I mean that like there isn't even an actual person who plays "Alex Jones" as a character. His show has been 100% CGI from the start and I know this because I'm an expert at digital media forensics.
They edit him into footage of events, sometimes superimposing it over a person who was there so that when people react to that person it appears that they are reacting to """Alex Jones""" in the infowars (...dot) com footage. For example, the infamous triggering of Cenk Uyghur at that one political convention was actually done by Roger Stone. They edited """""Alex H. Jones""""" over him for the infowars (dot...) com footage.
Jason Richardson
this thread is only for people who have a hard time with facial recognition.
Hudson Campbell
Alex Jone's tranny porn wasn't the first time they fucked up and it wont be the last, vid related:
this is painful. Completely different jawline, different nose angle, different skin marks, different skin wear, different ears in everything but the outline, left is a much more symmetrical. How the fuck would his face and neck be thinner angled than looking straight? Are you blind?
Charles Miller
^ brainlet that doesn't know anything about makeup or cameras