Alt hype just took down his video where he was giving up on white nationalism

>Alt hype just took down his video where he was giving up on white nationalism

What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

that he's a literally who alt-kike

Literally who?

Was it an old video?

he took a massive shit on Spencer and the weenies were probably sperging out at him. Bitch move taking it down but Faulk is 100% right with regards to Spencer, he is cancer

His latest one, uploaded like 16 hours ago.

He was going on about how anyone who supports his ideas should be honorary whites and saying white nationalism is stupid because whites are irrevocably against it forever now. Then he spent an hour ripping on Richard Spencer.

I was watching the video, missclicked to another video, went back to his channel to find it and it was gone

wtf, I watching it right now.

It was a great video and he was 100% right as always. Low IQ larpers might have been flagging it cause he called them out for being retards who gobble the movement.

Hobble* goddamn (((auto correct)))

fuck you Ryan

stick to making videos about racial differences you idiot. you're probably just mad Spencer isn't a fag like you.

Don't refresh, I had finished but was arguing in the comments and then they stopped loading, refreshed to see it gone.

Why should we care about what a Korean has to say about white nationalism?

I only got about 10 minutes into it, it sounded like he was just attacking Richard for not being more hardline with his description of the ethnostate model, saying it was basically civnat with white leaders

can somebody give me a full synopsis?

at least he's not using a meme flag

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and now a Brazilian also wants to give his opinion about white nationalism, epic

> his description of the ethnostate model, saying it was basically civnat with white leaders

That ain't a lie. Richard said one of the streams that whites should lead the humanity. His wet dream is to put the rest of the world back under the boot.

can't trust the poofta


take off the meme flag

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While Faulk is hungry for the cock he is nowhere near the levels of faggotery reached by Spencer. That whole super elite secret society bullshit was cringey as fuck and smacked of some Skull and Bones nonsense (lol No Refunds)

As I started watching the video before he took it down I watched it all. he talks bout how White Nationalism is failing and he has given up (blackpilled). Then for about an hour he talks shit on Spencer and how he is a idiot and him and his followers have no moral high ground and are bringing all the others in the 'right' down to his level because og the 'retard' rallies. He's right about Spencer but his reasons for giving up are pretty pathetic

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I don't think anyone had an issue with him bashing spencer, though going full civnat is pretty faggy

Came for the perfect qt, left for the literally who gives a shit e-drama

> woman
> medal


I think I agree with Ryan if the jist of his argument is that Spencer's being weak.

Whites trying to "help" other groups is what got us into the situation were in right now. We need to re-tribalize to the point of being exterminationist to other tribes that either aren't smart enough to build a useful relationship with or are outwardly hostile. It's literally what they are trying to do with us and anything less than mirroring their strategy results in the death of the entirety of the white race over a long enough period of time.

No more babysitting bullshit.

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He threw a black pill hissy fit before realizing Trump came out with a huge white pill.

Hrs going civnat because whites can’t be racially awoken easily enough. He can get MORE WHITES to buy in, by making a cognate state that sends back the failures to their own countries. Which will be largely non whites. New tactic, moves towards the same goal.

ah nvm I don't agree with blackpilling, I think he might just be in a bad place right now so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt

people hold him in pretty high regard so taking it down was probably a good idea

Still there's something appealing about that and about Spencer in general, that is if he weren't such a vainglorious cunt. He has charisma and he's inspiring at times. My impression is just that our thing thus far is just on unimaginable levels of immaturity. You motherfuckers need Jesus Christ. Our race is not going to be saved by self-described "angsty atheists" like him. if he can find the Truth, he has unlimited potential.

Yeah good luck waking up those lemmings, AFP sends their regards. Civic nationalism has failed before and will only continue to do so

Cognat -> civnat
I’ll double check my phone posting going forward
T.richard spencer

I doubt it. He got very little criticisms for his views on Spencer, from what I saw.

But the start of the video is basically a blackpill.

The dude gets his eyes opened by frame games about the derth of government bullshit standing against the creation of a white community. Then Sean Last's most recent video fucks him in the head over pan-european white nationalism. And the. He reflects on his fellow Irishmen who have rejected him and denounced him for his views, and also reflects on people who he would THINK would turn white nationalist because of the truth they've accepted, but they haven't, which fucks with his view about being able to convince people of the tenants of white nationalism.

