Why did he deleted his rant about Spencer?
Why did he deleted his rant about Spencer?
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wtf i was just watching that and now the video is gone
Very strange
I think he saw his audience turn against him
most people love his content, so they just click like and then watch the video
but then they saw him abandoning white nationalism in favour of REPUBLICAN "ethnostate", spreading false rumours about Spencer sleeping with Greg Conte's wife (I have seen no evidence yet), and letting Republican asians and spics join the "ethnostate"
Why does that symbol look similar to the SA symbol?
Well shit, I didn't finish the video. Is there a mirror?
From what I saw, I respect what he has to say about being against shitty concepts Pan-Europeanism. And it is absolutely true that a political balkanisation instead of a racial/ethnic one is much more productive on the long run. But I feel he's much too stuck on the genetic aspect of populations and I don't feel that the evidence that he presented was sufficient enough to accept this premise of the Swiss being so fantastically better than the Poles (as his data seems to suggest). But then again, I didn't watch the whole thing but something about it didn't sound right to me.
>Is there a mirror?
Thank you, user. I'll watch the whole thing and return to the thread once I've gathered by thoughts on it.
because he cucks on WN for 26 minutes in the beginning and there was huge backlash in the comments
He never said to let asians or spics join the ethnostate. Try harder schlomo
>then they saw him abandoning white nationalism in favour of REPUBLICAN "ethnostate", and letting Republican asians and spics join the "ethnostate"
This is literally the winning strategy. Less than 3% of blacks vote Republican. It defuses the 'racist!' argument and the resulting state would be 90-95% white, with the rest being made up of the very best of blacks/asians/hispanics. It's how the right in America can win the publicity battle.
alt hype seems like a bitter manlet
hes right and wrong at the same time.
yes there isnt a latent pan white europeanism among all white people but it does exist for a significant % of the global white population, who in a fair world would have a place to live and exist.
he himself and viewers like me are racists rather than nationalists, there puritans out there like me that fucking detest most white people even lol.
still waiting for debate with destiny
Spencer is a faggot. Proof, his face.
must have been youtube
[spoiler] you're actually just a a delusional narcissistic prick [/spoiler]
I have a feeling he came here and got BTFO in every single thread and this is now the consequence. Doesn't change the fact that WN is a dead movement and so is the entire Alt-Right.
Because Spencer is a cointelpro agent and youtube doesn't want their boy sullied
This video made me feel bad for Ryan. He's tried so hard over the last 10 years to give a comprehensive view of what's wrong with the world, and this video was him breaking down and giving up. I remember when he was still fringeelements and stodles, and he seemed happier back then.
It is still on bitchute.
I understand his blackpilledness. A lot of people in my country remain depressingly shitlibbed and will be so far after it is too late.
Experience sadly. i grew up and still live in (another) town that is 99-100% white and theres still a never ending flow of degenerates, criminals and junkies of a distinctly pink shade.
White skin doesnt give anyone magic powers, though the combination of traits that make up the superior man are only found in high IQ white people.
The videos on BitChute neverplay for me ffs
Anywhere else? I guess not
I have the feeling you are a dumb nigger who has no idea what you are talking about
The video actually had a lot of likes. He wasn't abandoning it either, he just decided to change strategies from one that literally isn't going to work to one that might work, he wasn't spreading rumors about spencer, spencer is an asshole and the conte being a cuck thing seems sort of a thing nobody is denying so it's probably true, and the ethno-state doesn't seem possible...why push for something that's literally not going to happen? Just push for freedom of association, it would have practically the same result anyway.
I have a feeling YOU are a dumb nigger who has no idea what you are talking about
You felt wrong, Sausage gobbling little refugee
I watched the whole thing. It was all pretty good. Hopefully, he is just taking it down to split the video into two. It really should have been two videos to begin with but whatever.
