Today will ironically have a huge impact on the fate of the white race considering how many millions of young whites...

Today will ironically have a huge impact on the fate of the white race considering how many millions of young whites watch this figth

Attached: ksi vs logan paul.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

lmao not it won't, what's currently happening in South Africa however will

Whatever component of the white race identifies with an e-celeb fight, I don't associate with

What does this fight have to do with race? Who ever wins/loses is just going to make up excuses.


>not wanting that degenerate paul to get fucked up even if it is by a nigger

too bad it's just a moneyshow

Isn't this someone who practices martial arts vs a jew controlled white goy? Of course the goy will lose that's the script

Logan is literally jewish

KSI will win
Jake Paul will win

There, don't even bother watching.

Logan actually has trained before. KSI has been boxing a little over/under a year

It's going to be about as real as WWE.


hmmm who win i wonder!!

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How is he jew controlled? Genuinely curious.

Attached: f46.png (735x593, 179K)

It's all staged!!!! All hype to get likes.

I like Logan Paul. He's white.

What's the ETA on the card starting?

>two ecelebs having a staged fight
>mattering to anyone

OK guy

oh look is this thread again
saged and reported

He's literally a jew

i hope you get killed by rock apes, FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

doesn't look like one, although i know absolutely nothing about that dude

I have no idea who those kids are.