I'm a gook and I live in ChinkChongcouver. AMA

I'm a gook and I live in ChinkChongcouver. AMA
>70% chinks
>Over-priced housing markets and COC off the charts
>Drugs, AIDS, diseases, poverty rampant
>Traps are faggots.

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why don't you going back?

Because I'm broke and Korea would never accept me.

What do you think about Canada?

Job market here is awful

Wtf Korea is legit 1st world. Get some (((bucks))) together and save yourself.

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>What do you think about Canada?
Its a quasi-American state that is ruled by a corrupt leftist British parliamentary system that has failed.

>Job market here is awful
It is awful. I work 60 hrs per week with shit pay and I'm one of the lucky ones.

I get robocalls in Chinese all the time.


As much I hate Worst Korea, I would definitely go back if I had all the shekels. I originally wanted to go to Murica but you know...so yea. North America is in ruins.

So fucking annoying holy shit