Pull up a chair user its hot in here

>pull up a chair user its hot in here
>you see user i have a wife and i filter my water but it gets mighty lonely fighting the chicom [never ever jewish] globlists day in and day out
>user would you be willing to try on an official infowars wig?
what do you do?

Attached: yeah.png (432x301, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:



fake news
This is fake, watch the original video at

11:48 mark

nice try alex ur done

Whatever doesn't kill him
makes him stronger

not this time user not this time
rock beats scissors
traps beat alex

Attached: thisisface.jpg (650x360, 70K)

Watch the video hes right shill.

the one that wasn't totally recut alex?

I'm waiting to try the official Infowars tranny porn. I hear it goes all the way and delves deep.

Does pozz make him stronger?

Attached: your neghole is about to be pozzed.png (1271x712, 1.17M)

Even if it was real, you wouldn’t use your personal device as a show prop. His show has a decent production value, it would be a device purchased specifically for the show, not a personal one. Not saying it couldn’t be his history on it, but it could be anyone who works there. You wouldn’t use your personal device, he’s not that poor.

Done? He just splooged all over the internet and boosted his viewers by 1 million.

>stage 4 denial

Attached: 33.png (1200x630, 564K)

He literally says it's his iphone

hard kek

stil laughing

He says he drinks bone broth and shit too. “Tastes like ovaltine, I drink it everyday”

T. Doesn’t understand how production works

I don't know,nigger.
How much you paying me for this?

bone broth is healthy as fuck

Technically would still be true, it’s his company. The cameras and shit are his too

fucking leaf

It doesn't even matter if it's fake
Jow Forums is down with trap porn
this is possibly the dumbest psyop they've ever come up with
we fappin to daisy hogg
of course we don't care if AJ is too

S to spit on his grave

His new wife was probably looking for any reason to divorce him

>we fappin to daisy hogg
wow its over