What does Jow Forums think of her?


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She things her vagina is "God" because it gets her anything she wants.

This is some highly concentrated cancer


But c'mon, no Vagina is THAT good. Plus, she looks fucking 14.

>>unless Dan in the Van fucked her

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Long game psyop. New age shit. Think about Sophia. Even with all the truth out there about it, how do you think women who have been psyoped to go against their own biological imperative are going to come to terms with the fact Sophia created the demiurge by basically having the same kind of attitude many women have today? Most won't come to terms with it at all. They'll call it a psyop on womankind. They won't accept the truth.

desu i like her music

Who is this woman?

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She is a coal burner and all coal burners must burn. She also dies her skin to look more ethnic.



Shes a spic

Awful presumptuous to think a higher life form "is" human. (Not sure if it is the Bill Clinton use of the word "is")

A child femi-nazi who thinks she's a grown adult; her favorite word is "pussy."

She once went to a doughnut shop, licked a doughnut, then put it back. She's ruining music, and is a stain on America Culture.

She made this song to diss me.
The msm got scared how powerful Kek got

I got her old boss fired, Pedo Dan Schnieder by threatning to use him to desteoy Viaccom, and she and Nicki made a song about me called A Light is Coming back in May. She retweeted in April the Light is Cominnng as a reference to my +++ sigil.

But since i kept my anti- mutt stance she made that song as a response

you have a weak mind easily manipulated by the corporate music industry

She pushes jewish mysticism on the goyim, so she's definitely a psyop to degrade teenage girls. She also pushes turbo-sluttiness, but that's nothing new.

Kind of hot though.

Believing in one single god (monotheism) is inherently Jewish... I'll pass.

Gyocentric retard and kike mindslave.

she looks 14, but whatever pedo

God isn't real and Women aren't even people

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The same forgettable, corporate garbage the music industry churns out on a regular basis. I bet they even calculated how much publicity and revenue such a "controversial" title could generate.

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Just another spic (((celebrity))) mutt that will be cleansed in the fires of the eventual civil war

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I can't even listen to music from my own country, shit literally sounds like shekels shaking in a sack made of foreskins


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I think god being a woman makes a lot of sense given how fucked up everything is.

Pure arrogance. Wannabe false idol.

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man our culture is just absolute trash these days. I really hate everyone.

Written & producer by a man


Looking forward to the A Call For An Uprising video

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why do they do this?

Digits actually explains a lot about life

They are larpers. They include demonic imagery from religion completely opposed to each other

did he tell them this?

I don't care but the fact that i'm writing this says otherwise. So i care enough to write this but not enough to talk about the current topic.

Sad that she didn't join our red pill team. I mean a Muslim refugee exploded himself at one of her concerts and it seemingly had no effect on her. She's lost.

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She has the blood of 21 of her fans on her hands. She should be reminded of this at every opportunity

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this lol. 21 spamming should be a thing. just post 21 and that's it.

The fact that she is creating a storm over Hudson bay bothers me, a lot.
But its nothing I really want to talk about. However, the flood of Zeus is coming.

I know right
Those Queens of the Stone Age guys got red pilled real quick, probably still redpilled to this day

Maybe the number of dead has to be above a certain threshold?

All the writers and producers are men, unless you believe that Ariana did shit. Which I don't.

>She has the blood of 21 of her fans on her hands

Of course she does, she revels in it, they were a sacrifice.

she doesn't really care, she just wants victimhood and attention. you think she was really crying as she typed that out? maybe but she doesnt give a shit ok

The fact this image is the album cover conveys the desire to normalize several degenerate concepts

She adopted Kabbalah as her religion because she didn't like how Christianity is mean to gays. Madonna tier dumb cunt.

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I didn't think you were allowed to follow kabbalah until you were old

>Of course she does, she revels in it, they were a sacrifice.
Fact Check: True.

her theology sucks


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The next time a bomb goes of at one of her concerts I hope it blows her arms and legs off.

fucknugget grande could be sexy

nigger music

A Muslim should kill this bitch

>world degenerating down the drain
Yep, yep.

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Stop bragging, Dan.

Song is redpilled as fuck.
She's basically letting everyone know that beta males put pussy on the pedestal and worship them. A true social commentary

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I don't think about her. Fuck off.
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>hair conveniently placed over armpit to hide nasty black minority stubble

Every fuckin time. Why do brown women have nasty armpits lads?

All your music is either low tier niggers or south americans, with niggers low hum "dark" bass sound , literally in every "song". you are a condom nation. hand the niggers condoms not music. And ariana has some nice voice (or it's the editing god knows) but she's stupid like every that comes out of the west that mixes sex with everything no wonder your people are so retarded and cooperate with low lifes.

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whats wrong with her hips that she has to always have some weird device or camera angle hiding them?

If god was real and female I doubt it would look like anything like a human female, maybe some amorphous blob of tentacles and shrieks which births countless lifeforms by the second in different dimensions at the same time.

bit cringe tbqh

Srry m8

Phone was cucked for a second

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>>left agendas
>>left politics in the entertainment industry
>>social commentary through said entetiaintment

Judging by your first comment, I'm willing to bet you don't even know what you're talking about. Go back into the basement

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"I don't think about her. Fuck off."
Maybe if you'd observe what I actually brought up, and what we're talking about, you would have a little bit more of an understanding of why I posted this here. You fucking cuck


go watch more trash pop music videos you brainlet

This is the funniest thread on this site. You all are such losers. Just shoot up a school already and stop bitching about anything you can get your hands on.

Why would I want to?

They're trash.


"you guys need to go shoot up a school."

nice reply, 12 year old edgelord

They're non-existent clearly a dude or (s)he fractured them


shes actually a wop


Not as sexy as Nasim. That's why they allow it to stay on jootube.

Labia Grande

>clearly a dude fractured them

Big Sean is called 'Big Sean' for a reason

Deport to North Africa.

Typical reard woman acting like a puppet of "them"

Also "muh native murrican" but she is almost 100% italian.

Man, is it just me or is there more and more satanic/demonic imagery being pushed into society everyday.

Protect me from these demons Lord

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I wager Slaanesh is behind this!

The song is metaphorical and pertaining to sex. She's not actually saying the literal God of the universe is a woman.

ITT: tons of this

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>Man, is it just me or is there more and more satanic/demonic imagery being pushed into society everyday.

Not just you, have noticed the same thing. Some kind of demonic force is at work, trying to hijack our souls into slavery.

been out for a while

>Groove Coverage: "God is a girl"

>Ariana Grande: "God is a woman"

The only thing that changed is you became more sensitive to this shit.

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I think her holes are pretty loose since Dan " thick as a coke-can" been there

Slaanesh spawn. Burn the heretic.

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I'm so tired to see those fucking female narcissists everywhere.

Why does music suck so much knowadays?