America needs to be disarmed. I've never seen a gun in my life. I also live in an extremely peaceful society. Correlation is causation in this instance.
America needs to be disarmed. I've never seen a gun in my life. I also live in an extremely peaceful society...
Other urls found in this thread:
>I've never seen a gun in my life
How is that even possible?
There will come a day in your life when you will pray for a gun to defend yourself.
fuck off shill
sage this shit
>not owning the same gun as OP's pic
Come and take it, faggot. At least I'll finally get to shoot somebody.
I have no experience with something, therefore it does not exist.
firearms of TODAY are just too dangerous
the glock in OP could topple many the greatest empires of the past and it's not a joke
>peaceful society.
>has a drink named after carbombs
potato nigger is an understatement, your brain is broken
>Correlation is causation in this instance.
Faggot. If there are no weapons the shitskins will just use machetes or acid. Where is the difference??
oh yeah, with a gun you can defend yourself from niggers and other subhumans
America needs to stay strong and resist every other faggot country that says it should disarm itself
The right to bear arms is the most important thing for a free society
>This shitty of bait
What the hell did Trump do that has the shills running so scared today?
>hurr america needs to be disarmed
>gets car bombed
get fucked ginger faggot
>Correlation is causation in this instance.
OY vey
>weak bait bro
ireland needs guns more than anyone.
so many fucking house robberies
Then don't bump it retard
Sucks to be you Mario I’ve got a sweet as 1911 right here and there’s nothing anybody will ever be able to do about it
>I also live in an extremely peaceful society
You also live on a fucking island where the biggest threat is another singing drunk irishman. In America and continental Europe you have bears and wolves to deal with. In Russia tigers even. Tits or gtfo.
OP's is a Gen 4 G22. Yours is a Gen 3 G23
Glock 23 .40 you're a pussy.
The best thing about America is we even have Emus. Just the other year, some dude's pet Emu got on the loose and it started fucking shit up in another town 50 miles away and the cops couldn't catch it for days.
He saw it on the news and he was like
>wtf that's where my emu went!
Is "Emu" a code word for Jew?
It's a flightless bird that not even the Australians could win a war against.
>OP is Irish
>shall call him Mario because education in America is top notch
Thank you Punished Hans-es. I mean it. Europe needs more men like you.
So it's a Jew.
No emu ever circumcised me.
>Correlation is causation in this instance
What is Switzerland
What is Mexico
I will open fire on anyone that enforces laws disarming Americans
Europe needs another Hitler like, now.
This degeneracy came from the USA btw so you really do owe us. Hitler would have won if the U.S. didn't part take.
That's because you're a goy.
>Correlation is causation in this instance
I prefer to call myself a gentile.
>What is Switzerland
white people
>What is Mexico
brown people
>never seen a gun in my life
You should stare down the barrel of one and eat a bullet you faggot.
settle down Nils ya Swede fuck
>Correlation is causation in this instance.
The real question about gun control - barring all considerations of the effectiveness or even the morality of taking away people's right to bear arms - is why bother? It's like Pandora's Box, Pandora doesn't go back in the box. There are already so many guns in the USA, so many hobbyists and so much equipment capable of manufacturing high-grade weapons in any garage, that forever and ever, anyone who really wants a gun will be able to get one.
All gun control would accomplish is to put criminals with guns at a clear advantage over the law-abiding, unarmed populace. Any argument that doesn't account for this plain fact is a shit argument.
What's the difference?
Asking for a friend
One post by OP. Shitty bait.
>America needs to be disarmed.
Too bad, So sad, your a faggot with 2 dad's....
fat chance giuseppe
so all the good irish left, huh?
Nobody alive today was responsible for any of it, to be fair. Before we got involved, before the ((media)) went full demonization-mode against Germany, many Americans supported Hitler. I mean, half the population here WAS of German descent.
Anyway, I wouldn't say that Europe needs a Hitler. I'd say that the European people just need to demand their rights to free speech and self-defense, and demand an end to this "refugee" madness.
Nothing will change so long as the average person in Europe is either under the spell of the liars, or is afraid to stand up and speak the truth. Hell, here -- even with free speech - half the population is fucking retarded and STILL believes all the ((lies)).
I wish y'all the best of luck though.
Hitler would of won if Hitler didn't declare war on us. Besides, we didn't start this shit, the average person hates this degeneracy and it is extremely evident, unlike Europe.
An armed populace is insurance against tyrannical governments and revolutionary leftists
Stop defending our own self-defense in WWII. WWI intervention was useless, but WWII intervention was of pure self-defense. Anyways, Europeans are far more degenerate than us so stop fueling this misconception that they're not.
>hitler declared war on us
wtf are they teaching in the communist public fool system these days?
It wasn't self-defense. (((Rosenfeld))) worked with his fellow kikes to set up Pearl Harbor. It was the 9/11 of its day.
can you imagine Americans without guns that makes even me a gunless cuck sad
look at this fucking serf pop off
I'll bet the only thing you see is potato and a vaguely potato shaped humanoid you call an Irish female on a daily basis
G22 is full size (15 round magazine) .40S&W caliber; G23 is compact .40S&W (13 round magazine)
Gen 4 has minor changes and improvements over Gen 3 -- different stippling (grip dots), rounded edges, probably slight changes to internal parts
Not much difference really except size and maybe $50 in price for the newer model.
Without the second amendment all your other rights become “””suggestions”””
enjoy your lack of freedom of speech you cuck, I get to say “I hate niggers” in public and NOT get arrested for it
CRISIS ACTORS required for the next psyop.
Pay: equal share of the gofundme pool and call options on weapon manufacturers.
You must be a member of the Kennedy, Trump, Schwarzenegger, Schlossberg or Cuomo families.
