What the FUCK is wrong with you?!
Unemployed members of Jow Forums
How come u have to be gay to get a job?
>enabling parents
i could go on...
I'm only 18 and I'm still at school
>Working to pay Jamal's welfare or Goldstein's tax
>button-down collar with tie
>tie doesn't match suit
>watch face too large for frame
>is the wrong type of watch for dress anyway
>suit is cheap fabric
>wearing women's sunglasses
>fitted suit with flap pockets
Being employed doesnt mean youre of use
I knew a girl who was a social worker and she was working 50% because she was stressed out, the rest of the time she handed out gibs in migrant areas
Would you call it useful? depends on who you ask
Once I went MGTOW i realised I didnt need to work.
Once you stop trying to buy pussy, you realize how cheap life can be.
So I "retired" at 38, 10 years ago.
inb4 "incel"
No fag, I still sleep with women, I just dont pay for their shit. Ever. I dont try to "impress" them, by flaunting material wealth. I simply stand there and look pretty.
Have own home
Fast 3 days a week
Dont buy extravagant shit just internet.
No prospect of family
Fuck that jewish rat race.
>I simply stand there and look pretty.
How do you manage this?
Where i come from there are maybe 5-10 men per every woman and simply being attractive doesnt mean shit since girls choose mates for unknown reasons
I personaly dont think I'm that attractive. I think I look like Steve Buschemi.
But chicks approach me all the damn time. Maybe it's how I carry myself, or how I dress. Maybe I am just fucking hawt. WTF knows.
By the way I live in SoCal, and this is a destination for the worlds hottest women. So, the ratio is much more even than you seem to have.
Anxiety disorder
Ok now hold up mate
Ive heard one thing about cali and thats that you have a massive overflow of beaners and other types of wellfare cases, not hot women
Ive gotten approached too, quite alot but it seems very luck based since it doesnt happen regularly and i just want to be in a place where there are plenty of single women to approach and talk to.
What do you consider to be hot?
And how do you carry yourself/dress?
I had a terrible upbringing, no education. Worked wage slave jobs for a decade. Decided to move and can't find a new job and have pretty much given up. Im a single guy, dont do drugs. My only expenses are food, occasionally drinking alcohol and the internet.
What the FUCK is wrong with jou?
Well you have to take what you hear with a grain of salt.
Everyone calls California "commifornia" but that's literally due to only 2 cities. Los Angeles and San Francisco. I'm in San Diego, which is right on the border with Mexico.
AS a border town, I dont even see mexicans, I'm so damn used to them, and my oldest best friend is a Jimenez. But it isnt "overrun" here, as border jumpers keep running north. LA is a shit hole because it is overrun. San Diego is a conservative right-wing town, or has been until very recently.
BLM tried to have a "riot" here and it got BTFOd so fucking fast because SDPD dont fuck around.
El Cajon is a "suburb" of SD, and is where we keep our nogs, cuz it's cheap, as it's hot as balls. Literally translates to "The Box" because it's surrounded on all sides by hills and gets no wind. Just fucking miserable in the summer.
Women come here to "get discovered in hollywood" and after realizing they aint getting shit, leave LA (cuz it's fucking horrible) and move to SD.
topkek m8 mgtow fantasies are even more pathetic that the niggers wewuz ones
>Well you have to take what you hear with a grain of salt.
When (not if) my country collapses im looking for other places to go so i might come visit and see if its a good place to live.
always nice to see the world, you know.
you could come visit sweden but bring body armor
Educate yourself.
Learn to code, but unironically.
>not working the system to support niggers, kikes, etc...
>everything off the books and tax free for me
>what do you consider to be hot
Well, as we get the WORLDS most attractive women, my standards are pretty fucking high in that. But I've banged big girls before for sport. Not uggos though, that's nasty.
>How do you dress?
Pretty simply. A nice button up shirt, I like pin stripes, Army surplus pants, and boots. I chill with the 'Rockabilly' or 'Goth' crowds, as they are both low drama. Bar fights are a rarity, unlike the Beach crowd bars which would contain your typical THOTs and greaseballs, and fights are like the bus schedules.
Hahah, I do own a Lorica Segmentata that I do even wear to the night clubs on occasion.
Chicks do dig costumes.
Probably not the best of Idea's but here's a pic of me clubbing it up dressed like fool for halloween couple years ago.
