Thinking of giving up on college and going straight into the military. Is this a shitty idea?

Thinking of giving up on college and going straight into the military. Is this a shitty idea?

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only one way to find out!

No, it's a great idea!

You should enlist too! Become a real man.

>Is this a shitty idea?

Only if you have an IQ above 95. Otherwise, it's your best bet

Low roll I go die in the sand, high roll I won't starve when America starts killing itself lmao

Enjoy boot camp, I suggest you pick a non combat MOS

Enlist in guard, go to college after basic and mos school while at the same time do rotc and become an officer after graduation = leave school with degree, no debt and good paying job for 6 to 12 years or more, or go career and retire at 40. Seems like a good idea.

Online iq test says I'm 120, not sure how reliable it is. I don't see why that would hurt my experience though

get some training before the civil war and you might survive

found the jobnik

Yeah. Sell your soul, kill some civilians, never feel good about yourself for the rest of your life. All round great idea.

>go military
>serve 4-6 years
>go back to college with GI BILL
>finish degree
>go back to military as an officer
>serve 30+ years

IQ tests are bullshit. Here's what you do:
Join the Air Force, and try your damnedest to get stationed at Vance AFB. Yeah, it's a fucked up location (Enid, Oklahoma -- Tulsa and OKC are in driving distance, so it's not too bad on the weekends). At Vance, you'll have the federal government picking up 75% of your college education, and Enid picks up the remaining 25%. This is how I got my degree 100% debt free.

Military is at least honest work.
College students are parasites.

If you’re a brainlet or poor, it’s not the worst idea ever.
If you have any future without the military don’t join the military. If you have no future it can be better than being a loser failure.

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no. get it all out of your system, then you can chill the fuck out and do the college thing. many guys fuck up in college because high test and endless energy

The post may have been intended as ironic, but the flag to post ratio tells you all you need to know, OP.

How about joining the Merchant Marines instead?
You will still get paid to travel the world, and you have a significantly lower chance of being killed by sandniggers fighting in a war which kikes started.

>Online IQ test

>I dont see why it would hurt my experience

Because one of the best ways to cope with being surrounded by retards is to also be a retard

>high test and endless energy

That's a weird way to say "brainlet"

Do it and use the system to your advantage, unless you have better options.

Depends on what you're studying man. The hard truth is that most college degrees are worthless now but yet leave the student strapped with terrible debt in most cases. Conversely, military life is no cake walk, but also doesn't exactly teach you many marketable skills in most cases. Could it be worth it? Sure you could serve and then use your GI benefits to pay for college late, but remember you're only young once, so weigh your choices carefully.

Pasta from earlier this year:

Yeah I'd really love to live in a small hut with dozens of sweaty niggers, Mexicans, and farting hicks. It would be awesome to learn how to take orders from fat black women awhile being paid prisoners wages. Then you get to do jumping jacks and jog around till jews need to buttfuck something, so they order you to go stomp around like a dumbfuck in some clueless goat herder country until a desperate starving teenage boy plants a homemade bomb under the port o potty at the Burger King at the base, which blows up, ripping open my leg and asshole. And that's when I get to shit in a colostomy bag with tubes up my butt cause my rectum was shredded by nails blasted from the IED. My mom then gets to run antibiotic cream on my bleeding, chronically infected anus for 4 years till the VA pulls my number and does a piss poor surgical procedure that causes me to walk with a limp and shart bloodfarts every time I go to bed, but it doesn't matter cause they give me buckets of jew manufactured opiates for the unremitting pain and I get addicted to pills and die of a fentanyl overdose at a shelter one year later. Oh, and my girlfriend left me for a dude with a normal job years ago awhile I was stomping around a sweltering foreign desert like a dumbfuck achieving nothing cause army fags are statistically highly likely to lose their women due to the fact they're gone for months at a time getting orders from Jamal and getting paid nothing awhile dying for Jews and apparently women find that unattractive.

Yeah dude GO ARMY!!! USA!!! USA!!!

Become a NEET and train in military skills from youtube videos.

op, canuck here is dropping truth bombs. being in the muhreen infantry was the worst time of my life and I scored 3 pts off max. it was painfully obvious that i was a lonely autist virgin who didnt fit in. that being said as far as how fucked up they were it was a perfect fit, pol tier in that regard. but if you have even an ounce of brain youll lose your mind in the day in day out bullshit and fuckery of enlisted life esp being a fuckin 03 like in my case

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finish college and go in as an officer. don't give up college to be enlisted. officer is 8 years and it's the same (training takes forever) if you want to be special ops like pictured.

From what I'm hearing it's hard to die in the sandbox nowadays, MOS has to be very in demand.

You can become special forces if you enlist as an officer?

OP, don't do it. I serve in the Army during the surge. Fuck this country. If you are a Christian, or love white people, your will not waste your life serving this country.

I don't regret being a soldier, but I regret serving (((America))). I pray that Muslims kick the faggot loving, anti-Christian US out of the middle east. 17 years of conflict and this faggot loving country has yet to force it will on Afghanistan. Sorry, but Its US policy that we need to expand sodomite, anal tearing rights, The backward secret goat fuckers of the middle east aren't having it and managed to stop the "most powerful nation on earth"

But I guess if you love gays, and like sucking jew cock. Go serve.

