Everyone must read this guide about what to do if you see Islamophobia
Fighting Islamophobia
Where's the part where she blows up?
same senpai fucking libfags always pick some poor raghead getting picked on instead of a faggot muzzie with their shit no mustache beard
>talking to a stranger in public
Is this science fiction?
>female jihadi going out and about without her minder
she deserves everything she gets
wheres the edit where she fucks the attacker
Step 1: Join in
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 until Muslim leaves
>white middle class women to the rescue
Is this a Hollywood production?
Strange I remember seeing a different end to that story...
All fine and dandy, but if you dont speak arabic she wont understand shit,
Fuck these cunts
Never ever seen anything like that happen. Shame.
Why would the guy want to leave by being ignored?
He was being ignored to begin with.
Wasn't there a edit where the second picture is the left girl just rewarding the dude with fucking
When and where the fuck does this happen?
>1 Film the attacker covertly on your phone, do not attempt to intervene
>2 Post it on facebook with a caption like "This is Trump's America"
>3 Collect your patreon money
>engage in conversation with them
but they dont speak your language and are usually just empty shells only worth breeding with
fyi this happened in Oregon a few years ago, the helpful bystanders escalated the situation and the guy stabbed them to death.
If I see anyone acting Islamophobic homophobic racist or misogynistic I will kill them
This is the funniest thread I've seen in a while.
You will kill them with your Gender Studies degree.
wow that cartoon figure sure is mad
If she touches the muslima like that the scarfhead's brothers will come after her. Lesbians not allowed.
>implying some psycho wouldn't just start slapping both of these whores
use that memeflag and everyone knows you are a fucking kike. just change back to your israeli flag instead. you people are the worst to act goy.
People talk mad shit to ragheads on the bus when they start speaking Arabic and no one cares because it’s seen as impolite.
Pretty sure a white woman made this.
You wanna act like some Israeli kike piece of shit? Go ahead and be Islamophobic.
are you trying to tell me the Muslim will let herself be touched by a filthy infidel? fake and gay
Step1: join the heroic attacker
Step2: continue until Muslim leaves if a defender join the Muslim take this as an aggression and resort to physical violence
Protip: Muslims wear a lot of robes so fire is a good idea
May the almighty Thor punish you for your sinful existence
The yelling she is getting from a stranger is probably better than the yelling she gets from her "husband"
put the poo in the loo pajeet not on Jow Forums
Fuck Islam. Come get me faggot.
Not wanting sand niggers in your country is acting like a fucking kike? I think you’ve got too much sun faggot
You guys ever notice how it is always a woman in full burka who is shown in these propaganda images, and never grown ass men, who are 99.9% of the problem in Islam?
This, the creator of this comic must have been high
>>female jihadi going out and about without her minder
It is her husband shouting at her in the first picture, if you interfere he will follow you home and later return to gang rape you and your daughters, your husband will be beheaded & your sons will become eunuch mamluks.
why do muslims vibrate intensely?
its the timer under their vest
Falty wiring; no boom.
Stop motion sensor
It would be so satisfying to punch those tards in their kike faces.
this movie.. it had TERRORISTS.