How do we solve the looming Chinese problem?

How do we solve the looming Chinese problem?

>over a billion people
>patent and technology thieves
>encroaching on the sovereignty of neighboring nations
>claiming other territories and countries as theirs
>#1 polluter in the world
>soon to be the biggest GDP in the world
>biggest military in the world and growing
>military is rapidly advancing in technology
>getting into CRISPR and will be making super humans soon
>rampant animal abuse
>buying all the real estate in the USA
>owns 40% of Australian land
>colonizing northern africa for their resources
>nuclear power
>police state
>killing and suppressing Christians in China and other unsanctioned religions
>rampant organ trafficking
>cheating on IQ and college tests to get into American schools

Serious what the fuck is the world and the west specifically going to do about it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

all-out trade war

Allow corporations to retaliate across nation lines. Cyber operations, litigation, etc. Standardize international IP laws. And

Kick them out of international agreements if they continue to abuse agreements and pollute.

>cheating on tests
Federal entrance exams for foreign students.

Pyrrhic victory

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what does the sign say

With the power of the poo's at our back we could swarm them with way better tech and superior numbers if it came time for war. Never underestimate the power of a spicey curry poo.

I don't know, but this is now a China hate thread.

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What was his crime?



“我偷鸽子,我该死。” "I steal pigeons, I deserve to die."

The background is that this stray cat decided to kill and eat a pigeon. The problem was that pigeon had a owner who wasn't happy and decided to teach the cat a lesson.

every thread is a china hate thread buddy

nuke em glass the whole country

>Allow corporations to retaliate. Cyber operations, litigation, etc. Standardize international IP laws.
China is such a lucrative market and manufacturing powerhouse that corporations will not retaliate as they have much more too lose. In fact, such corporations are lobbying for Trump to end his trade war. On top of this, most of the so called "technology theft" is perfectly legal. In return for setting up shop in China, foreign companies often have to partner with local companies and transfer technology. While they are giving Chinese companies US technology, these corporations gain huge benefits so I don't think such a demand is unreasonable.

>Federal entrance exams for foreign students.
China has a culture that emphasizes education. While this does lead to students cheating, the effect of that is negligible as they study so hard for tests anyway. A federal entrance exam is also largely unnecessary and would only benefit Chinese students more.

They will glass you back.

They won, better start learning their language while you have a chance.

Not much you can do American. Fix your multicultural demographics first you stupid mutt.


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Stop doing business with China! That's how!!!! But you're too greedy, so it will never happen!!!!

Instead of mocking us we should be helping each other

>Don't kick a man while he's already down

China is our only hope. They may show mercy and spare whites when they launch their smart bioweapons in 2050

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They sided with the South African government and also have a growing presence in the Americas. In the US and Canada it is known, but in recent years their presence in Latin America has skyrocketed. Hell, our presidential elections are in October and there's a candidate who has openly admitted being supported by China, not to mention the countless "Confucius Institutes" in college campuses shamelessly promoting CCP talking points

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The chinese will solve the china problem, by eating each other

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You cant. Western Civilization is gonna collapse. And dont act so high and mighty when Western colonial powers were doing just as scummy shit. The world is just turning, you had your time in the sun but now night approaches.

>>getting into CRISPR and will be making super humans soon

this shit fucking terrifies me

while white countries will continue getting browner and browner, the chinks will start producing superhumans that are extremely intelligent, good lucking, tall, strong, etc.

we're losing the genetic battle and not a single word is being said about it. China better give me a genetically engineered chink waifu or else I'm going to revolt against the upcoming colonial Chinese government of Canada.

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>this slide thread again
how does this board continuously fall for the same slide/bait threads every fucking day?

do you all have room temperature IQ? so much for the master race. /leftypol/ may be slow but at least we stay on topic

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China is also investing in Turkey and already has deals in place with Ethiopia, plus their neocolonialism.
>Chinese investment group Hong Kong China-Turkey Investment is reported to invest $200 million until 2018.

>In Turkey, US Loss Is China's Gain: With relations with the United States in tatters, the ‘Eurasianers’ in Turkey look to accelerate ties with China

Perhaps most famously, China is supporting Ethiopia's project to build a dam on the Nile that will heavily impact Egypt.

China should disintegrate and become smaller countries.
Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Uyghurs would want that! Nationalism ftw!

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Japan is a cucked US vassal, it won't do shit anymore. There's still hope for South Korea but it's very improbable. White people have to bring the fight to China. Or do like the Jews and pit the Pajeets against the Changs.

Your self destructive tendencies will ensure you don't actually reach all that you like to boast about, but issues like the South Africa affair are good to show people they should treat you like the scum you are, as if there weren't enough reasons before. I'm surprised you're not on mainland.

