Be Canadian English teacher in Taipei

>be Canadian English teacher in Taipei
>become a major drug dealer on the island
>get decapitated and dismembered over a deal gone wrong
Are all Canadians this degenerate? Taiwan is a peaceful country, nog-tier behavior is not allowed.

Attached: 5b7e28e143979.jpg (640x480, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not white
Taipei is killing browns. Who fucking cares?

>Are all Canadians this degenerate?

No the problem is that anyone can be a Canadian, even some drug dealer named "Ramgahan Sanjay Ryan". Being a Canadian is ultimately just a notch on Gurjesh Abdullahbad's passport.

Attached: tfw the bull wont let you watch.png (725x699, 534K)

nice deflection racist, this man was just as Canadian as you

my god you can just look at t hat dog, and immediately you just know it's a drug kingpin

apparently he had a different dog that was injured in the attack

what kind of drugs do they do there though?

I am just asking because here we don't ie got this meta amphetamine stuff. they amphetamines here but not that stuff. they don't do crack either
my god

I bet the dog in the picture was angry at that other dog

main drugs in Taiwan are weed, ecstasy and ketamine. also betel nut if that counts

whoops here's your (you)