He's in a blackpill spiral. Our poor little redhead. But, we've all been there before. As I am sure he has as well.

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he's disgusting and an obvious glow in the dark cia nigger, if you cant see it it means youre a subhuman retard

>Still there's something appealing about that and about Spencer in general

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I dunno. Step by step. You can get a lot of normies with civnat, then go full 14 once you’ve deported half the enemy combatants.

Meme flag and "no." Any more kikes want to chime in?

>Still there's something appealing about that and about Spencer in general
he's an arrogant, elitist prick who has done nothing to deserve his "position". He's one of those toffs who would sit around on their fat arses at the old boys club drinking scotch moaning about the rabble while never having done a day of honest work in their lives.

I'd call him controlled opposition but I just think the selfish cunt is only out for himself, there is nothing pulling his strings except his own ego and sense of entitlement

The video was like an hour and 10 minutes long maybe he just messed up and there was a huge blank space at the end of the video so he will reupload

>He simply disagreed with me!
>Wow, what a jew!
He's repulsive.

You don’t get it, it’s already been tried before with my exact example, step by step. If you think you can sneak up to the GOP you’re delusional. People will never give up the luxurious lifestyle given them by the state for the opposite, all your normies are content and happy where they are, only way they will start seeking a different view is when the state can’t continue giving the soma pill really

It was 30 mins of blackpill and 45 about Spencer.

The only real influence he has is through his Russian wife that translates Dugin - a proponent of the Eurasian theory, supporter of Boasian school, staunch fighter against fascism, natsoc and any kind of white nationalism. Many Jews support him and alt-right hilariously enough supports him too.

That’s the only “influence” as far as one goes

Was he drunk or just burnt out I mean I feel bad for him. He was/is probably the smartest/most well informed guy on the topic of race realism that the right has. If he goes i really worry about how things will turn out.

>reads MPC once

Oh. Anyways is it true that the guy is homosexual? How can you be pro-white and care about the future of whites if you are a gay who won't have children?

Wait when did that rumor start?

Richard Spencer interviewed Jonathan Bowden. More than once. Piss off.

To be fair he didn't say WN was stupid he said he no longer believes there is some latent Pan-European WN default position just under the surface that always emerges when you show race realism and debunk oppression narratives.

By no coincidence this is also right after he and Sean Last took a deep dive into differences based on different European ancestries of people in the US.

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>he thinks alt hype is the most informed
Is that what its like to have a low iq? Anytime anyone appears mildly intelligent you deify them just because they espouse some shit you agree with?

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Do you say the same about every straight single white nationalist?

And some gay guys do have kids, but I don't know if he's planning anything like that.

He's a pretty smart guy. I think he's around 29, maybe 30 now. It's not like he's had as much time on this Earth as some others.

Yeah no thanks. Keep eating dogs in your shithole we don't want you.

If it was gonna be easy we wouldn't be in this situation as we would've genocided the kikes 10 fold a hundred years ago if not centuries before it even came to that.

Copping out of an actual white state to "cognat" is larpy as fuck lmao. Alt hype is intelligent don't get me wrong but he's also a total faggot.

He's a member of the gay agenda. His dad is CIA in that he worked for cia affiliated contractors, so that likely means that AH is an intel operative as well. He is a trojan horse to make white nationalists gay acceptant. He will prob self implode on purpose and continue to make a show of himself in order to demoralize the dummies who emotionally invested in him and bought into his character. I've seen this same archetypical situation play out countless times. Milo was a version of this same application. He was a trojan horse to get conservatives to be gay acceptant, and he self imploded by design as well.

From the protocols of the LEOZ
"11. In the third rank we shall set up our own, to all appearance, opposition, which, in at least one of its organs, will present what looks like the very antipodes to us. Our real opponents at heart will accept this simulated opposition as their own and will show us their cards. "

I mean sure, but not anything that special. He's just read up on a lot of the data and presents it in a logical and organized way, which I appreciate of course, but that doesn't mean his own personal opinions are necessarily worth a rat's ass.

What’s AFP?

>Pan-European WN default position
It amazes me how absolutely naive most burgers are about European countries, the relationships and broad stroke "culture" you imagine we share. We are not as hung up on race as you lot are, our country and culture are what defines us as separate peoples.

