Impeached for what ?

impeached for what ?

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Not gonna happen. Only way it's even conceivable is if Democrats win massive in next congressional election in november, which won't happen.
But say they rig it and get ahold of enough votes to impeach, well, insant civil war.

Know the best part?

This is the year Democrats win fucking everything.




Asshole will attack Syria, kill Assad, and leave the bald headed Russian cunt spitting mad.

Then Mueller will have Asshole and Vice Asshole arrested by summer.

Then President Nancy Pelosi (uhhhnnng fuck YAS) gets to declare national emergency right before the big blue tsunami in November.

Hey, don't forget the Russian cunt!

He'll do something incredibly stupid. Or we'll just tell you he did. ;)

Are you guys with me?



President Nancy Pelosi. Democratic supermajority. War and emergency powers.


We're literally literally going to be dragging far right pantshitters into FEMA camps this time next year. We'll literally be giving their big houses to refugees and undocumented immigrants. We'll LITERALLY be doing whatever the fuck we want and there's exactly FUCK ALL Skinhead cunts can do about it.

Congrats, babydicks.

You beat your chests and thrust your little dicks thinking you'd won the entire world when Asshole beat Her.

Now, you get to find out what a big, brutal bloodthirsty bitch Hillary "Payback" Clinton is. And how much delicious mischief we'll do with no rules, no limits, and no more regressive shitfucks standing in our way.

>civil war
America has too high a standard of living for a civil war to occur. A comfortable populace isn’t willing to tear down everything they’ve worked for



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Explain their last civil war, then.

People make stupid fucking decisions all the time, and nobody moreso than Americans.

I don't mind if he gets impeached. Pence seems pretty cool

traitorism, collusion, explicit racism against american citizens, and climate crimes to name a few

Nothing. The entire argument hinges upon the assumption that it was a campaign expense. Because you can't really know what Trump himself was thinking (speculation), and because he's very likely played women off in the past, which is not a crime, you can easily make the argument that this was something that would happen regardless of candidacy. As such, it doesn't fall under the FEC's rules of what a campaign expense is, and does not have to be declared. But let's assume it even was a campaign expense, then, to even be a crime, he would have had to know specifically the crime he was breaking. I really don't think Trump knows anything about FEC law, so...

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Pretty much this. The most ardent Trump supporters are upper middle class dudes from the suburbs with kids and alimony payments. They might like to go out on the weekends and play Rambo at the gun range, but they’re not about to drop everything and fight a guerilla war against the government because their favorite reality star tv President is in trouble. Who’s going to run the ski-doo dealership?

Bahahahahahahahahaha! Thanks for the chuckles faggot.

/ourguy/ invites you to have a snack

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i got nothing to lose and I've already been dead. dying in a war would be preferable to slowly dying of old age anyway.

shut up nigger


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I just saw this glow in the dark swede cuck nigger post this copypasta 20 times in a different thread
>broken shill bot is broken

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As in the 1860s? Life back then was awful and they were a fledgling nation. Nowadays you can order McDonald’s to your house with a few taps on your phone while taking a shit. Huge increase in comfort. Life is too good these days

>Life back then was awful
Quality of life is relative, and the life in the 1860s for Americans was relatively alright.

lying under oath

>a fucking piece of kiwi fruit that thinks he's an expert in US Constitutional law
OK then you draw up them impeachment papers and we'll take it to Congress for a vote

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I'm sorry dundee I didn't realize which Five Eyes glow in the dark nigger nation your faggot flag was from

Nah. If half of everyone you knew growing up died from tb or polio or the measles or something before they were 10, you lived in a one room shack with you, your parents, and your 9 other sickly brothers and sisters and you all had to share the same shit bucket, and your only job prospects were try to find some wheat to farm or start a weird religious cult- joining a civil war probably sounded like not a bad option

>lying under oath

Hahahaha, what?

>being constantly surrounded by death and loss makes people less likely to understand the cost of it
>being sheltered children who've never faced more struggle than a splinter makes people more aware of what they have to be grateful for
Americans are just dumb, and that's why they do dumb things like get into civil wars.

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For being a racist fascist

Remind me when you niggers had him under oath

I'll wait

He's a victim of blackmailing ho's.

