Trumps closest Business partners have flipped. It's over

Cohen - his fixer/lawyer
Pecker- National enquirer fixer
Weisselberg - Trump org CFO

Even Hannity knows it's over.

Attached: its-over.png (676x625, 352K)

Other urls found in this thread:

drumpf is finished

is this Russia related, or no?

Its been over since he got into office.
Friendly reminder that Dems have been pulling this "impeach the republicans" schtick for quite some time now.

it isn't over.
trump is going to continue unimpeded and will win reelection in 2020.

Let's consider something for a second.
If Trump does get impeached, do you really think he's going to leave quietly?

It's not.

>People will say even more nasty things about him!
>But now they're his former associates, under threat of imprisonment!
Oh shit, this chnages everything.

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Game over white bois

Attached: 86AB36C8-3CBB-4E84-911A-898B5509AC4D.jpg (630x419, 103K)