What's wrong with being elitist? Don't you believe in hierarchy?

Are you sure you're not just mad cause he's Anglo?

Nice larping. But you’re the embarrassing 5% everyone is trying to distance themselves from. If you wanna help the movement, stay in your basement.

Eh, I think his opinions are generally pretty good, or at least better than most people. But I've been seeing his stuff for a long time now. I remember talking with him, Sean and all the others on stickam back in the day. He might not be a genius, but he's no doubt above average, and decently so

I remember when Tumblr was created and he was all like "guys, this website is going to be big" and was one of the larger political blogs on there at the start.

You're not even in the "movement" you fucking retarded gook.

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>Ethnic backgrounds: White Irish: 82.2%, White Irish Traveller: 0.7%, Other White: 9.5% (total White: 92.4%), Asian: 2.1%, Black: 1.3%, Other: 1.5%, Not Stated: 2.6% (2016)[

>White Nationalists isn't going to work, we should carve out a portion of the US to make as a homeland for republicans instead.
Honestly at that point why even bother? Building a nation is really fucking hard and no gets themselves going to the idea of a nation state for republicans. It gets more pathetic the longer I think about it.
If that is your endgame just stop larping as a nazi and move a red state / neighborhood and start larping as a paleocon.

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>following a shitty e-celeb for so long and knowing so much about him in detail
Yeah I think you oughta stop following blogs like a religion and form some opinions of your own m8.

The idea was mostly for rootless white burgers but even that doesn't seem to work.

oh look a korean who still wants to get access to white institutions in the ethnostate, fuck off dog eater consider yourself lucky thousands of white men died so you could post your bullshit

He is easy to understand and appeals to normies, he was the first guy to truely redpill me

Gays are degenerate but if he can keep it to himself i don't see the problem.

bit of a stretch, he was saying that Charlottesville torpedoed the alt right and that as soon as Spencer destroys something, he just changes direction and pretends it never happened, before asking for more money

Because by sometime between 2030-2060 the US will either dissolve into civil war, or become another socialist brown latino hellhole as a result of demographic shifts?

Its literally do or die time. You have to be willing to stand your ground no matter the struggle or odds involved like your ancestors before you. Of course if you really don't take life or your self seriously enough to think beyond basic bitch nihilism when destiny calls for you, I don't want you standing there with me when the day of the rope comes.

I was active on my own YouTube channel, you dumbass. The stickam was full of youtubers. I've been involved in online conversations about politics for a long time.

Sorry you're too young to have participated for as long as I have. Fucking retards throwing around terms like "eceleb" because you can only imagine yourself watching other people's content and being their "follower" and not simply talking to them or being friends with people.

No offense but if you changed your entire worldview via youtube, you are low iq.

>I've been involved in online conversations about politics for a long time
Oh wow that means literally anything lmao butthurt faggot. Sorry to be Jim here, but fuck off. I'm laughing my ass off at the retardation you're spewing holy fuck.

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Yeah you irish are 90IQ leftists. Any pan-european movement would be wise to glass you. I say this as a half-potato nigger.

race is only meaningless for you because the majority of non whites you see are still mostly via tv

t. brainlet

Richard Spencer is such fucking cancer.

He's so toxic that twitter keeps his account online just so he can post his insane bullshit and get normies to hate white nationalism

You have to realize stumbling into fashy literature is a very unlikely path for someones first redpill no matter what their IQ is.
You don't wake up one day and think "you know what I should read today? Fascism Explained by Sir Oswald Mosley"

Pretty much. They'll ban Jared Taylor because he's reasonable and intelligent. They'll keep people like Richard Spencer and David Duke because they want us to look like retards and scumbags.

Fascism is shit tier anyway and in no part necessary for WN.

Yup, he just decided to do 500 hours of research and recruit thousands of people to white nationalism all for a goal of subverting white nationalism.
Or maybe he's just gay?

