Remember this?
Dare you to find another face of mongo, the creature.
lost hard.
Remember this?
Dare you to find another face of mongo, the creature.
lost hard.
Why doesn't she ever show the mongrels face?
Why? Because is a fucking shame.
That shame
She got BLACKED and it shows on the child's face.
I found one of sorts
you're right...always the side or back or the kid looking down. This is the closest I could find.
It actually looks like an albino mutant mutt. Fucking poles in uk are the worst
Kurwa mac!!!
ay dios mio, el luz extinguida! que feo mamá
Since you want to see her face.
Debunked. The child is beautiful.
How did her little ogre get blonde hair? I mean the ogre has dark brown skin with blonde hair looks like a fucking ugly combo.
Source it because that kid's skin color looks absolutely nothing like any of the ones of the kid on the instagram.
Weird, all I see is a young, fit, capable mother providing a comfortable lifestyle to her daughter. What difference does it make if the dad isn't around? Are you this desperate to make a black joke? Grow up, incels.
I can't imagine what sort of asshole regularly uses a site like that. Her posting a picture of her dinner every night is bad enough but there's actually who follow her and enjoy seeing it. I can sort of understand on some level why people enjoy the workout pictures but they all look the same.
She clearly doesn't want anyone to see her nigglet's RADICAL BATBOY VISAGE.
See video @ 4.20 for the Coalburner's Lament: "I'm so upset because she looks like Nigger, she has Nigger's lips and Nigger's nose, I hope she has at least something like...some features from me."
>what is lighting
You could sweep a chimney with that mongrel's head.
blue eyes, pale skin, blond hair. The savior of white race.
So which video is it? Even the video on Instagram have dark brown skin on the girl whether indoors or outdoors. Give me a source.
Mexican photoshop ftw
Oh fuck that one is great and accurate.
Here's what your kid could have looked like you vile monkeyfucker.
I prefer the "random" shoop
Holy shit. Jow Forums and dailystormer destroyed her.
Jow Forums's lack of empathy is reaching critical chang
Can't you imagine how badly she must want to just drown that thing in a sink? It must keep her up every night. C'mon.. just..have some sympathy
Revulsion is the natural response to filth
No. Toll must be paid.
i've been here too ,ong
That's the nice lady from poland. She has a youtube acc
She did this entirely on her own free will. She made her bed and has to deal with it. She is still fucking niggers. Look at her instagram there is like 4 pics of her in the last year all with a different nigger.
Leave the kid alone you psychopaths. She's done nothing wrong or hurt anybody
or else?
post the unedited version
Her child is actually beautiful.
Why is everyone here trolling her?
Lost hard
dios mio....!
The shitshow that started here,because of a edited photo.
Your a Mestizo. Id expect you would sympathize with this little girl. This is going too far. This is nigger-tier behavior desu
those polish genes are strong as fuck, white skin and light hair... we sure the nigger wasn't cucked?
>colonialism is beyond my limited comprehension
Blacks are always lighter as babies when they got older their skin gets darker. Check out the Instagram the kid is dark brown now.
it's not trolling when it's true, nigger
someone put a switch on it
Polish husband/polish wife,polish baby...Wtf is this thread trying to achieve?With all those bad edits?
it's not gone far enough
Disgusting things have to be mocked, if they aren't then people think it's normal, or the 'norm' and continue to do these vile practices.
We aren't psychopaths, we truly care.
I wonder if when she sees the sun glinting on the golden hair and sparkling eyes of a White child then looks at her genetic abomination ( basically an upright turd with a brillo pad perched on top) she realises that Hitler was right.
I dare you fags to scroll down her instagram and look at the shit she posts.
These people are absolutely disgusting. Their lives are empty. I know people like this, they basically live their entire life looking for the next thing they can post on social media.
These people are so boring, so vapid, completely meaningless lives that will never go anywhere. The best they can come up with is posting their shitty food and taking selfies.
damn, poor kid didn't deserve this. no planned parenthood in the UK she could have gone to?
T. Ogre de las americas
I'm a mestizo? how do you know? if I were a mestizo, what sort of "guilt" or "shame" do you expect me to have to feel something for that fucking ugly abomination?
she isn't dark brown at all...
The mutt babies always look so aged..
Idk man, it just feels wrong.
The Eye of Soros!
>She's done nothing wrong
she is the product of a nigger and one of our women, she is disgusting
Oh never mind didn't check the instagram before posting,my bad.
If that's a albino mixed race child and if it's true...
That thing is hideous.
Burn the coal...
she's a sad mutant but she's not dark brown, memeflagger israeli
Of course,probably no white man gets 10 feet close to her after the meme
Let me guess you are Latino and think you are white?
For Whom The Coal Tolls.
There was a white woman in the US I think who recently murdered her 2 mixed race kids (to a black guy) and then she hero'd herself.
When I read about it, all I could think was she probably came across pol or YT comment sections and became black pilled.
Men prefer debt-free virgins without Instagram accounts (and mutts)
she will be