A total of 249 Chinese were lifted out of the riot-torn Solomon Islands within 24 hours on Sunday and some have already returned to China. The mission undertaken by the Chinese embassy in Papua New Guinea is timely and successful and has demonstrated the country's capability to deal with such emergencies.
Another example was the evacuation action carried out in Yemen in April 2015. Chinese government successfully negotiated with the government and the rebels-the Houthis. The Chinese frigates faced no obstacles in the 220-mile way to rescue, which shows that the Party and government are determined to shoulder responsibility.

Dat neutral non-intervention mianzi (face).

not everyone browses Jow Forums everyday.
>that one russian guy that posts a picture of a gun safe and says this is not okay
i see that thread at least a few times a week

Notice how threads like this are quickly slid while there are at least 8 identical alex jones threads up right now

If history is any guide, these are the signs of the happening when Chinese ethno-states fracture.
>Leadership is increasingly out of touch with the peasants/commoners, infighting at the top
>Lots of taxes, poverty and famine
>Weak against outside influences

The Talmudic fifth column advances.

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China's population is going to crash hard.

Pajeet vs Chang globalist simulation underway.

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Geopolitics involving nuclear powers, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe 2.0

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it'll level off, but there are way too many people for it to dip below 1 billion; barring some plague or something

China is unironically preferable to kikes and nigger hordes.
At least the chinks hate niggers.

chinas entire history is of revolt and rebellion, who the fuck cares what murica does? theyll die on their own

this reminded me of pic related

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>on Jow Forums
we'd have better luck posting some twitter screenshots m8

We need gore of the SA farmers and blow it up into Kony 2.0 stat

Dont buy anything made in China anymore, theyre assisting the SA government with this massacre.

Dont congregate with Chinese Americans anymore either. Chinese people arent welcomed in the states.

Yes they'll destroy themselves, but this is no reason to ignore their influence in the meantime. Just look at their absurd meddling in South Africa. For fucks sake, you're from New Zealand, they're invading your country and Australia by the thousands. Do you find it sensible to just sit back and wait for their suicide? Yes it will happen, but we don't know when, and it's at the very least foolish to think this abstains us of reacting at all to their moves

>Dont buy anything made in China anymore,
how do you plan on doing that? The components on the computer you're using right now were made in China. What needs to happen is a surge in anti-chinese sentiment, this will pave the way towards better policies. They are a naturally repugnant people, all that needs to happen is burst the normie bubble. And I think this bubble in particular will be much easier than the jewish one, chinks are much more brazen, they just proved it with South Africa. Let their arrogance expose them

Adapt or die.

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it's over

demography dictates they are going to rule the world

unless you manage to pull another military tech on the level of the nuclear bomb out of your ass, your best bet is to help prop-up India into a worthy adversary in the region (which is why Bush legitimized their nuclear program), but of course, China is already doing the same with Pakistan to counter this plan

Incorrect. The chinese are a huge problem for US Universities. The say this themselves with over 50% cheating their way into the uni without any tangible knowledge outside of china number 1

genetic bioweapons

Q predicted OP making this slide thread multiple times for the 5th day in a row

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not a single pitbull....

Why not check out the last 10 threads with this copy pasta and same replies from curry and gook niggers in every thread?

Those factories would have to move

Communism is a Jewish intellectual property investment.
(Chinese: 猶太人; pinyin: Yóutài Rén) in Mandarin Chinese. The term Youtai has a similar pronunciation to יהודאי (Yehudai)--the Aramaic word for Jew—and to Ἰουδαῖος (iudaios), the Greek word.

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BR flags rarely appear on China threads, but this one appeared at late hours saying chinks have already won... Do you happen to be a Chang by any chance? Perhaps you work with Ciro?
In any case, they've shown time and time again throughout their history that what they excel the most at is suicide, and they'll do it again. The issue we should be worrying with right now is how to minimize their influence in the meantime. Not having retarded border laws that allow them to pour into white countries like locusts is a first step, and it's a two targets with one stone kind of thing

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at least the thread can be used to discuss actual geopolitics. If you prefer to have 20 alex jones threads up at the same time feel free to be on your way

Fuck white people.

Let the crimes of the Jews be exposed to the Chinese people and let them take care of the forces of globalism.

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It's enlightening though how they come out with such articles to suggest that the chinese have no outside influences. Of course they're scum on their own, but as we have been discussing they are not by any means doing this all by themselves. they're a tool. This kind of article would never be published if the professor wasn't chinese. Not only that, but the professor wouldn't even be able to touch on the subject. This is a fine example of their intentions being very exposed

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Always point out to Chang posters that Putin's admitted 85% of the first Russian Government were Jews and that the Orthodox Church has re-opened investigation into the (((blood libel))) of the Tsars. Always, (((British Empire))) Rothschilds and House Sassoon for the Opium War against the Qing Dynasty.

This is something interesting I hadn't seen being brought up yet. It's worth paying attention to, I would expect that the likes of the Financial Times and Yale would rather pretend it didn't exist than acknowledging it in any way
Not taking the opportunity to make the other goyim destroy the shabbos goys.