Have your colored contacts, fake tattoos, wigs, blood packs and trashy clothes ready. Practice your fake accent. Rehearse your hero / victim stories with your family member. Don't forget to smile during interviews and hog the cameras while calling for gun control. Do not, I repeat: DO NOT SHED A TEAR.
All acting must be C or D grade. No A grade is permitted. Be careful not to mix up your personas. You will have 2-3 parts to play so know each character well.
Once the event is over, make a series of YouTube videos to spread DISINFORMATION and claim spooks are stalking you. Delete any comments suggesting that nobody died. You may hint at this possibility, but never state that you believe the entire event was a hoax.
this is now IRA thread
can we get united Ireland so all Irish can get cucked by Irish government, not westminster?
I'm taking a Japanese to the shooting range.
What kind of guns should I bring to impress him?
hes going to piss himself no matter what gun just like us australians
>Actually believing Hitler didn't declare war on us
Imagine how historically illiterate you have to be to actually believe such a thing?
Absolute brainlet.
I know it was, but Japan still attacked us.
we are gunless cucks who just have to hope the government doesn't decide to start killing us
>green on flag
>"america needs"...
stopped reading right there, saged
Arisaka ofc
>I believe what the Jews tell me
Gotcha. I mean, he shot a bb gun before so I was thinking maybe just my 9mm semi-auto pistol, and my .357 rifle.
hitler did declare war on the US on Dec 10th, however we were effectively already in a state of war with Germany with the billions of dollars and arms we were giving England --- plus 'neutral' US ships were running convoys with and protecting british shipping. so its not like Hitler was full retard to do it. He just made it official.
Have him shoot an AR or an AK.
Nice try Shlomo
Yeah, because it wasn't already official. This is the utter state of the bullshit they stuff down the throats of impressionable children. It's all so rabbinical.
We all have guns here. Good accurate ones. No one gets shot. It's culture not guns
Ireland has guns, t. gun owner, you just need a certain amount of land or be apart of a shooting club to get a license, main problem is killing someome even in a life or death situation still gets you jail time for murder, so they don’t get used.
>Broad statement
>"it works here, that means it must work there."
Useless liberal. Your thinking is so surface level. Why not actually attempt to support your argument before posting? It's pathetic.
Glock 19 is god tier. I’m going to get a comfy p99 soon too
Anonymous (ID: 6sQw4C5U) 08/25/18(Sat)03:10:50 No.183427447▶
Listen to the children, you fuckers
There is literal audio recording of Germany's declaration of war on America because it was broadcasted to millions and millions of witnesses. Want to hear a clip?
No. I just want to know why you only think about things the way Jews tell you to. Is it because you went to kindergarten (child garden)?
shit, wrong link
Well, Germany declared war on us. This is truth, not opinion and unalterable. They declared war on us in support of Japan. Simple. How else am I suppose to think of this.
Nobody cares. Ex post facto declarations of "being right" don't matter
In terms of reality, like the way everybody else at the time was thinking. The legal excuses only come after the fact. When's the last time anybody declared war? And yet we're still fighting.
Your frustration is understandable.
What planet are you on user ?
I want to go there with trumps space force and bring you some freedom.
Australia is almost antipode with the US, so I think it will become necessary to combine forces.
Mate you must be an 8 year old on a farm in Cork
>I also live in an extremely peaceful society.
Must be nice to not live near a bunch of feral niggers. Perhaps you need more diversity where you live. I hope they move packs of "refugees" into your neighborhood.
Don't forget that gun runnings will be worst than drugs considering America's abundance of nigger gangs. It will be like those movies with all of those niggers dance with their klashinkofs. They wont be having those hi-point pistols, but they will be, cause of those major gun runing activities, having heavier better weapons.
You watch too many Jewish movies.
Because this
Velocity with .40 (10mm) is only 340m/s when 9mm is 360m/s so it has less stopping power and often does not kill. 9mm is more accurate, easier to control and in a stressful situation that is what you want. Glocks are cheap and mass produced for law enforcement. You want a 9mm Walther P99 AS.
My ancestors left Ireland because it was filled with retarded potato niggers such as yourself. Fuck the catholics fuck the protestants and most of all fuck you you shamrock sucking faggot.
i've lived in the inner city, suburbs, country, mixed ethnic neighborhoods, etc. your sense of security has more to do with the character of your neighbors. not gun laws.
>tfw too much of a poorfag for a gun
1 post by ID “You don’t need guns” every fucking hour year after fucking year gets a l title old, doesn’t it?
My freedoms > Your cuck feels
It's going to be 76° today in Big Sky country . I'm planning a cookout next weekend for Labor Day with the remainder of last year's elk and speed goat. I also plan on busting out the .50 and shooting some long tannerite targets . It's been a bit dry here lately so sadly no tracers after dark. My uncle has a class 3 and he's bringing some good stuff and a few thousand rounds of fun. Thank God for the potato famine and fuck the English for not finishing the job. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED
>unlike Europe
Most European countries are fully aware. Nationalist movement is gaining popularity around Europe. These parties are nothing like the kiked pussy Republican party in the U.S.
In Europe we are talking about real NatSoc movement, not pacified pussy faggot replacements. They have 10-20% popularity already in the polls. When people go to vote the polls prove to be underestimated every single time.
You are far more in trouble than we are to be honest. All the Jews fled to the U.S. when Hitler was in power. The cancer started from there and is trying to spread here now.
Anyway none of that matters, what matters is that we need to pull together and act now before we are wiped out. It would be very foolish from us to allow them to do as they please, white race is really threatened and it's not even the Asians as one might expect.
Okay remove the minorities and you can have my guns