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what a racist study

I guess Swedish women got what they wanted, real men to fuck them good; they may agree ideologically with the European untermensh, but know deep know they are not worthy of procreating.

It's so bizarre because Sweden has allegedly one of the most feminist governments in the world, women have more rights than men over there. They are all about womanhood and women's causes and free abortions and all that.

Yet they import thousands of migrants, who proceed to rape them, and then they cover it up and betray their fellow women. Why? It's like feminism has nothing to do with women's rights, but is in fact designed to deny native white men sexual privileges in favor of an invading force.

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This, except [no data]

Voluntaree sex is a relatively new invention, women there wete just following their instincts and need to be dominated.

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Women are more emotional and have no in-group preference like men. Your typical person is stupid or borderline stupid (and democracy is shit in general), it's just that the female brand of stupidity is more damaging to the nation.
Christianity introduced the concept of requiring consent to marriage on the woman's part. In practice this was often not the case, but ideologically that's where it started.

I don't believe a more punchable face can be proven to exist.

>Showing anything but cold indifference

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Oh, no. This was unexpected.

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>they are armed to the teeth ready to kill you if you so much as do the wrong thing

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well wait until you see our prime minister

This is kind of thing one should see when they look up that whore killed by the spic

You may see rapists, but I see future doctors, engineers, and scientists.

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Sweden will learn a hard and tough lesson. Let them ruin their country, if this is what they want, but leave us normal countries out of this mess.

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the real crime is that they didn't write 4 out of 5.

the NRM dropped a database dump on Jow Forums not long ago. You could see almost 95-98% of the sexual assaults had MENA names. I Think I found one ethnic swedish name.

Remember the mudslimes that raped and streamed over Facebook? They all changed their MENA names to nordic sounding names, you could see that in the court orders.

the biehl one makes me physically ill. those people are not fit to live.

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Don't care

Wouldn't care if it was the same here either

> They all changed their MENA names to nordic sounding names, you could see that in the court orders.

They really should make changing name illegal unless in extremely peculiar circumstances which warrant such an action, because that kind of shit is straight up dishonesty.

In a couple of years from now people are going to be asking questions, how could this happen for so long? 30-40 years. And who could benefit from destroying Sweden?


t. Pic the face who researched invader crimes for 35 years and still pushes socioeco reasons for invaders to rape.

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Q predicted this

Same. Part of me wants to think that it's a charade and there's more beneath it, but man...

And 2 out of 10 rapes are carried out by native niggers. And the sun is hot, did you know?


Hungary is a shithole compared to Sweden still

Oh stupid Jow Forums... its 50% only. 1 in 2 rapes are committed by swedes. That proofs they are therefore same.... equally bad. Why are YouTube guys so stupid.

> t. phone boster

There's literally nothing wrong with Swedish women playing out their rape fantasies with Muslim BBC

Actually no, in this particular study they define foreigners as people born outside of Sweden, meaning that swedes doesn't commit half of the rapes since second generation immigrants are included. The real numbers are even worse.

>1 in 2 rapes are committed by swedes.
"per capita" is a racist concept.

You're retarded Austriabro. You should have really looked into the data base dump.

Give it a couple of years and they will have to release the ethnic of each perpetrator.

It's probably gonna look something like

Foreign born, or 1 or more foreign born parent.

70-75% Rapes by immigrants.
90-95% Assault rapes by immigrants
95-98% Gang rapes by immigrants.

How many are real rapes, not including "I slept with this sexy foreigner, was found out and wanted to save my reputation" rape?

feminism and Islam are similar ideologies.

they're both fruit of the same tree.

It makes sense once you finally accept women's true nature

correct and incorrect

Yeah and I bet the other 2 out of 10 are 'Swedes' born in Sweden but of foreign origin, they don't get counted in immigrant related crime.

>How many are real rapes, not including "I slept with this sexy foreigner, was found out and wanted to save my reputation" rape?
those 2 rapes that are performed by native swedes are the ones were the girls regretted sex with a guy

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>80% of rapes
>50% of rape convictions


In their research they went on court orders with a conviction outcome. So all of them. 100%.

But it's a small data point, it's roughly 400 cases over a couple of years.

If real research on large scale data would be done the real truth would be revealed.

Dude women love rape. Every time they pick up a paper and read a story about a 13 y/o that got her head beaten in and holes stretched out by a gang of swarthy desert dwellers they become horny and self-insert. They then use their newfound leverage from their suffrage to turn their sexual fantasy into political action.


Hungary is the best country in Europe by far

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Do you know who Trudeau is??

interesting theory but it sounds more like self loathing that drives them, than sexual fantasy.

>8 out of 10
Pretty sure that's only first generation immigrants, and that muslims who are born here count as swedes. Swedish forum Flashback have a thread where they tried to dig up as many gang rapes as possible where most or all (don't remember) rapists were actually swedes. Last time I looked they had actually managed to dig up a single case, from the 80's I believe.