Wouldnt it be fun to kidnap and torture fuckin high school assholes in a giant house in the plains...

Wouldnt it be fun to kidnap and torture fuckin high school assholes in a giant house in the plains , itd be all the high school sluts and jocks and popular greedy assholes and just fucking torture them then blow off their damn heads . HA! if only...

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YES IT WOULD BE FUN. Entitled sons of bitches.

This is what a spook looks like

You need a hug.

>Ok Rob Zombie...

So how much do you get paid at the FBI

Hey OP. I'm just popping into this thread to let you know that when Israel gets invaded you and your whole family are gonna die. Good night.

Fuck you on?

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I would rather do what pic related did

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O I get it

ReblDomMakr was one of Eric Harris usernames

Jow Forums is a board of peace. Go watch some moe anime agent, it calms the soul, if you still have one. I can't imagine your pension funds to be anything other than shit if this is the kind of "work" that you do.

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Good idea mate but i like my plans meticulously handled.

Now I would love to fuck some high schooler but not for your reasons OP. Just because they teased you is no reason to be like this.

No bitch i need people to die

The fuck is your angle? You seem like the new guy with a beard in high school asking around for weed.

Nothinnn but anger

Shutcho bitch ass up nigger

No, violence isn't the answer.
You only seek revenge, you should kill yourself.


the absolute state of fucking faggots


Im gonna after.

Oh its a complete reason. Bring on the pain hehehe

I don’t care bitch

So sayeth the leaf

I remember when I was 14 too and had these stupid fantasies too. MODS underage BAN

Go be a nigger somewhere else

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Creative bait

You're fucked mate.
You can make adult friendships with your old high school colleagues. Adulthood kinda smooths things out.

Chill out user. When you are in high school, it seems like the most important time in your life. When you get older, you won't give a shit at all. You probably won't even remember most of their names. It's only 4 years haha. It's literally nothing.