How did North Korea get so much worse off than South Korea when they had much better geography / access to raw...

How did North Korea get so much worse off than South Korea when they had much better geography / access to raw materials and goods? Is centrally planning your economy communist-style really that destructive to where it'll ruin you even when you have ideal starting conditions?

Attached: korea.png (699x1050, 690K)

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>Is centrally planning your economy communist-style really that destructive to where it'll ruin you even when you have ideal starting conditions?
Do you actually need to ask?

trade sanctions and open refusal of state recognition from most of the world didn't help
but yea it's still mostly communism

The Korea's were/are an experiment run by the Black Nobility, more specifically the Rothschild who are holding all the Kim family gold in Basel, Switzerland. The Swiss and Swedes were/maybe still are helping guard the border under the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, and the 8 Goddesses of Korea are responsible for managing both countries behind the scenes much like the Rockefeller's, Bush's, Morgan's, etc. run America from behind the scenes.
It's all one bit satanic family cult

Attached: Suman Lee - Rothschild.jpg (1024x945, 211K)


every commie shithole runs into the same problem time and again: liberal know-it-alls in charge of lazy idiots


Yes? I understand central planning has problems, but it seems weird that it would even go so far as to somehow leave you destitute when you already started with prosperity.
By analogy it's one thing for a given medicine to not be very effective, but it's another thing for a given medicine to actively induce and accelerate the disease it was supposed to treat.

price is the means of communication between producers.
Imagine you shutdown communication between parts of your brain. Imagine no more, you become a commie

Attached: commie value.png (500x300, 29K)

If they had same treatment as South Korea by other countries they would be just as wealthy

I wish more of you did some research on your own and stop waiting for news to tell you want to think

Attached: Soros and North Korea.png (774x1862, 220K)