Daddy, what was it like before when the Caliphate finally defeated China and Russia and unified Eurasia under Islam?

>Daddy, what was it like before when the Caliphate finally defeated China and Russia and unified Eurasia under Islam?

How do you respond?

Attached: 1535162370065.jpg (500x500, 43K)

That never happened, there was no beforetime.

Degenerate, nihilistic and perverted

Attached: nacionalnij-kostyum-chechencev-opisanie-istoriya-kultura-chechenskogo-naroda.jpg (447x559, 45K)

You are my wives-don't call me daddy. Go get me dinner.

>Youre trying to learn? Allah forbids girls from learning
>*marries her 4 year old ass off to my uncle*

Chechens and Uighers got wrecked.

It almost didn't happen. Once the neonnazis caught Spencer blowing Dugin they kinda lost all spirit.

>imply it wasn't fund by (((China))) to fuck with western

Your wives? Nigger those sluts are mine and they must have escaped from my sex dungeon again.

I would wonder why my wife is calling me daddy