I.T. isn't nearly as good as it is made out to be, especially here in the rust belt. Once you're a year unemployed you are persona non grata to Human Resource departments.
Good thing I hit it big by buying 9000 dollars worth of BTC back in 2016. Otherwise I very well might have killed myself.
Not sure what to do except try to find a job in NYC or Boston or some fucking place.
being employed for someone else is the ultimate level of cuckoldry
either work for yourself or don't
Work place injury crippled me you stupid fuck
>trying this hard
>failing this badly
>implying that guy in pic related has a job other than getting fucked in the ass
>my standards are pretty fucking high in that
I feel for you man, my standards arent too high (shorter than 5'5'', semi-cute and a nice ass) but this is very hard to find
>Pretty simply
Seems like paradise, i mean just being able to talk to people randomly and have a shot of finding a girl is insane
Ave caesar
I'm just chilling a bit lads, no worries.
Yeh I cant imagine how bad it is in Europe right now where some places are literally passing laws to make talking to a girl a crime.
I dont know many Svens, but we have a shit ton of Mics and Britbongs. So you wouldnt be like totaly outcast or anything.
You'd probably melt though. But at least it's a dry heat!~
I never understood this meme. Most small business owners worked at some point in their life before launching their own thing. Not many start before their 20s or 30s. What happens before then? Do you expect people to just.. live off their mom and dad's financial assistance until they create their own business? How do they expect to know anything about their field unless they have working knowledge of it to begin with?
>working for a jew
>getting paid by a jew
>your ONE income stream is by way of a jew
>getting your hours set by a jew
>having your tasks laid out by a jew
>essentially your life is dictated by your boss(a jew)
who else /selfemployed/ here
>comp sci degree
>~4 years work experience programming
>horrible insomnia which got so bad i had to quit last job
what work should i do when i have no idea what times i will be awake or asleep
i'd take pretty much anything
Because I start my new job next week and I figured I'd get some stuff done around the house
I dont know how you can be unemployed in 2018, but feel free to fill out an application and work with me at Wal-Mart. Ive been working here 14 years and i can definitely show you the ropes!!!
I can answer those for you user
>Most small business owners worked at some point in their life before launching their own thing.
Well yes of course most do, but I'm sure the end goal for most is to set out on your own and create wealth for yourself rather than for your boss
>Not many start before their 20s or 30s.
I'm 23 and started in high school. Granted I was making a lot less then, it was still something.
>What happens before then?
save every penny, build your capital to start something new.
are you the real wal mart user or not.
Don't lie.
Fellow San Diego bro here. This is correct, El Cajon is a perfect containment shit hole for blacks. Same with National City desu. I live in north county and it's very nice here. Been here 26 years
ho look this thread by the paid shill again and again
and again
Just to rub it in a wee bit more...
This is the kinda shit we do for fun in SD.
cosplay is so fucking degenerate fuck this society
narcissism and personality cult rules the world and they ask themselves all the times why their miserable life is so superficial
Yeah, its me. You need something?
Im not unused to hot temperatures but i do prefer it colder
Its mostly not the law thats the issue but the social attitude and the fact that the number of men to women is skewed in favor of women...heavily so
Im...not sure thats my type of thing
Playing dressup is not my favorite thing but i can appreciate the work being put in and the culture of it, sure
what went so wrong user?
>that pic
I did everything right to get a good tech career, but it all went to shit once I took a phony contract job. Now I'm a year and a half unemployed.
What do?
With the economy exploding the way it is, there's no reason for anyone with at least a high school education to get a decent paying job.
Take up an apprenticeship and learn a trade for fucks sake
What is it with Americans and thinking dressing in something other than a baggy polo t-shirt and joggers mean that you must love Sucking cock?
Stop being afraid to spend more than $15 on a pair of jeans.
>reddit spacing
>delusional idiot living his life in an imaginary world
how can american be that dumb ? do you guys all live in an imaginary reality TV world where the american dream is not dead since 20 years ?
how is the fucking economy exploding fucking retarded degenerate ?
Sexually abusing women is no different to sexually abusing children.
You think you're in a superior circle of HELL to jews?
Get you, twinkles!
I had to work in Vista for about a year....
I feel for you. But at least you have Fidels!
