Why is no one talking about this?

Why is no one talking about this?

If Logan Paul wins, millions of young white girls around the world will witness this Aryan beating up a filthy UK nigger.

If you aren't actively rooting for Logan, then you are doing a disservice to your race (unless you're a nog of course).

Attached: youtube-boxing-championship-ksi-vs-logan-paul-2-530x317.jpg (530x317, 25K)

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Logan Paul watches tranny porn too

Alex jones loves trannies you fucking shill

No one cares

It's not even a match lmao, the nigger is so small and fragile.

He is a Jew. He will lose on purpose to make the white race look weak and the negro race strong.

Nigger looks fit to me, when was the last time you hit the gym eurofag?

When is this happening? Headgear?

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Nobody fucking cares you cunt.

>Why is no one talking about this?
because it's bait shill threads being spammed non-stop
saged and reported

It's a live PPV on YT, there is no way they will let the niggers lose.

>Why is no one talking about this?
Non-political eceleb bullshit.

Faggot Paul is one of (((them))). GSI is a nigger. Better hope both of them bite the dust there.

logan paul is a lot bigger

Will be rigged the way professional sports are rigged. Again we will see their outcome.
Soon gladiator wars in a ring, and televised for the world to see.

his youtube sheckles depend on winning this

You underestimate the ego of the Pauls.

If he loses, he loses his entire fanbase and that means no more sheckles for him.

When's it happening? Want to know when I can stop seeing these threads.

A mutt defending a nigger. Pottery.


1) He's not a true white. He's one of (((them))).
2) He's gonna throw that fight for shekels.

Prepare for disappointment, mate.

damn i can't blame the doc for diddling her

If he loses, he loses his entire fan base of white teenage girls who will move on to the nigger’s channel.

That's the plan. White genocide.

Every time
He has by far the biggest ego on YouTube. I highly doubt it but still, you’re right. Never trust a Jew.

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You underestimate greed. Everyone has a price.

For the people saying hes one of the Jews.
just because you have less then 5% jewish blood doesnt make you a jew.
you probably have ashkenazi blood yourself.

this is the guy who youtubed a dead gook who offed themselves and then electrocuted a rat on camera. This is kind of like his one chance at redemption

he's jewish tho, quite the dilemma for poltards

But if Paul loses, he will lose all his fans. And his revenue.

when does the fight start?

Nope I've checked on genetic testing, 0%.

In 5 hours I believe.

cool thanks
is it stream or ppv?

ppv on youtube.

what time? im in california

Most Western European jews are Sephardic not Ashkenazi.

2 girls my age that I've known since childhood have abot 6% sephardic jew DNA but they have blonde hair and blue eyes.

The trick to spotting a 3-7% jew is in the nose and last name.

The girls were unaware of their jewish identity.

because obviously theyre not going to let the white guy win, this is just his way of saying sorry again for filming that dead nip

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no the best way of spotting one is they glow

>Why is no one talking about this?
Literally who's as far as I'm concerned

>The mutt band 2: sickle cell buggaloo

theyre very talented and jewish

Logan only weighed in 4kg (10 lbs) heavier than KSI .

Why?? I thought it was open weight and he could push his weight advantage over KSI

Thanks for proving me correct memeflag.

1.1 kg

>If Logan Paul wins, millions of young white girls around the world will witness this Aryan beating up a filthy UK nigger.
>If you aren't actively rooting for Logan, then you are doing a disservice to your race (unless you're a nog of course).
Logan Paul is Jewish. You know that, right?

>For the people saying hes one of the Jews.
>just because you have less then 5% jewish blood doesnt make you a jew.
>you probably have ashkenazi blood yourself.
Look at his fucking face, you idiot.

proving what correct friend ?

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Source right now!

Those kids are mongrels.. their 22% jewish DNA doesn'tchange that.

Only little kids are into this. Who cares about some brainless youtubers. Neither of them have any genuine talent, nor are they proficient in the sport of boxing. Don't tell me you're actually buying into this nonsense?

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He’ll lose all his fans views and revenue after he loses.

The last person who fought KSI used to get 30 million views a month but now gets 2-5 million views a month.

There is no fucking way that it will be good for his career to lose you mouth breathing conspiracy retards. Also , no man wants to get beaten by a nigger in front of his girlfriend. KSI has been saying that he’ll fuck Logan paul’s Girlfriend and stuff

You’re crazy if you think Logan Paul won’t want to win.
It would be bad for him in every way if he loses especially since the second fight won’t be anywhere near as big as the first

Why is Gigganiggatron looking behind Paul is there a bucket of watermelon laced fried chicken?

you ought to stop being so worried about race

Drop the memeflag Chaím.

And then, there's the commercial posters.

Nobody cares about a Jew boxing a nig. Deal with it.