He was talking about the early 2000s hardcore band. Those guys are liars. Not like the other early 2000s band The Liars

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No high crimes and misdemeanors per the constitution. Impeachment is a leftist buzz word.

Violation of campaign finance laws (Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and maybe others)

Obstruction of justice (firing Comey and trying to make the Russiagate probe go away)

Financial crimes (money laundering, tax fraud, etc.)

That's just off the top of my head.

Show me proof of any of that. I'll wait.

Nah. This is the face of angry white nationalist outrage in America. They want to post, play dress up, or meme things they don’t like away. As soon as people start dying or going to jail they burst into tears and fold. It’s why none of these dudes joined the military, but they constantly talk online about how they did.

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the hurt feelings of the left


you're an idiot. the only comfortable Americans are uppity liberal faggots living off of mummy and daddy. The country is on drugs, working top many jobs. They are fucking fed up.

Thought the same. My mind is compromised.

For being too awesome

Trump hasn’t done anything. All of this drama came from Hillary when she blamed Russia for the email contrversy. Liberals will literally take everything at face value as truth.

it's over, loser


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careful with those edges, boy

Who is that ghastly man?

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Putin for President 2024

Putin for Dictator 2024-forever

Everyone saying that civil war is impossible just because we’re well fed isn’t taking into account that one of the democrats main talking points is sending federal or state agents into Republicans houses and taking their property by force. Doesn’t matter if it’s guns but it’s guns. That’s something that regardless of comfort most will not stand for. At least most say that. As far as how it would unfold we won’t know until they try.
>Inb4 the military
No we won’t be fighting the military. They are citizens too plus trump is their boss. If we fight anyone it will be agents loyal to democrat handlers promising money. Or PMC groups loyal only to money.

TLDR we just want to be left the fuck alone and Democrats are incapable of doing that to the point they’d risk their lives just to fuck with us

Against the government? What the fuck are you talking about..if civil war breaks out it will be conservatives vs liberals, and it wouldn't work out for the liberals, too out of touch with the chain of production the take for granted.

>America has too high a standard of living for a civil war to occur.

Your perception of the US is totally wrong.

Canadians have an unlimited tolerance for being assfucked by their government.

Americans don't.

t. Ex Leaf

>climate crimes

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being republican

dems have been saying they won’t impeach

>Nowadays you can order McDonald’s to your house with a few taps on your phone while taking a shit.
We never asked for that.

Mother dog fucker I will burn my own house down FIRST, and yes, I am thet retarded.

Realistically, that's Mueller's Hail Mary pass

Of course he'll actually have to get Trump to lie under oath first

>because.. because.. he will DEFINITELY be impeached soon!

i'm pretty sure most people who say it don't even know what impeached means.


it's obviously all just a media push to try and sway the midterms. the media is all just a show, a weapon, a tool for the libs.

t. time traveling abo millionaire

No literal crimes though? Just crimes against your fefes and extremely narrow worldview?

hes guilty of doing something legal

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>Violation of campaign finance laws (Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and maybe others)
Violating campaign finance laws does not rise to the level of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, it's normally a fine - Like the one Obama paid for a violation worth twice as much
>Obstruction of justice (firing Comey and trying to make the Russiagate probe go away)
The President cannot obstruct justice and is within his rights to fire Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions for any reason or no reason. Also, notice that the Russia probe did not stop due to Comey's firing.
>Financial crimes (money laundering, tax fraud, etc.)
There has been no evidence of any of this so far, and if it emerges from his past (it's probably there), but unrelated to his presidency, it's unlikely to rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.
>That's just off the top of my head.
It shows

that's the singer from Beaten Back To Pure

Remember the thing where he imposed a travel ban on all people from predominantly Muslim countries?

That's islamophobic. And if you can't even see that, you are already too far gone to be saved

Also, he keeps talking shit about Germany and how we owe him money??? fuck off, just pull your troops out of Germany rather than whining about your military spending.

Islamophobia isn't a crime here Hans, it's common sense.
Germany remains an American colony - Our soldiers will stay, and you will pay for them.
Also, you will take unlimited streams of human garbage fleeing our resource wars, and you will even help fight those wars.
You have no choice in the matter.

> is sending federal or state agents into Republicans houses and taking their property by force.
Then stop running the White House like a shitty mafia

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>Islamophobia isn't a crime here Hans, it's common sense.