>can't even use BitChute
>calls anyone a nigger
Little niggers need to stay out of adult human conversation.
that will never work the minority always will try to become the majority no matter how "based" they are
>the republican party is literally the winning strategy
the right can't win the mainstream publicity battle. the racist argument has been employed to turn the republican party into basic bitch cuckservatism for decades. it's not the party of white people, it's the party of the sociopaths who will present the standard, watered-down alternative that doesn't upset the status quo so they can stay in power. it can't be co-opted. they have millions of people, they have money, and they have the media and institutions. their system is set up and it's been running smooth for longer than your lifetime.
even if I were wrong on this and by some miracle you could win the general public, infiltrate an establishment party by winning over or forcing out its leaders, resist or outmaneuver the moneyed elites and corporations clamping down on you via the media and whatever governmental and institutional power they hold, then you would still have to start a fucking civil war with all the leftists and browns who think you're literally hitler terrorists on the wrong side of history AND THEN IF YOU WIN you will only have managed to turn back time 50 years.
And how is this ''white ethnostate'' going on in America? Year after year, is there any progress? Things are sliding in only one direction, and it's not our direction. There's some huge practical issues with ethnostate too, like the geopolitics and military bases, etc.
Europeans have a better argument for ethnic nationalism. We already have our nations, even if we have been invaded recently. America has niggers and spics, and ethnostate is not a viable solution.
Slovak detected. You can now remove your meme flag.
>>the republican party is literally the winning strategy
Not what I said. Also not what AH said.
Take the Evola pill:
We repeat: race is secondary, spirit and tradition the primary factor, because, in a metaphysical sense, race dwells in the spirit before being expressed in the blood. If it is true that without racial purity, spirit and tradition are deprived of their most precious means of expression, then it also true that pure race deprived of spirit is condemned to be a biological mechanism and, in the end, doomed to extinction. The proof of this lies in spiritual decay, the ethical stupefaction, and the slow death of many tribes that did not commit any of the sins against the blood that have been discovered by materialistic racial science.
>republican ethnostate is literally the winning strategy
>we need nonwhite republicans so we don't get called racist
>actually I'm not talking about the republican party
alt hype
>we need an ideological filter state that checks people's neighborhoods of origin and all sorts of shit to make sure they're republicans
not a fucking argument.
>the current (absolute) state of the republican party
>equal to conservative principles
That's the (obviously) retarded false equivalency you're making. Neither me nor AH gives one single fuck about the Republican party as it is, or its leadership. He was using it as a rough (as he said which you dishonestly omitted) umbrella term to describe those who have pro-Western values. Stop being a dumbshit, please.
You make it sound like I don't know how to use BitChute. You are also a dumb nigger if that is what you thought.
I didn't catch this one. Very dumb argument, honestly. 3-5% minority in a country who has it written into its constitution that it's a predominant ethno-state will never, ever become a majority.
He is the last person I thought would give up so easily. Fucking. Hilarious.
He's not giving up, he's altering his view based on new data. "Whites" are not majority conservative - it's actually only whites from only 5 european countries, and all of them are protestant. 1/3rd of whites are libshit trash, and have no place in a pro-Western white country.
Is there a reason to call it race, if it's not biological? I'm not sure I understand what Evola means by race.
I find it very hard to adopt a non-materialistic view. All this talk about metaphysics is fancy and stuff, but is it true? Why should we believe it to be true? Do we just ignore biology and physics, pretend that they don't exist and do not have explanatory power?
I never said that retard. what the fuck? that's the equivalency you and ryan are making. I explicitly called them basic bitch cuckservatives, like what you are. I was directly quoting you and him. you're the ones touting "le based republican ethnostate FTW!"
in the video he literally highlights the northern flyover states and says
>let's take this region of the US and say for immigration policy they have to be documented republicans
and then he goes into how you could check autonomic responses, check their neighborhood of origin, and look at their party enrollment/voting record to make sure they're republicans.
republicans aren't pro-western and they're especially not pro-white. they only claim to be pro-western and then do 75% of all the same shit that undermines western society that democrats do. a pro-western filter state is what we fucking started with in the 60s. you don't have the slightest clue about anything you retard. how do you not give a shit about the republican party if you said here you want a republican ethnostate full of republican nonwhites? you're so fucking arrogant and stupid. this is exactly why filter states don't and have never worked.
>3-5% minority
where are you even getting these numbers from you dumb LARPer
>3-5% minority in a country who has it written into its constitution that it's a predominant ethno-state will never, ever become a majority.
>literally "at least I have muh constitution"
you stupid fuck. a constitution is no different from any other laws on the book. the fucking US is an example of a white supermajority country whose immigration and naturalization laws were amended to allow nonwhites to become a majority.
why do you even want an ETHNOSTATE, white society, if you want that many nonwhites in it? that's not even a fucking ethnostate
>"Whites" are not majority conservative - it's actually only whites from only 5 european countries, and all of them are protestant.