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Russia is a funny case, it's hard to have meaningful discussion about them in this board. One of the only times I witnessed it was in russian hours some time ago when a bunch of Russian anons were arguing between themselves, and it seemed pretty convincing that the last Russian monarch who truly cared about the people was Ivan the Terrible's son, after that the dynasty changed.
China has a huge interest in eastern Russia, but in this case they would need to be in a much superior position, because only war can come out of this. I guess this could be why Russia wants to strengthen ties around the Iran area, to be an obstacle right in the middle of China's new silk road project. That if there are actual separate interests and both countries' ((leaderships)) aren't working together, of course.

The Chinks were supposed to build a canal in Nicaragua too. That wasn't officially the gov, but "chinese investors."

Even if it didn't happen, I was surprised Washington was so quiet. That was under Obama.

Hate china, sure, but chinks are the only immigrants who do any fucking work. That's why our economy isn't fucking dead.

Huawei 5g equipments just got blocked by the Australian gov. over security reasons. A lot of firms are spying for China and it will get worse.
I think a major conflict will erupt between the West and China within 10years. Germany, USA and Australia (among others) have alreade made ant-China policies this year.

I'm sorry, it's just facts. Economic power established soft/hard power capacities and demography is the primary component of economic power.

China and Russia are the natural geopolitical rulers of the world. If you knew an ounce of geopolitics you'd understand how anomalous the USA raising to superpower status is, and it's going to end sooner or later. Historically, China has been it's own worst enemy, the only thing that can stop them from ruling the world is themselves. Failing to accept this will only result in millions of lives lost in some pointless war.

Even with their problems, I do envy that the (((plan))) for diversification for Australia relies on a better group of foreign races than the Aztecs and Mayans we deal with in America. And we have it better than the Europeans.
>most palatable diversification

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But that's assuming they can just adopt foreign affairs with ease. Even the U.S. rose slowly over the course of 50 years from the Spanish-American war to WW2. For Westerners overall, global governance was a 500 year period with related political developments. There is no Chinese "commonwealth" and they'd need their own UN since they lack the human rights clout to overtake the current one.

They have this huge mianzi(face) complex that always translates into them being better than everyone else, quite similar to how leftists always virtual signal about having moral superiority, and anyone who disagrees is just a loser failure at life.
It's always fun to show the Jew-metzizah b'peh herpes article to Changs who think the world of how industrious, educated and family committed the Jews are, and then ask them, 这是科学 (This is scientific)???

pretty soon though, they'll stop buying our coal and the LNP will get fucked in the polls as the economy collapses, which will be great (not sarcasm)

because house prices will then fall and my generation will be able to buy a house with less than 400 years worth of salary

The key weakness of Chinese leadership was always to underestimate the foreigners, turn a blind eye to the rising poverty and up the repression of dissenting voices.
The leadership's attempt to copy Jewish tactics will only backfire and lead them to ruin.
What happens to mianzi(face) and guanxi(relationships) after the customers discover that in the long-run, they were sold cheap quality goods they had no means of paying off?

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Despite the issues with the Spratly Islands, it's well understood that China intends to raise to the status of super power slowly and quietly. They understand trying to play the part of world leader too early is dangerous, specially considering their internal challenges. For now just establishing economic dominance is enough. They'll dip into the waters of diplomacy and war progressively during the 21st century.

However, you cannot understate the power of their brand of authoritarianism. Unlike Russia, who tries to hide under a democratic veil, China simply doesn't give a fuck. Not only that, they openly argue that their system is better, less corrupt, more efficient. And no one is contesting this, because the Communist Party has indeed managed to lift a billion people out of poverty in the past decades. Today, their human rights violations are seen as a footnote in a great success story. If they start exporting their brand of autoritharianism unchallenged, for instance to Africa, they can gain diplomatic influence. There's also no telling how much they could advance technologically past the West without any of the ethical concerns into play.

But Taiwan and other neighboring countries have risen out of poverty with out Communist Party teachings. The did also have authoritarianism, but then transitioned to free democracies. China is demonstrably NOT less corrupt, and it's leadership like Xi is made up of nobles in all but name. I think it's pretty obvious they're of good intelligence and as a race don't need the Communist Party. They are long overdue for internal reforms.

It's amazing how many problems would have been solved if Axis had won ww2.

Good job china!

Degenerate cats belong on a cross!

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Their economy is in a slow state of collapse. Its a massive welfare state where they are literally paying people not to riot. The only thing keeping them afloat for the short term is massive fraud on every level of government. If USA wanted, they could embargo China and collapse them in a single generation.

How about helping india to become a superpower to counter india?

Send Engineers, modern weapons, Military and political advisors to help modernize india. Also send lots of money and white servants to india in order to thank them for their hard work. Yeah also only buy shit from india!

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