Its a good idea. 4 years of college gets you debt and a worthless degree. 4 years of air force got me $80,000, got half my bachelors degree done for free, the air force taught me Korean, and i still have my gi bill.

>chair force.

The worst of wellfare queens. You guys are not really serving the country, You are white niggers who collect a check for the most joke standards of any group. GI bill is pretty great. Its a shame the Faggot loving US will come to an end in our life. Or is it a shame?

Even better, stay in for 20 and retire while youre still young. Military will give you enought money to start a family. It will be hard but youll have enough extra time for yourself for a hobby, school, or dating.

Why does guy in pic have full beard? Beards are prohibited in the military.

Can confirm. Had a coworker do that. He got a BS in compsci, 100% paid for by the USAF.

Dont let idiots like this guilt you into joining the army or marines unless you have double digit iq.

This is why you join the air force, coast guard, or navy. Not the army or marines.

Only advantage is Army gives you a guaranteed job in a specific position as long as you pass IET on time. Scholarships can also be hard to come by for Chair Force unless you're in a pilot slot.

You learn a lot in the military, I'd reccomend it. Also, if you go to uni after, you have to larp as if you have ptsd and only use military clothes and always carry a big jug of water around

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no you faggot, I wish I could join the US army and kill some mudslim and niggers

We will need trained soldiers in the future. Do it!

Ask your recruiter to take the foreign language proficiency exam. Was in training for 2 years in training and only had to actually work 2 years, and half of those 2 years were getting certifications and stuff.

People may say youre a welfare queen, i say as a white man this is your way to make the system work for you like it should.

Mosy abject degenerates get kicked out btw. There are some weirdos who thrive, but its a minor accomplishment to not get in trouble year after year. I'm not saying there's no degenerates but it's below avg. And no fat people.

It's welfare for white people essentially, especially NG/Reserve units.

>And no fat people.

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But wait, there's more. Go take some flying lessons. This will make you much more attractive to the air force before you join up.

>Is this a shitty idea?
pretty much

Not mentioning what youre in college for
also none of the user faggots mind to ask

>online IQ test
youre a halfwitt mate,

If you're stupid enough to come up with it, you're stupid enough to do it.

Shitty idea.

t. milfag with college degrees

Very stupid idea which you'll regret for the rest of your life as you're stuck doing shitty low paying working class jobs for the rest of your days. Even if you're studying a meme degree you could still land a cushy meme job in HR or something. If you're dead set on the military why not finish college and go in as an officer? too many white people are ending up in the powerless bottom tiers of society due to fucking laziness while Shlomo, Pajeet and Zhang are acquiring all of the powerful positions in society.

>Is this a shitty idea?
you'll get a better rank going to college first

>I pray that Muslims kick the faggot loving, anti-Christian US out of the middle east.
the plan is for the mutual destruction of the muslims and political zionists

what did you plan for a college major? do you think you're ready for college? sucks to say now that i was not ready until some time later. if so, this might be for you

Sure, if you like killing people for the glory of Apartheid Israel and so they can steal more land.

And help Wall Street keep dictators in place so that nation's natural resources can be looted.

Don't think it's about fighting for freedom and democracy, that's the biggest line of BS around.

Pic shows a typical day at work for you.

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pattern recognition validation is only factual if a fat guy is sitting across from you at $400/hr

those shitskins would have died anyways who's to say what

You're a good little commie fag.

Unfortunately most troops never get the opportunity to kill any brown people :(

>killing brown people
>for an apartheid state
>typical workday includes killing children

sign me up

I met a reservist in college who carried a jug of water around. Can someone explain this shit?
Also the guy was a total faggot and wouldn't shut up about being a reservist and called people "non-serves."

not the worst idea. if it really sucks, you can leave--it's not like you're forced into slavery. people join and don't like it and leave all the time. others find it's pretty dope and worth the pay and lifelong benefits. bear in mind there will be a lot more shitskins than you probably expect though.

you drink 4 llitres a day youre healthy as fuck you can take whatever

It's because you get fucked by the officers if you don't have your water, though most people larp it to appear hardened

>Was in training for 2 years in training and only had to actually work 2 years, and half of those 2 years were getting certifications and stuff.

i hope english isn't your first language, because you write it like a fucking idiot.

Im smarter than you so its fine.

youre just saying that because your military is cuckteir run by the US
The US millitary is a great thing do if not for just a few years. Looks fuckin great on a resume.

If I enlist as an officer in the military after getting my college degree, will the military help pay off my student debt?

learn a trade or work some shitty steel mill job until you can afford to become a pilot then move to alaska and buy a bushplane. thats what im doing. in my mind at least

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>throwing your life for Israel LITERALLY


yes. you can always do stupid shit later

I'm in for architecture and Chinese, not the most militarily useful subjects, I know

friend enlisted in air force, stationed in bumfuck north dakota for 6 years guarding missles, finally got out with 30k in debt somehow, could have gone to iraq but refused to take language classes, not the brightest bulb

>too many white people are ending up in the powerless bottom tiers of society due to fucking laziness while Shlomo, Pajeet and Zhang are acquiring all of the powerful positions in society.

wisdom. video game aftermath

I don't mind the shitskins most of the time irl. If they have a sense of American identity, they can be great friends. Iirc, military service tends to make people less racist towards the group's they serve with also. (More racist towards Muslims. Bc muslims)

Absolutely. Any enlisted will tell you you're retarded.