of that if you like, early detection warning system

all fenced up, and if the kids try and climb over the fence, the loud speakers come on, and the guys under the mountain in Colorado yell at them to get off the fence

Hah (you)

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1500 people, not all that bad

my gf is a local, shes a lot of fun, we spend saturday nights being racist to each other

a mickey of alcohol costs $100, as its a dry community

this place?
What if they dont get off the fence? Long way from Colorado

Attached: keep out.png (1754x1240, 1.88M)

Internet must cost a fuckload up there

you ever make your own beer?

yep, thats it, and you can see the border around it, thats the fence line

the local Rangers (militia) may come to get you, or they may just call the cops. Usually the Rangers, because its probably their kids

Same. It's less unnerving now. I wonder if it's my age or all the ISIS and Cartel videos I've seen...

please post a pic

locals make their own beer, every 3 years, there is a vote to make alcohol legal, cant figure out why they keep voting no, when everyone drinks

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he truly was a good sir but i'm team blanky all day

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80$ for 25 gigs, and then $20 for each gig after that

no bit torrent for me

Interesting stuff user
before I go, post gf's tits?

you can also see the helicopter pad in the picture, where it looks like there are two rocks side by side to the right of it at the top

peace bro, cant make it happen

don't post a picture of a NORAD installation to a fucking pinko russian meme poster.

Then why don't they move?

Computer, show me the Flarhgunnstow.

I understand, had to ask

nice, rare too

its Jow Forums, its a rule, I understand

Take this to /x/ leaf

hey...I thought the political rights thing, was a good hook at the beginning, ok, tomorrows post, sure thing

I rescued a groundhog or some similar type of rodent that had fallen into a bin at the entrance to the Gjoa Haven airport in the summer of 2012. Small world.

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that would have been a lemming

>implying you won't be back making shit threads here tomorrow
Why lie on the internet?

no dudes got a good point, get better traction there anyways, usually dont visit any other board cept maybe b, once every 3 months

anyways, only posting because its a great fucking meme.

news article wondering about everyone dying in town

ships found nearby

locals worried about people dying because the ships are disturbed, and I hang out on Jow Forums

like fuck, I aint here sharing this (and also I usually dont get to talk to many people)

Yet, theyre getting btfo by ghosts and hand sanitizer at the moment...

She wasn't always hideous... I cranked off many a batch to Body of Evidence.

>knew where the ship was
Oh that age old tenet of property rights... knowing where something is. Of course then, have at 'er.

no, its more because of the Nunavut Settlement Agreement, the only other legal document of the land that has same weight as the Constitution and in some areas, more weight

Here is another one.

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This guy actually appears to have the most well-preserved of the remains.

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this is why i'll be cremated

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Jow Forums was right again!

fun fact: the written native languages were mostly created by a white missionary with some help from the natives, and he is mostly known now for being a sick fuck molester

Did they all die facing a powerful blow dryer or what?