Be honest...

Be honest, ever since you started visiting Jow Forums you've become more racist/judgemental on people of different color.

Do you regret it ?

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How can one regret truth? How can one regret reality? If I lived a fantasy life, I might make poor decisions that would have terrible consequences for me and my loved ones. Truth is always better than a lie.

>How can one regret truth? How can one regret reality?
Because ignorance is bliss. The only thing you really know, the only absolute truth, is that you're completely powerless to change anything.

> the only absolute truth, is that you're completely powerless to change anything.

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I can no longer relax amongst blacks. Thanks /pol

>Do you regret it ?

I always wonder this when I read another story about white girls raped to death by shitskins. Did they regret their willful ignorance when they realized what was about to happen to them? Or did they die still trying to squelch the acknowledgement that they'd been wrong all along.

Yes, however i read opinions and issues from the other sides perspective. Usually look for reasons as to why people this x is the cause for y from both sides.

>ever since you started visiting Jow Forums you've become more racist/judgemental on people of different color.
no. i was a libertarian who didnt judge individuals before i came her several years ago and nothing has changed. if you allow a bunch of fat autists on a nip image board to mold your mind youre a limp brained spastic with zero conviction.

Years of exposure to evidence from all sides, broadcast to you through a lively political forum, and your opinions and views haven't changed at all? Maybe you're just incredibly arrogant. Everything you thought before was perfectly correct in every way? That's remarkable. Or maybe you're just a moron who has latched onto the first meme philosophy he though sounded cool, and made him look intellectual, and you don't have any ability to process new and contradictory information. I'm going to guess that you are a teenager.

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>Do you regret it ?
So you regret learning math? Same thing

>frog poster attempting to patronize
fuck off kid.
>Years of exposure to evidence from all sides
thanks for the literal LOL

This sounds an awful lot like projection

>you're completely powerless to change anything.

I'm sure ((you'd)) love it if we all believed that bullshit

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No. I discovered Jow Forums back in 2013.
I've been a bartender for some time, so I've seen every walk of life from high end establishments to dive bars. Working in the hospitality industry, you see everything. Its funny to work with SJWs and red pill them.

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Choose one and only one.

Ah my sweet summer child

I see more people here defending savagery of say, Negroes or Arabs, then I do in day to day life.

The truth is what it is whether it makes you comfortable or not is immaterial.

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You cannot hope for resolution when starting from lies.

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They defend Sharia law and slavery. That tells a lot. People should be treated as people not as slaves.

I didn't need any help from Jow Forums. I have decades of life experience with niggers.

Nope. It only confirmed what my subconscious already knew.

did i say liberal you illiterate autist?

Actually, I was driven to Jow Forums by the hysterics of the left. The recent lefty PC and white genocidal narrative has made me think about race at every turn, whereas before I never even considered it.

Yeah but im over it

No. Why should I be sorry for becoming aware that my people are being slowly genocided? I feel angry. Angry and betrayed.

No, at least being racist gives me something to do

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The fuck is this chicken soup for the soul fag thread?
Take a fucking pottery class if you can't cope.
I for one am greatful to these racist neets