This Image is Wrong

Wow. I actually cannot believe how wrong this is.

Only about 6% of acid attacks are carried out by men of South Asian or Pakistani heritage. Most are not Muslim.

Moped gangs are not exclusively black by any means, there are still gangs of white chavs who do this and it was THEM who inspired blacks to do the same.

There are more rapes caused by WHITE people than any other ethnicity in this country.

There are Church of England vicars and bishops raping kids, why aren't they on here? Where are the drunken whites fighting in the street? Where are the toothless white drug addicts and alcoholics patrolling the streets and mugging people too?

Where are the white drug gangs taking over peoples flats and houses to sell their drugs?

Oh. There isn't. This is a vile and untrue piece of art shown once again through the far-rights bitter and unending caustic racism.

>There is a common understanding of acid attacks in the UK that goes something like this: the attacker is male; the victim female. Both are South Asian, and the violence has something to do with the man’s so-called ‘honour'.

>But the most comprehensive set of data yet on acid attacks in London paints a different picture.

>Statistics released by London’s Metropolitan Police to the BBC provide a breakdown of every recorded acid attack over a 15-year period by age, gender, ethnicity, borough, hate crime and outcome. It’s the fullest picture yet of the capital’s suspects and victims.

The findings include:

>The suspect was male 74% of the time and victim was male 67% of the time
>Just 6% of suspects were Asian
>Only one so-called ‘honour’ attack was recorded in 15 years
>Four out of five violent offences never reached trial

>The figures appear to contradict a belief that a relative majority of acid attacks involve the South Asian diaspora.

Looks like you've been BTFO once again.

>but muh pakis

Attached: uk.jpg (2762x1998, 1.64M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I like kebab

You are a fucking liar.

DAILY reminder.

The vast majority of violent crime in the UK is committed by WHITES under the influence of ALCOHOL.

Attached: whitoids.jpg (540x713, 72K)

>those mini-burkas

My fucken sides

>bb.b..b.but THE PAKIS!

Pathetic little bigot.

But yes, keep seeking immigrants and pakistanis to blame for the HUGE degeneration the British working and lower classes are undergoing. They're little more than animals now.

Attached: acidattacks.jpg (1248x702, 59K)

What's with the Disney font signature on the artwork?

I'd love an acid attack. Being forced to trip balls? Good shit right there.

The good ol' Alcohol causes most problem in white.

Well these Africans, Arabs and 'Asians' are not alcoholics and do these things sober with a clear conscious because they feel justified in their actions.

Then again, Britian is a violet hell hole where most alcohol violent crimes are just pub fights and the occasional sport game fueled rage fest.

Die in a fire.

Attached: get stoned.webm (408x720, 1.95M)

>Whites attack innocent Pakistani teenager with acid

>B-b-but Jow Forums told me it was all Pakis that did this?

>South Asian or Pakistani heritage. Most are not Muslim.

should we tell him Jow Forums

More white acid attacks.
It's almost as if the bigoted narrative that's been pushed here is almost completely false.

Who would have thought?

Attached: 1533384014689.jpg (446x426, 50K)

>Drug addicted, alcohol fuelled white paedo bites the finger off of Paedophile hunters

Attached: what pol does.png (625x517, 40K)

>There are more rapes caused by WHITE people than any other ethnicity in this country.

becouse your police refuse to prosecute foreigners becouse they are scared of being called racist, which was mentioned in several official documents, like court acts.
so they go unpunished even for raping kids and it's never recorded they did it

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look what liberals created. it's beautifull

no such shit in white Poland though


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I just noticed the line of mini burqas

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>I don’t know what disproportion is
>I don’t know what per capita means
>bu bu but white people

Decent troll post, but long winded but suppose it had to be believable

Dude forget about it. These morons know that the whole notion of "immigrants and Muslims commiting crimes in the West" is highly exaggerated but they'll never admit it cause they need a boogeyman to push their sick and twisted beliefs.

This is why none takes these buffoons seriously except for the trash of society.

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How booty blasted are you right now chaim?


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Attached: well integrated Muslim rapists.jpg (618x416, 44K)

>A report for the children's commissioner in 2012 found there were 1,514 perpetrators. Of these, 545 were white, 415 were Asian and 244 were black. The ethnicity of 21% of perpetrators was not recorded. Attempts to analyse the Asian figure further runs into problems. Just 35 of the 415 Asians are recorded as having Pakistani heritage and thus highly likely to be Muslim, and only five are recorded as being from a Bangladeshi background. The heritage of 366 of the Asian group is not stated in those figures.


Amazed how many Muslim grooming gangs have gone under the radar, this user is dishing them out

If these suspects were English and this was going on in Spain, there would be some action against our country, foreigners coming in and raping your children

>white European
>dark European
Something tells me this is fake

Attached: 9DpkXgn.png (3000x3000, 166K)

Bangladeshi is paki

I often think when you see fake News who pays for the fake statistics to be collected and for what purpose...

