Bill Clinton got impeached for a blowjob

Bill Clinton got impeached for a blowjob.

Donald Trump has committed:
—criminal conspiracy
—obstruction of justice
—election fraud
—sexual assault
—perjury of oath
—money laundering
—witness tampering
—jury tampering
—emoluments violations

When are you idiots going to finally admit that you backed the wrong guy?

Attached: Trump.jpg (796x938, 82K)

but he's putting israel first, he's a good shabbos goy president.

obama is an anti-semite

proofs please

All those he never did you're just projecting well show me proof he has done this pro tip you can't find shit shill.

Hi yes but where is the broofs :DD:DDD

Are yo kidding me?
Have you been living under a rock?

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>Bill Clinton got impeached for a blowjob.
lying under oath. the democrats circled the wagons around him, unlike trump & republicans. was started as a campaign of "so what if he lied, move on".

Bill Clinton got impeached for LYING about a blowjob and got away with it. Good luck getting Trump for anything

>expecting an asset of the tribe to be impeached
I don't think so, buddy.

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