Daily reminder that tactical libertarians like MAD MAX only serve Jewish interests
>mfw Jow Forums trusts a guy with a nose like this
Isaac Adams
Other urls found in this thread:
Dylan Turner
that looks like a normal nose for a 40+ year old
Ayden Richardson
>that looks like a normal nose for a 40+ year old
David Reed
sure, only kids have short noses
Ayden Price
its pretty big, even for an old man
Aiden Campbell
the tip of his nose is very European
Owen Lee
Grayson Wilson
>its pretty big, even for an old man
And look at how the media takes pictures... It's as though they're saying "HE'S JEWISH."
Julian Carter
Joseph Cook
Holy fucking shit, (((every time))).
As much as I hate Scheer, I still prefer him over a Kike.