Stop fighting brothers.
Stop fighting brothers
Based memeflag poster
said south italian turk
fuck off troll
I'm not so sure they do though
What did the latins mean by this?
im not sure what do you mean
>Be Euroba meme flag
>bost about brodda fighd.
Where were you when you realized Europe was a mistake?
we aren't brothers
post your flag you fucking coward faggot EU cocksucking marxist degenerate
Based and European Pilled
>meme flag fag says shit about other meme flag fag
pol went to shit
Yeah real master race, good job losing two world wars
that med looks like a nigger the fuck
I was in Italy this year and they are just like niggers. They do t work and they just try and scam white people. Also THEIR SKIN ISNT WHITE. They act like and resemble monkeys.
>real meds look like niggers
we heard it from the north african
I would have no problèm living and working for another white European country
OP has the right idea but do Europeans?
Then purge them
no nordic is a brother of mine, stop pushing this pan-european shit
you are not european muslim north african
so you would have problem with the southern half
says a Arab country. Imagine my shock.
I dont see Nords as brothers, I see them as some kind of cousins.
pic very random and unrelated.
is the truth so hard to digest? we're not friends and we never have been, truth is nords and meds have always hated each other, no amount of shit tier paint ms memes or fashwave wallpapers will change that, you underage faggot
Northern Italy is white. Southern Italy...
kys boomer
i am from northern italy and we aren't white
we are darker than portuguese people
have i hit too close to home?
I'm for uniting. Meds can have the South and we have the North. I don't see the problem here? Seems like meds are the ones most adverse to unity rather than Nords.
me triangle teppanean? what the fuck
Wh*tes are disgusting subhumans.
Said slavic subhuman mongol rape baby
>falling for the north-south D/C
how new are you lil faglet
>Seems like meds are the ones most adverse to unity rather than Nords.
Refer to >says an Arab country
Half the nord posters on here only know to insult us, I don't see how that's unity
I do know some faggots from South Tyrol and they act like whites and look like whites.
People in rome are shitskins. Rome as a city is lost.
I have never seen so much niggers in my life. It's a shame since there were some 11/10 med qts. Fuck my life but Rome was so full of trash. I saw some toilets where they shit into the sink since the toilet was full. Disgusting smell.
Hairy arms, defo albanian
Piss off, you failed Nazi experiment of a "union".
Fuck I-talians, and fuck Krauts.
you started first little negro
good,never come back,we don't want you
black hair a best thought
I didn't insult anyone though?
Well Calogero, the Siculo-neapolitan colonists of settlement in Lombardy don't count. Go back to the drain where you belong and stop larping as a Lombard.
Said the Ashkenazi parasite.
Fuck off, kike. All whites are my brothers. We don't have the man power to afford this division. We live or die together whether you like it or not you fucking brainlet.
>no nordic is a brother of mine
you rejected your european brothers, this is the ultimate insult
the dna doesn't lie,look at the graph
also i am 100% lombard stupid kike
grow up
we aren't white
He is right though. North Italians are more African and Arab than the Portuguese.
what is this
stop using an anti-European flag that represent the globalist rulers that control us.
but i agree.
>grow up
Says the retard who would rather squabble like a fucking child with your genetic cousins than work together to tackle the hordes of sub humans poised to end us.
We share the same fate regardless.
be quiet Mtumbo Mbappe Al Parisi
meds are not part african
Stop lumping us together in your pseudo-identity, leave us the fuck alone. We don't want to help nords, help yourselves. Each country should solve its own problems.
cringy attempt at writing with the greek alphabet, guess it was supposed to be a rho
Well, you should place your people before any Nordic, but keep in mind that no Chinese nor African is going to share your dog in the race quite like another European.
Just like a Catholic should help a Protestant before a Muslim, so should a Dane help an Italian before an Arab.
>european brothers
>fair rulers to Slavic peasants
>pillaging nigger color anomaly
My allegiance is with Europeans, and Anglos, Swedes and Germans belong in Africa
She has more test than you
Die kike
said couple of meme flags
>Butthurt North Italian ashamed to be genetically intermediate between Portuguese and South Italians.