>1/3rd of whites are libshit trash, and have no place in a pro-Western white country.
>whites have no place in a white society
have you ever considered that there will still be a left wing in addition to the right wing in a white ethnostate
>Why should we believe it to be true?
because when humans become materialistic they move downwards all the way to the point of becoming equivalent to slugs. those thin wristed girlboys holding nintendo switches with their mouths agape is a good example. through materialism they became weak to the point of losing most of their humanity, which is why "bug man" is such an appropriate moniker.
the fashwave pic the nip posted is relevant, "strive for the divine." if you're not doing that you're almost certainly collapsing downward, and without belief in the divine or transcendent there is nothing to strive towards.
Mike probably called him and asked what the fuck he was smoking that he and Morrakiu were both blackpilling at the same time.
> that's the equivalency you and ryan are making
No, it's not. Please get this through your head.
>I explicitly called them basic bitch cuckservatives, like what you are
This is why you're an embarrassingly stupid moron, and showing it. I loathe the Republican party, and have a very strong contempt for basic conservatives, and outright hate neocons.
>you're the ones touting "le based republican ethnostate FTW!"
Again, no. Learn to read. Neither me nor AH advocated for The Republican Party™: the Ethnostate, stupid. 'Republican' was used as a very rough term to describe those with pro-Western views and beliefs, which 1/3 of whites do not fall under, and never will. see or Sean Last's video on the subject.
Since the rest of what you have again points to the Republican canard, little is worth addressing.
>you want a republican ethnostate full of republican nonwhites?
No. Not at all. I'd prefer a nation of 100% whites who all shed a tear on occasion at the thought of every unsung Western hero who died in some forgotten corner of the world in defiance of some Mongol or Muslim invader.
But between:
>a 100% white nation, 1/3rd of whom are libshit trash who fucking hate me and everything that brought us all into existence
- or -
>a smaller, 95% white nation, with 5% non-whites who have a deep respect and knowledge of the Western canon and can contribute to it culturally and economically?
I'll take option 2 every time.
see brainlet, but actually read it this time.
> It defuses the 'racist!' argument and the resulting state would be 90-95% white
But we are racist. I want a white homeland for white people and I'm a fucking racist about it. Don't be a coward and hide behind a "republican" dog whistle. Just state up front what you want and fight for it you little bitch.
If you go on the most recent available video, and sort comments by "new", he says he deleted the video because of false information about the conte thing
Ryan wouldn't have deleted his video out of shame. He doesn't give a shit about your backlash. He probably got a copyright strike or some shit so he took the video down.
>It defuses the 'racist!' argument
No it doesn't.
That explains it. Hopefully he reuploads soon and triggers retards.
DesTINY refuses to debate him.
Jow Forums needs to wake up to the fact that while nationalism is preferably to globalism or any similar progression it is itself an inorganic state. In many ways nationalism was a forerunner; challenging traditional hierarchy, encouraging democratisation and bringing about the reign of quantity.
>(I have seen no evidence yet)
What are you expecting? Pictures of him balls deep in the girl?
You are making an argument of causation. I know very well the positive effects of religiosity for the individual and community. But I am simply too autistic to claim belief in something that I do not believe to be true.
I want proof of the "secret" NPI meeting that took place before the night of Spencer allegedly banging Conte's gf. Clearly it wasn't a secret since word got out
You've misunderstood Evola if you think his racial theory is in favour of some sort of civic nationalism or that race being secondary means its of no significance.
I agree though, it is much more compelling than the general racial theory seen on Jow Forums and in the wider "alt right". Evola ought to be more widely read.
American conservatism isn't even of the right, it's liberalism.
>No, it's not. Please get this through your head.