Then why is Trump getting impeached?

He isn't

Why aren't we seeing any of those resources, then?

You think that Trump will be impeached for Islamophobia? Sounds like your fake news is even faker than ours.

Democrats don't get prosecuted for their crimes, which VASTLY outnumber republican crimes.
Look at how Hillary was exonerated for several obvious felonies.
She sold the influence of her office on the US military for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

>Why aren't we seeing any of those resources, then?
Do you drive?
Drive up to Canada and witness the price of gasoline magically double when you cross the border.

I'm not a journalist, so it's not fake news. It's just an opinion

If his travel ban was based on islamophobia then why wasn't Indonesia on the list considering that they have more muslims than any other country?
I sincerely wish that we could bring our troops home from your shithole of a country.

>Remember the thing where he imposed a travel ban on all people from predominantly Muslim countries?
>That's islamophobic.

omfg Jow Forums btfo

WHY would he be impeached? There has been no crimes presented yet, just a bunch of hot air from CNN and MSNBC...paying women non disclosure money is legal.

Do you people just invent words?
Also, the confederacy was a joke

>then why wasn't Indonesia on the list considering that they have more muslims than any other country?

Islamophobe or not, but Trump is an intelligent man. He knew that his supporters will use this argument.
>"hey let's ban all these muslim countries, but maybe not ALL of them, so it doesn't become too obvious."

He also knows that the average American doesn't know shit about geography and wouldn't know anything about Indonesia in the first place

Don't you have freedom of religion or something? Islamophobia violates that

Don’t forget the most important point of all, he hurt your feelings!

They don't need a reason, which is why it will stop in the house. That is assuming the dems win the house. For a party that's so confident in itself, I've seen a strange amount of astroturfing for "muh rushins stole le midterms xD"

I don’t feel assfucked. I’m in my late 20s and I have a house, savings, a wife, and a good job that allows me to live comfortably. I’ve been outside of Canada and we have it very good. America has certain things it can give its population because they have by far the most robust economy in the world

The idea proposed was that if trump were somehow to be impeached (crazy unlikely) his base would spontaneously be infuriated and rise up and start a civil war. That WOULD be against the government. That’s how civil wars work.

There’s a million problems with this, one of them being that his base mostly hates actually doing a thing, and generally prefers to posture online and post about how they think James Gunn is a pedophile. Other problems: impeachment is LONG. It’s literally just a call for a trial held by the senate, and that takes a while. In the time it takes for impeachment to start, trump to be found guilty of whatever (listen, it’s not going to happen but if they really wanted to they theoretically COULD have kicked him out any time now under the incredibly vague “high crimes and misdemeanors”), and then for them to actually kick him out- by that time the people will have adjusted and moved on. His strongest supporters are dudes that own their own used car dealership with other stuff going on, they’re not about to go out and start a war.

Actually we did. Customers are insatiable

No, you’re confusing him with Chubby Fresh from One Life Crew

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a lot of states are disregarding federal law inorder to govern themselves. Thats what sparked the last civil war.

Because they don't like him and because he doesn't manages his crises very well.

Also throughout life he seems to have been a piece of shit, particularly as boss, so people have little to no loyalty for him. As soon as the possibility to make a bucket comes, they throw him under the bus.

>being this retarded
Trump being removed would be a gargantuan victory for the left and would embolden them like nothing else, not even as much as the Obama administration.

It's a slide thread you goy fuckheads, nobody cares about your opinions.

>Jew telling others that their opinions don't matter

Oh I am laughing

>que those narly bass beats

Pence is deep state dumb fuck. He wants to bring Trump down. There’s literally no one Trump can trust other than Jr and Stephen Miller.

>Islamophobia violates freedom of religion
5 years old or full potato - Can't decide

t. islamophobe

>I don’t feel assfucked.
My point exactly

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Instead of using Irish immigrants the Feds would use illegal Latino immigrants since they are in no short supply of them on the East Coast.

He's not a traitor and the rest of that shit aren't even crimes.

For being a dumb orange nigger
Damn I can't wait for trumptards to leave this board

how new are you? we are here forever.

Don't hold your breath, M'Baa{click}Ke

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Civil war means nigger tier riots of fat larpers getting ass blasted teargas and batons for 12 hours.