Are they the poles of east asia?

They always seem to be getting btfo by everybody and they also hated way more than any other Asians.

Attached: 900px-Flag_of_South_Korea.svg.png (900x600, 25K)

No, Japan and China are nigger tier compared to Korea.


But koreans are the only ones who likes niggers and their women are now just glorified yellow nigresses doing mating ritual dances.

Koreans should take it offensively.
>They live on their own national clay
>They do not start the wars against other nations.
>Their religious and cultural roots are native
>They are not (or even have been) run by kike's
Back to the drawing board user

>No, Japan and China are (((polak))) tier compared to Korea.

Japan and China invented everything the East invented. What did the gooks invent? Metal chopsticks?

koreans are the most westernized and subverted people in all of asia. definitely not based.

Attached: 32728496_2071998216458508_6170976532350107648_n.jpg (1080x1080, 65K)

who even hates poland besides russians and ukrainians?

>Their religious and cultural roots are native
A good portion of them are "Christian" and circumcised.
>They are not (or even have been) run by kike's