Why is there so much autism about freemasons...

Why is there so much autism about freemasons? As far as I've seen they're just regular guys who meet up and try to improve themselves and community.

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99% of freemasons are faggots- freemasonry is a myth

>freemasonry is a myth
That doesn't even make sense you nigger kekstani cuckold.

They're Jewish controlled subversives and complete scumbags. The entire foundation of American FreeMasonry is lies, they have to lie to be a Mason. They operate like a Nation within our Nation State and everyone not inside their Masonic Nation, profanes, are less than them. It's very cult Oriented. They also partake in what's called g*ng Stalking, basically systematic smear campaign, constant negative press against the person(dialectic), mixed with gaslighting the person, as well as flashmobbing them/stalking them. FreeMasonry is nothing more than another arm of Jewish Communism to control the more conservative/gentile oriented citizens, especially here in the South. FreeMasonry needs to be completely investigated, dismantled, and thrown away, problematic as they have plugs in EVERY Insitution in this country
O Lord My God Is There No Help For the Widow's Son?
Did I mention they worship Ba'al Phallic symbolism?

>You have to be a man to be a Mason
Funny because all the Masons I've met give off an overtly insecure male ego vibe, it's like constant male bravado, which is more in line with a teenage football locker room. Nothing honorable about American FreeMasonry, and anybody shilling for it is either clueless as to what takes place in the degrees above Blue Lodge masonry. How or why anyone would join an organization which you have no idea what takes place at the higher degrees, and have to basically be blood oathed to defend this compartmentalization of knowledge/illegal programs is beyond me

Here's the post I replied to that the Mason shill deleted for whatever reason.

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if no one tells you what the compass actually means then they sucked old dicks

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But they were always bad?

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There was literally just a thread about how George Washington was concerned about Freemasonry being subverted by the "Jacobin Illuminati."

Probably not. My instincts tell me they've been subverted, probably by Frankists. You ever heard of the Stasi? They used to run a program called Zersetzung, Masons partake in the American version of Zersetzung, G*ng Stalking. I highly doubt they used to do this type of activity a few decades ago. They're sort of like a hidden merger of private/social life and this ever increasing security state we've had since 9/11.

free masons are a jewish recruitment centre for future political figures, if you support these guys, you're pro greater israel.

That has definitely already happened. You always notice Hollywood throwing Masonic symbolism/imagery around too, especially the music industry. Almost never a shortage of black/white and black/white chckering, tiles, clothes etc...Masonry is an arm of Jewry, more importantly Sabbatean Frankist Khazar Jewry

Of course. They're constantly rebuilding Solomon's Temple, the (((work of Masonry))). Really it's an elaborate spy network, that would rival Stasi or NKVD

I read that this guy created the plan to seize the msons


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Typical (((freemason))) response. They are all a gentleman’s club and whatnot but try to offend their larp and you get the cringiest, most pompous copypasta-esque rebbutals.

Every mason i have met are protestant and love the jew.

Gee i wonder who could be behind this post? this thread seems... "Cloudy"

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>We just like to get away from the wives
>It's just a bunch of old men who like to hang out
>Come on down to your local lodge one day if you're interested
Over and Over and Over again it's like reallllllly bad Boomer damage control/shilling. You see it here, Youtube, in the real world, you name it.
He is right if you mock their symbols, coded, gestures , etc...they will start fucking with you, basically put the Light on you, investigate you, and go from there.

Possibly proddies being starved for the mysterium and the ritual their forefathers axed when leaving the Church.

Nice memeflag faggot. My response to him was regarding free masonry being a myth, obviously it isn't since there are free masons. Whether or not it's kike influenced is a different topic.

Wouldn't doubt it. The Grand Lodges are full of Khazar Jews

It's pretty similar to scientology in that you contribute and you have levels.

>a question mark and a cloud
Loving every laugh.

>Whether or not it is Jew influenced
It's literally a mix of Kabbalism, Jewish Mysticism, and Mystery Egypt or Mystery Babylon, with a hint of Phallic worship. They congregate in Temples, they run Jewish based programs of persecution, it's about as Jewish as you can get without calling it Jewish

>not counter kiking the kikes with subversive kikery to claim their kike gold

I do I'm about to get my 33rd Degree hat on the 1st and go full on Mason Stolen Valor. Probably no gold, not even praise, just pride and some subtle chuckles

Bretty much desu. If it’s all so much hands on the table, why the screcy and ranks?
There was a video of a guy whomfound one of their “bibles” too. Subversive ahit.

>not joining and becoming a Knight's Templar swearing to defend the Christian faith
Wow user.

Probably the YouTube channel A Call For An Uprising. Guy reallyy takes it to them, great channel.

>Knight's Templar
Where do I sign up?

That's one of the conspiracies they believe in. Masons love the da vinci code


You have to be invited

Back in the 70's, I saw Santana play at the Masonic Temple in Detroit. He wore a Red Wings jersey. Great show. Anybody who's not a boomer needs to be gassed.

You become a master mason, once you are master mason you can branch out into more specific groups, one of those being the Knights Templar.



Day of the pillow soon enough, boomer scum.


