>mfw Jow Forums trusts a guy with a nose like this

Daily reminder that tactical libertarians like MAD MAX only serve Jewish interests

Attached: maxime_bernier.jpg (1200x778, 50K)

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that looks like a normal nose for a 40+ year old

>that looks like a normal nose for a 40+ year old

Attached: dims.jpg (630x412, 47K)

sure, only kids have short noses

its pretty big, even for an old man

the tip of his nose is very European

Attached: ss+(2018-08-25+at+04.42.29).jpg (94x77, 3K)


>its pretty big, even for an old man

And look at how the media takes pictures... It's as though they're saying "HE'S JEWISH."

Attached: dat_schnoz.jpg (400x533, 228K)

Holy fucking shit, (((every time))).

As much as I hate Scheer, I still prefer him over a Kike.