So what. Millions people watching aren’t going to think “oh a Jew beat a black guy” or “oh a Jew lost to a black guy” . Tgey’re all Going to think “oh a white guy beat a black guy” or “oh a white guy lost to a black guy”

No it wasn’t 1.1 kg, Logan Paul was 86 something and KSI was 82 something.

He's not a Jew you complete retard. He does not look Jewish and does not identify as Jewish.

Meant for
and others

Focusing on YouTube teen idols as society begins to burn. Nice

I hope you're right, mate. I do. But look at the world around you and tell me there's a happy ending to any of this shit.

>Be born as a bogan
>Be this retard to idolise youtube fags
>Wants others to join his retardom cliche

go fuck a kangaroo, faggot

The rest of the world does you fucking moron because they won’t See it as a Jew boxing a nig they’ll see it as a white guy boxing a black guy and for teenage audiences it will colour how they view the physical prowess and strength of whites and blacks.

If Logan loses then young white boys and girls will be convinced that basically all blacks are better fighters than basically all whites.
If he wins then it’s a chance to reverse that Jewish programming that made them believe that in the first place.

i dont think it would mean much that level of social programming takes decades

Is this the Zoomer's version of Rocky vs Creed?

I doubt that someone with less then 10% jewish blood hs a jewish surname or jewish nose.

>Why is no one talking about this?
You cunts keep making these shit threads constantly

>mfw Logan kills KSI in the ring

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my grandmother was jewish so im probably around that level of jew, but im not a jew but i still have a great admiration for the jewish people

i think people secretly want to see ksi lose not because he's black but because his personality is so abrasive. i lot of people like logan paul anyone who says how much they dislike him are really just envious of his success.

i mean there was the suicide forest incident which i mean the face was blurred nobody knows who tf that person was so its not like they were disgraced, secondly somebody was going to find that person (and possibly be traumatized by it) youtuber or not? i mean it might have been hoping to find a body for views but what if a more liked youtuber did it? im sure everybody would have been reacting different.

>millions of young white girls around the world
>around the world
lol pic ZERO of these things. Nobody but white baby boomers with male pattern baldness cares about boxing.

There's only a 1.1kg weight difference between them.

I hate niggers and jews

These two are the epitome of the dumbing down of society, and yet you're shilling for them and handing over your money like a mindless retard.

>the same UFC racial advertising we’ve seen 4 times already

>garunteed 400 replies. Several dozen threads

At least I have muh filters.

Should I go to the bar tonight and watch this fight? I have no problem spending $6-7 on cocktails, but I'm not going to pay $10 to YouTube. Big dilemma there fellows

wondering if donald trump will be watching may even tweet

So the tiny bit of Jew DNA he claims to have renders all of his German/British DNA which makes up the majority of his genome inert? are you unironically this autistic? the guy is literally the archetype "Aryan ubermensch".

Watch this

Logan Paul has been athletic and explosive since he began highschool and was a state champion highschool wrestler. That gives him a way better base to start boxing than KSI who was a fifa playing couch potato until 1.5 years ago.

Logan has a very good chance as long as he has the cardio for 6 3 minute rounds , since with head gear a knock out will be difficult so you’ll only be able to stop the fight with aTKO where you’re totally dominating your opponent

Instead of arguing why don't you just look at the video?

he does look pure white to me

If he loses, he'll be adored by those white girls too.

You don't know how females work.

Logan is colorblind. KSI will be like trying to fight a cloaked Predator (no pun)

KSI was 84.9, the weigh-in is on youtube.

You have no clue what you’re talking about so shut up.

It isn’t a normal boxing match you retard. It’s two social media stars fighting. Both of them have 19 million followers/subscribers
Their followers are teenage boys and girls. So yes millions of young white girls will either watch this or watch the highlights later

E celeb fag

Logan Paul also is biggest douchebag there is, he's like a bully from an 80s film.

There are plenty of Dutch Jewish names

De mol/leeuw/hond/haan etc.
Surnames starting with goud or zilver
Surnames like Robijn, Saffier, Diamant

They are Dutch words adopted by jewish migrants.

>Why is no one talking about this?
Nobody gives a shit about boxing.

Chad vs Tyrone

>youtubed a dead gook who offed themselves
>electrocuted a rat on camera
>fights a kang
>bathes in shekels forever

So what? Niggers beat up whites every day and vice versa. Why does it matter more when it's on TV than on WorldStar or YT

and once again someone spouting the 'logan is a douchebag' have you ever watched logan paul he's actually a very humble guy. he's the type of guy that is a rare find a true ubermensch i'm quite sure he deserves the highest honors this world has.


this is one of my favorite videos you can tell how he interacts with her that hes truly a protector and positive role model. these are the type of people society should look up to not attack.