What is causing the increase in extreme fetishes in society?

Cuck porn, tranny, incest etc. How is this normal? Inb4 "internet porn". It's not that because Weimar Germany and late Rome were also similarly degenerate. It is a deeper spiritual problem.

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Before the porn was around, fetishists would just jerk off thinking about it, but it was always around. Just look at what weird shit the Greeks were into.

The west is simply declining. There's no unity within our countries anymore. Within one hundred or two hundred years, the east will probably be running the show.

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>What is causing the increase in extreme fetishes in society?
Excessive use of ponography contributes heavily to it, but I think the real problem is living in big urban cities, it's unnatural and messes with people's heads. Especially nowdays with all the constant noise and concrete jungle.

Well, it's quite simple.. Internet porn.

That's what is causing this mess. You ever wonder why every girl having sex these days is screaming daddy? Because of mainstream incest porn.

Reposting the same text with the same image is spam.

>Gonorrhea resistant to antibiotics
>Syphilis resistant to antibiotics
>Chlamydia resistant to antibiotics
>HIV evolving resistance to the special dozen drugs it took thirty years to develop
>HPV causing epidemic of head and neck cancers in men
>Congolese STDs flourishing in Minnesotan school districts
>Turkish STDs rampaging through Boston Swingers community
>Gates Foundation building smart dildos for developing world women
>Roastie teachers using burner phones and encryption to hide their infidelity and pedophilia
>Fetish, "BDSM" and "DD/lg" culture is now the norm for what is defined by cultist pornographers as "mainstream" sexuality
>Cock-sharing apps upend sexual hierarchy, with spinster-tier hamplanets commanding legions of desperate FinDom Sugar Betas
>Roasties sexual tourists purchase pregnancy insurance and get group rates for luxury abortions
>Every night, a new batch of germ warfare gets pumped yet again into millions of gaping roasties
>Pussy eating is still a thing

Attached: Project - Drawing 13245547460570311690.png (1600x2560, 116K)

>>HPV causing epidemic of head and neck cancers in men
>>Congolese STDs flourishing in Minnesotan school districts
>>Turkish STDs rampaging through Boston Swingers community
>>Gates Foundation building smart dildos for developing world women

What the fuck. Are these real?

Watch the mouse utopia experiment if you haven't already. It exposes civilization as the retarded meme that it is

It's the jews user, it's always the jews.

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