>>I explicitly called them basic bitch cuckservatives, like what you are
>This is why you're an embarrassingly stupid moron, and showing it. I loathe the Republican party
why even fucking respond and quote me if you're just going to say "no because I said so" and repeat your basic bitch cuckservative values like a petulant child?
why do you fail to use the term "false equivalency" and accuse me of conflating "pro-western values" with republicanism? did you forget your own argument you're making?
is this your first argument? how many times do I have to spell this out for your pea brain? you said right here letting republican asians and spics join the """"""ethnostate"""""" is the winning strategy. then you say blacks don't really vote republican and imply there wouldn't be many blacks. then you cuck to the r-word like a republican.
and I don't know how many times you've ignored pic related do you really think the republican gooks, spics, and niggers that make it into your """"""ethnostate"""""" won't just gravitate toward the not-white-people-party to maximize their living standards, quality of life, etc.? will they literally be the exact same as white people in all respects? you must believe this bullshit, because you make a pathetic false dichotomy at the end of your post because it's the only way to justify any of the liberal utopian bullshit you're spewing that flies in the face of history, game theory, and behavioral genetics.
to dispel the most facile, simplistic understanding of politics and the worst case of either-or political sophistry I've ever seen, consider the following retard: left wing whites as late as the first half of the 1900s did not hate you and western society.
but YOU hate THEM if you're seriously advocating we risk starting the grand multicultural experiment over again by bringing in based black dudes in MAGA hats.
>I am simply too autistic to claim belief in something that I do not believe to be true
There's no spiritual value in it without genuine belief anyway. All these people who think adopting religion for "cultural reasons" is a solution to materialism is kidding themselves since they're doing it for materialistic reasons in the first place.
How do you stop being a materialist though?
ryan has said everything I'm saying himself. we've had niggers for hundreds of years and today there is no upper echelon of niggers that contributes to "pro-western" culture and society.
he's also said the only reason left wing whites today (who he says still exhibit intrinsic ethnocentric behaviors if you look past purely what they say on social media) are outwardly anti-white is because of the absolutely giant education-and-media propaganda apparatus that brainwashes them from birth. there is no reason to believe this problem would immediately crop up again in a white ethnostate. historically the left wing was racially ethnonationalist without the weight of multibillion dollar propaganda institutions bearing down on them. ryan also makes a good point that the ones that are so bad that they're just "lost cases" won't migrate from commiefornia anyway.
Well, that's just the poverty of modern man isn't it?
I don't know either.
it was pathetic and it sounded like a bitter ex girlfriend?
not even defending Spencer, it was just a pathetic rant where he repeated the same simple premises 20 times over (literally repeating the same thing like 4 times in a row before moving on)
not a particular fan of his but he is usually decent and this was embarrassing.
also his autistic ethnostate concept is literal autism and I think Spencer, who is waiting for historical even that can't be predicted, has a more subtle concept of historiography than this supposedly very smart autistic dude's
I don't think its possible to get rid of materialism completely, such as in our current age of late-stage materialism, we still have those who aren't materialists. But what can be done in the future is to make sure our lives aren't based around accumulation of materials. Economics should be a foundation, not an end goal in itself.
"We do not deny and will not deny the role and necessity of the material in the world, but we do deny and always will its right to preeminence.” ~ Codreanu
A white ethnostate of mixed Europeans just needs to have a racial supermajority built into its constitution. You could allow some pajeets and asians or whomever, but e.g. they can't have a vote or organize NGOs, and there would need to be other tax policies and laws around property ownership to make it undesirable for foreigners to come in, except those that are committed in some way. Think about a European expat who lives permanently in Japan and why he does that. I'm not laying out a system here, just speaking generally.
> did deleted
Well yeah exactly. Adopting non-materialistic ''beliefs'' (with no real belief) for the sake of positive matieralistic outcomes? Doesn't make sense.
But how should one become to believe there is anything alongside materialism? Why and how should we get rid of materialism, if we can't prove something to exist beyond materialism?
I am a materialist, yet I am not a consumerist nor do I care about economics. The idea of my ancestors and future children is really the only thing that moves me forward.
no, I want a quote from the people involved
or at the very least where the rumour came from
I've dug around and it's only "ironybros" say so, who are trolls known to lying to cause shit in the alt-right
ouch that's embarrassing
All matter is an illusion. Reality is much more than what we can perceive. Yet we live in a material world, but it's roots are not of it's self, obviously. The material, physical world roots from the non-material. How could it be any other way?
>I understand his blackpilledness.
Yeah, a lot of people will continue believe some idiotic cucks on race no matter what happens. And many will remain neutral. It's not only the shitlib whites in South Africa that don't have a disgusts/anger response a Julius Malemas singing about killing boers, many remain neutral and passive