post 'em, and roast him
Alex Jones Memes Thread
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Since when is jacking it to trannies gay
Most people on Jow Forums like traps and still hate faggots
this. you can't judge a man by his fetishes. watching violent porn doesn't mean you're a rapist and watching trap porn doesn't mean you're gay
but sperging out over degeneracy then jerking to gay trannies makes you a hypocrite
Well, fuck.
>gay frogs
How quickly you turn against your allies...
"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone."
i used to tell people to watch his show. damn, i hope they dont think im gay now.
Traps are gay
this is a shill thread, sage and drop red pill instead
yes, absolutely. he's a hypocrite but he's not gay
david knight speaks out against trannies more than alex, though
no wonder he wouldn't touch the (((establishment)))
He was not /ourguy/ after all
Anyways we can spin this around as something pozzitve ( pun intended ) since they will shit on him for having a faggy fetish and we can push the message that left is really out for everyone to the right of marx
It's already been stated that the left will only attack this incident to show AJ's hypocrisy. NOT because he may have gay tendencies.
Remember. Shills, shareblue threads, organized smear campaigns and disinformation is a conspiarcy GOYIUM.
Sage this fucking shit.
I feel bad that his career ended so badly. Divorced, deplatformed, then outed as hypocritical degenerate
yes he is a hypocrite, a degenerate, he doesn't touch serious matters
And he still gets shut down violently
Much like robinson, the person doesn't really matter we should just talk about the action of censorship
free bump.
get ready to have a shitload of shills replying.
LOL you seem to think the left actually believes in the crap they peddle, leftists are actually the most homophobic people you'll meet
I feel bad for his ex wife too.
Yeah okay. I'll take your word for it.
Most people jacking it to trannies and femboys are just hetero losers that jack off 10 times a day till the point where normal shit just doesnt cut it anymore
turning the freaking frogs gay will not age well brahs
He drank too much tap water
"I'd like to mention a new sponsor"
>then outed as hypocritical degenerate
In what regard?
Did you hear about the tranny porn? I didn’t believe it at first, but there’s no denying it. It’s still on
>accuses other people of being trannies (Michelle Obama for example)
>uses terms like "demon trannies"
>get's caught looking at tranny porn
Is that good enough for you?
How is that being a hypocrite?
>t. never watched InfoWars until the media told him to be outraged
>t. has actually watched InfoDerps for almost 10 years off and on
Sorry about your luck buddy.
Alex Jones is one of (((them))) faggot
S to spit on Jones's grave
L to loot a water filter
You're just upset he won't name the Jew.
Stay mad wh*Tey.
Don't want to turn into a tranny. Oops, I still did. Damn.
Nice deflection after I proved he's a hypocrite.
He would make fun of trannies like a normal person in public, but in private he watches tranny porn.
I hope he says that someone was trolling him and opened that tab on his phone right before he went on air.
So just like everyone else?
Wow, imagine my shock.
>inb4 you deny it
No dude, not everyone watches tranny porn, alot of people here don't even watch porn
>feeling bad for his kike exwife
fuck off shill
JIDF doesn't even try to gide it anymore
Say what you will about them, I'm interested to see TYT roast his ass over this.
His kids too. They must be so ashamed
>chunk yugur outed as a sexist with masculine bravado and jones outed as having a gay fetish
This timeline is full of surprises
It's amusing to see trumptards suddenly defending tranny porn.
OP is gay
What are all of the glow niggers trying to do with all of these Alex Jones threads today?
Yes, indeed.
stop the alex jewns threads that shuoldnt be posted on here in the first place every day before this one because noone gives a fuck
It's a pretty bigone for a conspiracy theorist to ignore, you jew.