Tfw I visit Jow Forums with an open mind and to understand other perspectives

>tfw I visit Jow Forums with an open mind and to understand other perspectives

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hey fren

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you like kittens user?

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Stay too long, and you can never go back.

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They told me they would redpill me but it's just a bunch of memes and people LARPing, I join in too, if anything it makes me go even further left but not extreme left

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Friendly reminder that Jow Forums is the most reddit board on Jow Forums

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>they would redpill me
whats your rabbit hole user,

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You've not stayed long enough

I eat ass.

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we know david

I see that you're a fan of my works.
I'm David Erickson, porn star.

This, it's basically reddit i just cannot leave

flat earth
traps aren't gay
Drumpf is done
global warming
people who chimp out have lower IQ
the jews

im basically watch log chipper videos, hit me man give me what ya got.

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>mfw I realize there are active campaigns to eradicate me because of my race
>mfw (((they))) are disproportionately involved in such movements and have co-opted the Democratic Party, while simultaneously turning the GOP into the pro-Zionist party
>mfw normies don't understand my distrust of Jews
You must either not care or are not white

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Me too. Jow Forums is a nice mix of entertaining wingnuts as well as an important exercise of independent thought from the mainstream.

coulda sworn it was mostly commies and lolbertarians when i left. came back because of trump and now its christfags and stormfags. kek.

I come here for the hanna hays threads.

Pol is always counter culture. And if being a Christian and conservative is counter culture reality must be extremely degenerate.

I came here in 2010 to figure out how to keep all of my money, and not have occupy wall street people steal it from me.

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Your a nigger so it doesn't matter.

>mfw came here for circlerjerking hugbox but found that everyone else still wants to demolish my worldviews even when they share them

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>tfw you re now here forever
must suck

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Came for the memes, stayed for the khazar milkers.

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