Removal of womens rights

Over the years women have been given too many rights without accepting the responsibility of what those rights mean. There are women whose only use in society is to be used by men and as such shouldn't have the same rights as a normal citizen. Their right to vote, education and freedom from slavery are such things that need to change.

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Which responsibilities havr they not accepted?

>Removal of womens rights
Women's rights are not the problem but rather the women themselves. Women are been trash all along the only thing that changed is they were given the go ahead to be their true trash selves.

The only right a woman should have is the right to have her feet sucked by me

Good idea. The notion would sexually stimulate them into accepting their place as our indentured servents.

t. incel

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people who don't work, pay taxes, or own property should have no right to vote

All of them, a society that gives its citizens such freedoms and protection needs to be maintained. The individual has to contribute to that society in some way, when you have women demanding more rights then what they're offering in return become a burden to others that have given to support the society/community around them.

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They contribute more than men.

Yes, and what are you going to do about it faggot?