Who did this gem ? I'm dying of laughter right now
I'm not nordic. I agree that each nation should strive to solve its own problems. That doesn't mean we can't support each other. You would rather the jews smother us all than work with them?
>illiterate and innumerate negroid pretending to understand what a PCA is
kek'd, whoever made is completely illiterate about PCAs, you can't overlap two principal components computed on different subsets of the data and overlap them like that
How do we "support" each other?
>no nordic is a brother of mine, stop pushing this pan-european shit´
You are D&Cing faggot jew. I'm not claiming that south Europeans are white but they are still way way way above niggers or chinks.
North Europe for the Nords
Middle Europe for the middle Europeans
South Europe for the meds
We dont have to fight each other. The only duty we have together is to fight the parasites
How are people gonna deal with their massive complex otherwise?
dont know got it from here
>Ashkenazi parasite can't tell what a memeflag is.
Such an unexpected twist.
Working in unison to exterminate the enemy and collectively telling the rest of the world to fuck off and let us be. I don't have specifics in mind, i just know bickering amongst ourselves puts us at a disadvantage.
you are as enemies as the rest
All European whites are brothers, from the hot north to the cold south.
How am I going to help others if they can't help themselves?
I don't have any duty with you, faggot kraut. You deserve what you're getting. Piss off.
ur flag is a meme flag because you live in a meme country, that was a joke you stupid muslim balkan turkish nigger
>not a meme
>mfw a swarthy med is dating my sister
this aggression will not stand. day of the pizza oven soon
Then drown in a sea of niggers, faggot. There is no third option.
It's not about duty, it's about recognising who's your family and who isn't. Germans die out and you're a little bit worse off in the world than you were before. All other Europeans die out, and you can expect to be bullied internationally in a way that wouldn't have occurred if we were all individually stronger.
And how am I supposed to support one who doesn't support themselves? If the Germans are rushing towards their own demise, that's their own problem. We have problems at home too.
Lombards and French share a common Celtic genetical heritage (pic related). Read 'History and geography of the human genes' for reference. Go vomit your divisive nonsense elsewhere Shlomo.
where are you niggers getting this pan-Euro shit from? every European country has its bros and its not so much bros
I'd help Iberian bros any day, while I'd watch anglos burn and die eating popcorns
germans are the one that fucked our economy and france was the one that destabilized lybia opening the fllod gates,north africans countries are litrerally friendlier than western europeans
USA,china and EU are the real enemy
Speak for yourself nigger.
As far as I can tell, the best way to combat modernity is on a local level. I see no real merit in coordination across national boundaries. Who is better able, for example, to address the concerns of the Italian nation than Italians themselves? Why must they take into consideration what the Dutch are doing, or articulate to the Dutch the concerns of Italians and how best to approach them, or how the Dutch feel about Italians and the affairs of Italians?
>I don't have specifics in mind
Honestly, I don't think anybody does when they complain about how ancient conflicts between northern and southern Europe are obstructing a return to traditionalism. Rather, I think they don't like it simply because it offends their sensibilities.
For myself, I wish northern Europeans no ill, but I don't particularly care about them, nor do I recognise any familiarity between themselves and myself that has any practical bearing, nor do I wish to invite them to poke their noses into affairs which concern me and my nation.
you are trying to explain a basic concept to people who are likely legally retarded.
you speak for yourself, new world mutt, there's no "whites" here, keep those sad attempts at imitating a real identity to your continent
All european wars are started by jews.
When are you going to learn?
>where are you niggers getting this pan-Euro shit from?
This is the inevitable conclusion that white identity requires one to make. They're so Americanised that they think like Americans and can't even recognise it.
>germans are the one that fucked our economy
next time dont surrender like the pastafaggots you are
based, these divide and conquer shills are the biggest cancer on this board
We have nothing to do with the siculo neapolitans, that are basically low IQ half jews. We are even genetically closer to a totally alien population like the Bulgarians than to them. That gives you the measure of what a complete joke is the concept of 'italy'.
>If the Germans are rushing towards their own demise, that's their own problem
>what the fuck are jews
lurk more faggot fag
next time win a war