I know this is bait but you are not wrong. The UK doesnt need to import criminals. It produces them domestically in quantity.

Highest acid attack rates in the world are in the biggest cities of Pakistan, the biggest cities of Bangladesh, the biggest cities of northern India .....and London.
It must be white chavs

Attached: 1534965105895.jpg (600x799, 78K)

It is WHITE BRITISH MEN doing the acid attacks and trying to scape goat the poor immigrants!!!!!

Attached: 1534467557853.gif (177x210, 2.12M)

Or maybe copycats getting revenge for all the past attacks, you know dishing out what they were serving.

>There are more rapes caused by WHITE people than any other ethnicity in this country
Yeah no shit but when it comes to gang grooming it is a predominately asian/pakistani thing because for most people in this country if your friend/brother/cousin/uncle came up to you and said hey i've got this 13 year old girl who's drunk and drugged up do you want to fuck her they'd call the police or beat the shit out of him for being a nonce but if you're a paki they all think its a good idea to stick their dick in little girls

Hello Mohammed

isnt Britain still mostly white? you add all the numbers you put up OP and the minorities are way over represented

acid attacks are also big in South East Asia and that is where the trend started

im assuming that you're the pole that drew this and you're just shilling it for attention.

Lol I thought those were bollards not children.
Thanks for the image.
Sage for your opinion.

That pic! I think I just found my new desktop wallpaper.

The Madeline Burka squad is the funniest part.

Attached: Mad mad word.jpg (1400x786, 731K)

What the fuck is a "Dark European" and wew at that 20% unknown. lol

Oi you got a loicence for that opinion?

Context? I love how the police do nothing.

whites largest victim group,
niggers largest attacker group,
what is your point?

Nice reddit spacing. You should consider nose-downing yourself faggot.

Attached: 13584290_1010235652359579_2047112894_n.jpg (480x480, 28K)

>What is over representation?
Could that be because the vast majority of the population is white?
You fucking moron.

Attached: brainlet3000.jpg (1170x742, 70K)

Hang on, so about 60% of the acid attacks are being carried out by the 'minority' and that still makes you happy? And these 2017 figures are from the BBC so they are officially propaganda anwway. Jesus, the UK is just a rebranded Sweden these days and you're a delusional cuck.

Back of the net!

Bro, Sand Nigs make up a tiny ass percentage of your population and make up a HUGE ASS PERCENTAGE OF YOUR CRIME. Homicides in London highest ever. white people acid attacking each other? fuck off bro. Truth hurts. and your butt is showin it

Attached: boomnigga.gif (500x300, 1.9M)

>The vast majority of violent crime in the UK is committed by WHITES under the influence of ALCOHOL.

That the vast majority of residents are whites could have some correlation.. lol.

>makes claim
>facts don't relate to claim

Attached: 1534566879247.png (331x331, 9K)

>Le tranny porn man

ffs I am sick

>kink shaming
How much lower can you go?

They are used to the people beating up criminals a beat, but the cops like. "Uuughh, don't kill him..."

I never got this pic it looks staged (even if if isn't)
If the bus run over her she would be splattered everywhere?
How do you get under the bus like that?

Are there any white on white acid attacks?

Show me the acid attacks by whites occurring previous to the pakis doing it?

Seems like this is more a case of "who started it first?".

kiss my face

Ed Sheeran ya dirty fockin peado bastard!

I live here you CUNT that pic is accurate now neck yourself

Because what you do in your own house is your business. It's wrong and they will be dealt with.
But when you fall on hard times and a Samaritan brings you in, you're not supposed to stab him in the back.
Like you said. We have enough of our problems and don't need to import more.

>white european
>white hispanic
are probably defined in a similar manner. As in, if you're not dark complexion, and were born in Europe, that makes you a white European.

Attached: 1533686719482.png (614x435, 279K)

Wrong and cherry picked assesment by OP

Take France as counter example:
Excision / Female Genital Mutilation

France :
>Between 1979 and 2004, a total of 29 FGM court cases were brought before criminal courts, mostly from the mid-1990s onwards and with aggravated sentences. By 2013, more than 100 people had been convicted of FGM.

France : 30 cases in 25 years

>Despite FGM being illegal since 1985 however, the authorities are yet to prosecute even one case successfully.

>The number of women of all ages having undergone FGM rituals was estimated to be 137 000 in 2011. The number of women of ages 15–49 having undergone FGM rituals was estimated to 66 000 in 2001 and there was an increase to 103 000 in 2011

UK : in 10 years 37 000 cases, none acrtually prosecuted, (therefore in rough estimates, not real numbers)

Source :

Attached: 1512176501596.jpg (1293x914, 506K)

that's just the artist's signature, he's using a jewish sounding alias

fuucking savage