Brainlet here. Can someone explain why people here are still supporting Trump...

Brainlet here. Can someone explain why people here are still supporting Trump? isn't he basically helping (((them))) to rebuild (((The Third Temple)))? what am I missing here?

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we like ethnostates, faggot

The anti-Trump posters on this site are just memeing on you.

Jow Forums has always been pro-Trump since his election.
You should have seen Jow Forums on election day, it was glorious. Best day of Jow Forums.

And this. If Israel didn't exist, we would just have to bother with them in our own countries.

You're missing that he's the best thing we've had in a generation, and that the (((establishment))) is pulling out all the stops in order to remove him.

Kys, memeflaggot.

well it was him or hillary, retard.

This implies it would make a difference. Politicians are all bought and sold for, you know that.

concern shill
god they're fucking everywhere today, what are you trying to suppress?
fuck off my board

a CIA whistleblower has come out admitting that the entire Russiakikegate was a failed coup.

So why are are (((they))) calling him literally a prophet?

Is this how you cope?

oh look it's yet another Trump is a kike puppet thread. it's almost like you're being paid to do it at this point

Read again dumbass.

The best strategy to beat your enemy is to first convince him you're his friend.


Why are they calling him a prophet? answer.

Jews aren't the enemy, muslims are.

And yet each one of the ten going at any given time has a hundred replies. Either shills are all shilling each other’s threads or Jow Forums is full of fucking morons

Who gives a shit about the desert.
Read sun tzu
Always give a path to retreat.
Jews get their homeland and they fuck off or of ours.
If they didn't have a homeland to go to the diaspora would fight really hard. That is why the diaspora kikes are trying to destroy Israel. They know regular Jews will go without a fight if they know they will be safe.
The high caste diaspora are the real root of our problems. And the root of Israels problems as it turns out.

Well, it's kind of complex desu.
He still stands for being based.
But yes, he has helped Israel, in a sense.
But he has also redpilled a lot of people on the Israel issue, slowly moving more and more people into the JQ by default.
Tbh, I have no idea how this timeline ends.

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You seem to know a lot about the temple for a brainlet.

They are not fucking off out of ours though. They are having their cake and eating it too. Anyone who supports the country that has subverted our government and dragged us into wars for their benefit(israel) is an enemy domestic, including trump.

They were not our enemy before jews did 911 and flooded white countries with muslims on purpose so we would fight their enemy

nu/pol/ is all about identity politics and they've based their personalities around supporting Trump so that's that, it doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do, ever.

Building the Anti-Christ temple is the keenest form of Accelerationism.

>Tbh, I have no idea how this timeline ends.
Finally someone sincere.

I feel like im being trolled. I mean, these fucking elite people believing in fairy tales and putting history-changing plans in action just to fulfill some fucking prophecy that some weed smoker wrote on a book. People fighting each other over whose religion is the right one. This has to be a joke.

this post is all you have to know if trump is a best goy ZOG shill and who supports him here: kikes and t_d shills

The onlything I know is because I just a video on youtube and googled it, apparently ((them)) want to build this third temple of salmon which somehow means they will fullfill some sort of prophecy which benefits them somehow, I dont really know what happens because of that but what ive seen is a lot of ((them)) want that temple.

What does a fucking temple built change tho?

You got it. He's owned

Confusing symptom with cause

If he's the best chance we have then we never had a chance

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You never had a chance. Democracy is garbage and only benefits the enemies of your people

Or maybe all he's ever done for nationalists is lip service

Well the replacement of the dome of the rock with their third temple would represent their will over Jerusalem. I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet, but am not sure what comes next in this prophecy. I'll look into that later, thanks for the interest