I didn't even read any fashy literature until a couple years ago, though I'm still just a college kid. I originally got redpilled as a result of some realizations I made as a libertarian while also stumbling across Jow Forums in highschool. Starting out in a right leaning catholic home maybe I had a head start on some of you guys, but I was only really a cuckservative. Anyway back after the 2012 election I remembered looking at the demographic details of who voted for who, and just being bewildered at how whites appeared to be the only race that didn't vote in their self interest. I think I knew then and I think any white thats educated on election demographics understands this. That everyone else is looking out for their own interests but we have this retarded sense that the only way for us to be moral is to let everyone else walk all over us. I wasn't fully redpilled yet then of course which is where Jow Forums came in. Jow Forums's "ironic racism" was amazing. Dropping redpills into my brain while at the same time making me feel like its just a huge joke. It took about a year for me to rewrite my public school programming, that looked at black people more as pets then anything else, but eventually I did get redpilled, and then went through that whole rage cycle you get after being fully redpilled, and now several years ahead, 3 girlfriends later, and here I am. Sorry for the blogpost I felt it sort of necessary.

Maybe I'm being unfair in saying youtube videos can't redpill you, but I think to exclusively get redpilled from them rather then from your own experiences is a sign of someone who is easily persuaded and thus has a low iq.

fascism sucks and will lead to whites being ruined every single time

we just need normal white ethnostates with closed borders

something like Switzerland but without nonwhite immigration

Literally who

American freedom party, they tried the step by step and it’s no wonder you’ve never heard of them. I always confuse it with American Independence Party but it’s the same shtick really

>fascism sucks and will lead to whites being ruined every single time
That is a bold comment to make considering that democracy is actively in the process of ruining whites worldwide.
We need a single party government.

He is in a relationship with NakedApe aka rape ape aka the chinese twink

>We need a single party government.
how dumb do you have to be to understand that this is an incredibly retarded idea
go look at china or north korea if you want that shit
what we need is a republic with strong limits on democracy with white nationalism written in the constitution. All parties are required to be white nationalist

only stupid bootlickers that can't see far into the future want a dictatorship

lol naked ape is chinese? source?

m8 I don't think you fully understand fascism nor history. I myself am no fascist however I am doubtful on whether any government system is really better then any other and its all just trade offs. For the majority of human history we lived under basically fascism, albeit a lot less thought out versions of it. You see fascism itself was never even a real ideology, in Mussolini's case it was just extreme authoritarian centrism, and in Hitler's case it was a system designed for the volk. To say it can't work is retarded it all depends on the circumstances we end up in. I am prepared to return prehistorical life on the Eurasian step, or neofeudalism for fuck's sake all that matters is preserving my people and way of life. I am prepared to do so no matter the circumstances and you should too..


man we really just need a white nationalist REPUBLIC with a strong constitution with white nationalism written in the constitution

People have ignored republics but they work quite well.

Fascism in terms of transitional rule is acceptable, ongoing it is terrible amd destructive. The principles that make freedoms successful in the form of economy and ideas also applies to governance. Anyone who genuinely wishes for a fascist WN state just has some belief that their ability to quote OG Jow Forums jokes will move them to the inner circle.

I just want to live in a republic where all of the political parties are required to be white nationalist

>how dumb do you have to be to understand that this is an incredibly retarded idea
you have to be really dumb to think it is an incredibly retarded system.

>what we need is a republic with strong limits on democracy with white nationalism written in the constitution.
You are just describing the old US but instead of being in literally the first act of congress it is in the constitution.
Chapter 3, Section 1. Page 103 of the text, 222 of the pdf.

The founding fathers also warned us about politics devolving into two party partisanship, but the way they set up our strongly limited democracy the outcome was inevitable from a game theory point of view.
And we can see what a paralyzingly slow moving deadlocked shitfest multiparty democracies are by looking at the EU.

There are single party democracies already btw. Japan is a defacto single party state.

I support fundamental contitutions stating either an explicitly white state or some IQ minimum (not both). I haven't made my mind up on whether more protections would be needed in the event of people not sympathetic to the state but desiring of the propserity and security trying to gain access.

So like USA huh guess how that turned out

Not particularly, I'll admit the American system worked decently well for a little over a century, but it always devolves into oligarchy and corruption. This isn't even the first time western republic's have led to bad shit for whites The Venetians were super jews back in the day, and traded the secrets of the Polish and Hungarian kingdoms to the Khans for exclusive Black Sea trading rights. This led directly to the deaths of half a million Hungarians.