You mean Baphomet aka Sophia

welcome banned chan

You passed!

I am a 33 degree Mason

I have fifteen minutes then I am going to sleep

ask me anything.

Is there no help for the widow's son?

Women can be masons too. The order of the eastern star is one group where both sexes can join

>one of the free mason newbie prospects I saw has a tattoo of baphomet on his hand
Shit's weird.

Ask me something you don't know

whats the jewish connection

It's mostly Bible-thumping Jew worshippers spreading lies about a competing faith. Catlicks are especially bad.

Give me the Secrets of a Master Mason!
>Tubal Cain
The Order of the Eastern Star is literally Baphomet/Pentagram. The women are just as shitty as the male Masons, they're almost like Witches desu

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The Holy Grail bloodline is AB- which is the blood of the Turin Shroud-

The son of Caesar and Cleopatra was the 1st to carry this mixture

Cleopatra asiatic B-
and Caesar Central A-

Pretty much every group or organization that meets in secret is going to take shit for it. If people are left to their own guesses, its going to be worst case scenario almost every time. "Why else would they be meeting in secret?"

It's all about Plato

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Thanks, JIDF

Based Jeb

So because jesus was a jew. ok.

Tell me about the internal 9/11 service you guys have/use to follow, stalk, and harass people

Plato of B- blood
teacher of Aristotle
who taught Alexander The Great - who had heterochromia iridium.., Two different coloured eyes...

Which is the same genetic quirk as Coloboma -

Maddie McCann
Mary Magdelene

He was as Jewish as Cleopatra

You see - I define Jews as B- blood

But the turin shroud blood has been proven fake.

So what's the a line about?

Well that's Caesar's line, the Roman line

Cleopatra Hellenic Dynasty

This is like the 3rd thread today. The hell is going on?

OES isn't Masonry. It's a concordant group.

You should read

The Second Messiah

Holy shit is this like a club that believes they are descended from jesus and the aryan caesar. Thats funny.

Well I met God and she was a woman

I met Satan as well

In fact I first spoke to Satan in 2008 where he disclosed the secrets of the blood

The House of David is the Tree of Knowledge

So should you, if you think it's meant to prove any kind of case.

Don't you see its a way to seperate people like the jews believe in goyim so too do these masons.

Satan refers to himself as She

or Mom

Well I think I know what I am talking about if Satan is my Mom, thank you very much indeed.

Shekinah. It's the female light deity the Jews in Israel worship. It's the female side of the light bringer

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"Absolutely Perfect"

is the code name

They are mostly a network of cucks whom serve the jewish freemasons in their own countries .
They should be outlawed as they subvert every law they can for the benefit of its members.

That's my Mom

No, not always. They were toppled and subverted shortly before the civil war. Albert Pike was one of those that spearheaded the subversion. Read about him.

Hey Boomer we have IDs here everyone can see you fucking up

This was Anders Breivik's one if I'm not mistaken

So do they do like a blood test once you get high up to see if you qualify?

Great post Bonganon, very on point

Not just that though. They refuse to take any honest criticism and just deny the critic as some anti-mason and refuse to listen after that - even or maybe especially if the critic is correct. That's both cultish and circular

Fucking up how?

Things can't get much worse, I can a sure you.

I went to bed crying

I woke up crying

I've been crying for weeks

>Well I met God and she was a woman
Fucking heretic wtf i hate masons now

Serve or subvert how?

>As far as I've seen they're just regular guys who meet up and try to improve themselves and community.
compartmentalization gives them this handy claim. at the lowest levels they are just a fraternal organization. at higher levels they become a tool of zionism

>Anders Breivik was a free mason Knights Templar
Free masons confirmed for redpilled.

You're replying to your own posts, we call that samefagging. They don't teach you samefagging when you get out of blue lodge? Probably just standard fagging huh?


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That's because we're Profane or Outside the Temple. You're right it's very cult like and connected/intermingled with the Occult. They're also subversives/spies/secret police

I don't attend lodges

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Only time I’ve had anything to do with freemasonry was when I was 13, was doing pd at a soup kitchen and afterwords the old guy running it said he was one said the lodge was thru double doors at the back of the hall, he opened it up to show a friend and I, went in and I got this real strange feeling freaked the fuck out had to walk out had my first fucking panic attack as I walked out the front door fuck these cunts

Here is the big secret thread

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Legal Alien

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Imagine a mafia that wealthy or powerful individuals join. The organization uses its members to promote interests. It’s s not complicated, it’s simple stuff. It’s memebers are protected and helped as well. For an analogy, take the blue line for instance with police officers. If you have a family member that’s a cop, youre probably not going to be getting very many tickets. Take that and amplify it and you’re getting near masonry.

>fuck these cunts
Because you had a sperg attack for no reason?

In theory, sure. But in reality, you'd have to show proof. And explain all the not so powerful people, and those who do jack for each other.

So what you're saying is we should all become free mason cops and reap the benefits?

Someone once said

Freemasonry is run by Aliens
and an insight into the alien world can be accomplished by ascending the staircase of knowledge

where you reach the Palace of Wisdom

what is Philosophy?

Love of Sophia (Wisdom)

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