How can the government make science and tech more attractive to wymen?

Wymen still hate hard science and true engineering. Hard STEM such as mining engineering, aerospace engineering, physics, electrical engineering, computer engineering etc. is still close to exclusively male dominated here in continental Europe.

How can this be changed? Should hot women be encouraged at a young age to apply themselves?

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We are NEVER going to Mars, are we?

Attached: It all makes sense now why i never heard from Nasa in years.jpg (1873x1200, 919K)

>Should hot women be encouraged at a young age to apply themselves?
Yes. To muh dick.

Science is not a pony, women can suck my dick.

I thought you Saudis do not condone sucky sucky, no? Isn't the only contract allowed through a hole in a long dark sheet of fabric?

I'm one of 2 guys in my final year anatomy tutorial group, in a class of about 30.

It's been about a 15 / 85% split the whole way through my degree.

Remove standards for women. Allow them to unconditionally take any spot currently occupied by a man.

>in my final year anatomy tutorial group
Medicine isn't STEM or hard engineering.

I wish I had known how roasted bio degrees were before investing a few years in it.

Imagine being financially dominated by all of the women in that room at the same time

I thought you weren’t cucks.

Yes it is you retard

I knew from day 1, its why I went physiology and anatomy instead of muh biomedical.

>cuvil ebgineer here
It Ain’t

No cakculus, linear algebra, diff eq.
No statics, dynamics, thermo
No engineering specific classes

School was painfull, not fun normie classes

>tech more attractive to wymen
paint flowers on the kitchen stove

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Force them to take stem and study hard until they pass. Mandate stem credits for high school diplomas, and make sure they're awarded solely on exam performance. (no bailouts via attendance or submitting reports)

>Yes it is you retard

Touchy feely "medicine" is now engineering. Ok, mate. Call me when you "engineer" something in medicine.

Attached: Germany.jpg (420x298, 35K)

Make it a trashy reality show they can gossip about.

just encourage men in STEM to change their gender. problem solved.

Compsci has is way ahead of you

Maybe people should wait a decade or two until the women who were encouraged as children to pursue STEM fields finish high school, finish undergrad, finish postgrad, and actually enter the work for before getting upset about their not being enough women.

If more women get into STEM, the IQ in STEM will drop, and productivity will go down. You will probably be slowing down human technology advancement by decades.

>That black guy
NASA actually decided that man was too problematic, and removed him from the photo published on their website.