Christianity is good for western society

>christianity is good for western society

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islam is the superior alternative, tbqh

I agree but it's not viable without turning Europe brown

Christianity is bad for any "society" because we are not to store our treasures in earth . And that's a good thing.

Christianity is Jewish

Truly one of the most retarded cults

Look man all I know is the less christian our society becomes the more fucked up it becomes.

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I'll just leave this here

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Christianity only weaked Europe and opened the doors for it to be possible for this all to happen
> Give to everyone who begs from you, and if a poor refugee takes away your goods do not demand them back. (Luke 6:30)
> But I tell you, do not resist a cultural enrichment. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, spread your buttcheeks for them also. (Matthew 5:39)
>Love your enemies, for if you kill thy enemies, they win! (Matthew 5:44)

Catholics and Orthodox Christianities incorporate many olden European traditions, the newer versions removed as many as they could. This is why protestant countries are even more degenerate and self hating than the rest of Christian countries, they are even more removed from their roots.

bro there wouldn't even be a europe without christianity. the fuck are you talking about. what's so bad about being nice to your neighbors and stuff like that?

>bro there wouldn't even be a europe without christianity
??? are you delusional or just being ironic

>merrylard "education"

who's being delusional here? why are you trying to dismiss a thousand years of european history like its meaningless?

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just look at the fucking numbers dude. I'm not saying correlation is causation but it's very clear that irreligiosity coincides with liberalism.

To answer your question there is nothing inherently bad about being nice to your neightbors. You can have that without Christianity.
One of the biggest problems with Christianity is that it's multicultural and multiracial by default, Christianity shuns anything that isn't Christianity, it devalues all native cultures and replaces it with this cult. Countless "evil pagan" traditions were forgotten because of Christians, countless pieces of wisdom were lost forever.

Europe existed long before Christianity spread. And if you are talking about civlization Christians didn't build that, Greeks and Romans were doing already doing it long before Christians even existed.

What does European history have to do with the veracity of the Christian religion? Do you dismiss classical Greek and Roam history as meaningless because you don't believe in Zeus and Apollo?

That’s not the important part. The anti corruption and pro reproduction parts are what’s important, much of which is included in the OT. Judaism and Islam are pro corruption and reproduction.

I probably read more greek mythology then you dude. these things are very important not just for me and you but for the culture at large, myth serves a purpose that we don't really understand. I don't literally believe that minos trapped greek children in mazes and devoured them but it speaks to a larger cultural issue that was going on at that time, specifically with human sacrifice and temple prostitution.

I don't know how but it's just so fucking obvious to be that as we get further away from our ancestor's cultural mythos the more our culture dies. I don't know what the fucking is going on but it scares me.

I don't think christians just invented civilization out of then air. the reason I value them so much is because they're a direct continuation of that old greek and roman tradition.

Believe in Jesus Christ. Reject niggers and other mud people coming in.

Christianity isn't a continuation of the old traditions. It replaced many of them, and the ones it couldn't replace were twisted and incorporated in.
The simple truth is, it's a foreign religion and does not care for European (or any) tradition.
That's literally going against Christian teachings

if they didn't care about old pagan traditions then why did they go through pains to preserve so much of it? I learn more about the ancient pagans on catholic forums than I ever can watching fucking varg videos.

>if they didn't care about old pagan traditions then why did they go through pains to preserve so much of it?
The pain wasn't incorporating the traditions, the pain was removing them. They had to make some concessions so people would accept Christianity. And don't forget later versions of Christianity almost completely removed these pagan traditions

>countless pieces of wisdom were lost forever

If you are by chance referring to the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, that was Muslims who did that. Aside from that Catholicism is legitimately a mix of Orthodox Christianity and all the good things of Paganism.

Aside from that, give me a few examples where "wisdom" was lost. I'm not even going to go into how one could possibly know of lost wisdom, if it is indeed, lost; you wouldn't know.

just as our Jow Forumsack friend tells us, that goes against christian tradition. The reason europe turned into christendom is because all these different language groups suddenly had a universal basis to operate on. the reason europe became so great is they could put aside their differences and work for a greater good, like crusading against jews and muslims and that kind of thing.

And they also all happened to be white.

jeremiah 48:10 Cursed be he that does the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed be he that keeps back his sword from blood.

>it's multicultural and multiracial by default
user, I

the language differences are stark though. I mean all the europeans still hate each other even today.

I'm just saying christianity gave them that edge in a very primitive time. it's not like america today where we have more whites than europe and all speak the same language.

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> it's not like america today where we have more whites than europe and all speak the same language.

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>The Faith of a Canaanite Woman Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.” Jesus did not answer a word. So his disciples came to him and urged him, “Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us.” He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.” The woman came and knelt before him. “Lord, help me!” she said. He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.

But hey there's some hope for you goys, Pope Francis said "Inside every Christian there is a Jew"

I believe it is.

Imagine what society would be like if we all prioritized having an intention of Benevolence towards ourselves and others. (Benevolence doesn't necessarily mean being a doormat, the most Benevolent thing in a situation can be making tough choices for yourself and others.)

Christ is an embodiment of the values of Empathy, Benevolence, Compassion, Generosity, etc.

Even with all it's flaws, at least the Church used to advise people to strive to guide their life by using Benevolence and Bonding as a value.

Status-Anxiety, Careerism, Materialism, and Promiscuity, tend to be the alternatives that emerge, when people don't use Benevolence, Empathy, Compassion, and Generosity to guide their lives.

Maybe this video will soften your angst against Christianity...

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