Now the white genocide lies has been debunked in every mainstream media website, newspaper, tv channel etc.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I cant Tell if Your sarcastic but I do Agree Trump Made the Right Decision on this.

> debunked
Yeah, that's totally what the MSM does. Not push an agenda. Sage and hide.


I've seen some pretty funny debunkings, leftists can't win this battle, their only winning strategy was to hide the whole event from the public conciousness - which Trump has just negated.
>"Whites need to give the land back! Africa for Afircans!"

Their position is indefensible.

Na, you're just retarded. Malcolm Nance sets the record straight.


Unironically kys sheep

White South Africans are free to emigrate to any country in the world any time. They can even go work in places like Taiwan or Singapore very easily. They have visa-free travel to Ireland, Russia, Georgia, entire South America etc. Nobody's forcing them to stay there.

Reality is that many leave but then return because other countries are shit compared to South Africa.

>Afrikaans, Afrikaner population expected to boom

>South Africa's Afrikaans-speaking community is expected to grow to more than 7-million people by the year according to findings by the Solidarity Movement.

>According to Solidarity, the findings of their demographics research indicate that the exodus of white Afrikaans-speaking people to other countries is less than anticipated with many people seemingly returning home.

Attached: Coloured larping as white in China.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

This has to be a joke. South African legislated that all employment has to reflect the makeup of the nation. Meaning that they're all, by law, forced to have a low number of whites ans higher number of blacks. Fuck,these guys, not even gonna watch the rest.

I said white countries you goose.

Lmao. It's exposed the issues to millions of MAGA people who absolutely hate the mainstream media. Do you really think they're going to believe what the MSM is trying to sell?


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>very easily
Costs money to relocated unless you're given refugee status, which only Russia and Australia are doing. You still have to find a way there, and there are Afrikaans going to these countries as we speak, likely to increase as land expropriation starts taking effect (this will be done little by little, by all at once).

the only people who believe the MSM narrative are liberals, trump's tweet made white americans more racially aware

“Debunking” the situation in South Africa....
>MSM is truly the enemy of the people

Ireland is white, Russia is white, Georgia is white, Argentina is white.

There's even a community of Afrikaners who left South Africa after the Boers lost the Anglo Boer war living in Argentina still speaking Afrikaans.

Nobody needs refugee status to get a job in another country.

If you don't have viable skills that other countries need then you don't deserve to leave your country.

Lol this thread is hillarious. Thanks desus. Love, a white South African.

>argentina is white
>SA farmers don't deserve to leave their country, but they don't deserve to stay there either

Tell that shit to the millions of unskilled muslims flooding into Europe then, faggot. They need to go back

Like all of those "regugees" remaining unemployed with 0 skills under that me meme flag. You have to have some very impressive skills to have a foreign company pay for your relocation, and sure, it happens, but your left with dick if your skills are in agriculture with no compensation for land seizures (and no one will buy your land if don't have water). Currently, SA has a massive unemployment ate, compounding this problem. Your picking and choosing because you support the apologists of this situation. You're a cunt, and should be trade for one of them.

>Argentina is white

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Excuse me, Hannity is still the #1 show on cable & he hasn't debunked shit, Euro shill

whiter than u jamal

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Why is there this visceral desire to debunk and excuse the claim that the South African government is dangerous and doesn't like white people? Why must this one thing be shut down at all costs? What is the threat to these people?

>Expected to grow by 7 million

ahahahahhahahha that’s a lot of people who are going to die from starvation!

I want to start a fund for the farmers to salt their fields where people can donate watch a video of it being done and laugh as they leave SA knowing even if they get someone who knows how to work the field it would take time to unfuck the land and the house lol just pour cement down the drains and set a timer to fire blaze the house.

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Im just glad he got white supporters for his racist views. Turns out white people arent all that great after all.

honestly, a lot of white south africans are assholes. they've been coming to China teaching English and they harass Chinese men by yelling at them that they're fucking their women.

like this piece of shit always rubbing it in people's faces that he's hooking up with chinese women

Because it completely dismantles the entire leftist platform of privilege.
Whites being terrorized by blacks is the exact opposite of everything leftism teaches.
If this gets out and absorbed into the public eye, it threatens a very real avenue of getting votes.

>SA pres has literally said fuck white people lets take their land and supports people calling for their murders
yes totally bro

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I like how the white man got thicker calves, thighs, arms...

smaller dick though

>le 98% face
>makes a documentary exposing white genocide in South Africa that influences the most powerful man in the world, President Donald Trump:
>now working on a documentary to expose white genocide in Europe:

Attached: le98percentface3.jpg (419x697, 68K)

why do blacks look so much more skinny than whites? look at their legs


>le bbc!
literally only exists in porn and self reported studies.

the average dick size according to measurements in WashingtonDC is 5"
the average self reported size is almost 10"

Totally /ourgirl/

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Fuck off, faggot

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MSM has declared White murders in SA as "conspiracy" and no farm land is being seized.

thought they were wearing VB logos for a second

He's the slowest one though

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Malema's party has no power in South Africa. They have less than 10% of the vote.

Show your flag shill.

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yeah whatever helps you sleep at night

It must have made you upset when you learned about her based black magapede

sorry liberal chucklefuck - the world knows about the ongoing white genocide in SA and no matter how your (((MSM))) spins it the truth is out in the open.

Not really, i think of that as a simple youth mistake :)

Don't worry one bit shill, what you are doing for years now do not work at all. Now i'm just excited to see her new documentary.

You can go on and keep trolling now

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Funny, I left South Africa to get away from this shit, and you assholes are here claiming it's not true, why don't you fuck right off and stop listening to the Cape townian cucks.

Spoke to a former South African lady a few weeks ago. She's been living in Australia for ten years. She said at first it was really hard to get used to the low, shoulder height fence, lack or barbed wire at the top and lack of surveillance cameras.
Then she mentioned her fears for her sister who doesn't have enough money to get out. Then she mentioned how her sister was raped at knifepoint, brutally bashed and left for dead a few years ago.
She was surprised I knew what is going on in South Africa because of the media blackout in Australia.
We ironically laughed how it would be all over the media is colours were reversed.
It's a sad state of affairs in South Africa today.

>doesn't have enough money to get out.

Scum. If she can't even pay for her sister then she's scum too.

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I think the stuff the CIA is about to uncover is going to rattle a lot of people.

Trump didn't tweet that because of a TV show, he's the fucking POTUS.

The ideals of the rainbow nation are good ideals, and should rightly be pursued, but there have been some dark fucking shit happening under the table.

Very historic moment, more so than people realize.

Don't think there's a more powerful redpill than talking to SA diaspora.

Was her sister bred?
Did she cum during the hot gangbang?

Itt: shitskin diaspora behind memeflags


I've never met a racist Belgian before. It makes me think you're some slavshit or another east european. those guys are known for being racist.

>your last paycheck will receive a 10% reduction to cover your termination fees
>termination fees

I love that part. Jews jewing jews.

Yes there are white politicians and? They are certainly the minority by far

It's quite funny actually. He responded to Reddit taking their own site down when a post about SA became viral.

Ayy lmao youre retarded. Belgium is the most racist w-euro country shows up in every poll. Our far right party nearly become mayor in our biggest city.
Also, hating niggers doesnt make you a slav, it means you have common sense

The msm sealed their death all at once.

Once evidence starts compiling up of the massacre, the msm cant backtrack what they said. Destroying all their credibility at once.