>He feeds the beast
I went from a mediocre high school student to homeless and living in parking lots overnight with only a few months to go until High School graduation. That's just the some of it. I think about where my life exactly went to shit on a constant basis, in fact it's about 80% of my thoughts throughout the day.
I'm not really sure. But are you doing something within that year-and-a-half that would be meaningful enough to put on your CV??
Everyone I know started their own company (including me) and is doing quite well. Don't believe the media
Yeah, consulting for a doctors office. Basically redid their network and ensured HIPPA compliance.
Based /fa/g
Well that sounds rather prestigious enough, the way you're and a half as a hell of a lot of time
the economy is not booming cause your and your fag friends started shitty company that will be bankrupt under 5 years wake the fuck up, you think you're the first one to start a company or to fail at it ?
your success is not an indicator of the well being of a financial system
Why should I have to work for food when it can be provided to all of humanity 2x over?
Well since we've pretty much always had comicon, it's kind of cosplay central.
Pretty big thing here, hence even me having the 'uniforms'.
I'm not much for comics, save a couple characters ( i did a bang up Joker for the Dark Knight release, that made me damn near famous).
I'm a martial kinda guy. Love uniforms and war, so own the Roman get up as well as a pretty damn good Wehrmacht uniform. Hugo Boss is a genius, and that one has never failed to get me laid.
It's not hard stuff. I also got a CCNA and did some webdev training. But this doesn't seem to matter to H.R. people. The year and a half is too long for them.
What really grinds my gears is I did awesome shit. I managed the backup system for a major financial company (think just a bit smaller than Edward Jones). I kept their virtual infrastructure up to date. I've saved multiple people's small businesses. I've stopped cyber attacks. I've cleaned up after cyber attacks. I've built people's business plans.
But nooooooooo. A year and a half without work. It's exactly like the fucking thing women do where you are only attractive if you have a girlfriend. If you are single, then it must be for a reason. If you are unemployed, well it must be for a reason, right?
Not a wagecuck. Life is about more than just trading pieces of paper that only have value because people agree with each other that those pieces of paper have value.
What’s skills do you have user, I work in tech and have helped a bunch of people break into the industry.
maybe if my tax money didn't go to zog funding ISIS terrorists in the middle east i'd slave away haha
>tfw job at a club bartending
>tfw every girl is a stacy & the very few guys working are chads
i just want to Surf, play video games & shitpost i dont belong.
Boomers, Jews, Feminists and Globalists happened.
Only 23% of new full time jobs go to native born Australians. 73% go to immigrants. Just ask the government
I got a job for you
Suck my dick
And lick my balls
Get fucked
Eat shit
Hitler wasn't wrooooooooooooong
Oh God come please help us
These kikes need to be gassed
The current year has become such a disgrace
God said yeah, send em to hell
I can't stand those fucking yids as well
They need to be genocided for peaaaaaace
Well the kikes keep running bringing goys to ruin
Never really know what new plans they're brewin
Doesn't make sense that the goys can't see
The kikes are controlling the illuminati
Let's gas the kikes and race war now
Kill Every last one doesn't matter how
We know Hitler did nothing wrong
From the tallest woods jews should be hung
Oy vey you're a bad goy filthy gentile Oy vey!
Hey goy you imbecile Israel needs your pay!
Hitler did nothing wrong
jewish influence has grown too strooooong
Hitler did nothing wrooooooong
Kikes were puppet masters all along
I failed everything.
My autism and anxiousness killed me.
Cloud shit. Linux and vmware are my major strengths. Although I am decent with Windows infrastructure as well. Also strong with networking, have a CCNA. Can do some light coding, mostly in python+sql.
To be honest though I'm not sure I want to stick with this. This past year and a half has been a nightmare and it's really turned me off of the industry.
I have so many questions about that picture that I'm not certain I want answers to.
I'm here bro
So true
it's just a bald dude with boy hair kissing his baby
That is one ugly family.
lots of things
I wouldnt be here otherwise
Technically speaking i'm unemployed, but i do get small freelance jobs and teach some stuff that i know at universities and companies. Not graduated yet but i have a technical degree on industrial and engineering drafting
*sips tea*
>is op, dare I say it, our guy?
>look at this outrageous tweet guys
>Lets team up with niggers
>what do you think of Rogue One? Redpilled?
>look at this reddit post guys
>It doesn't wo-
>furries are cool
>thinks his guns will protect him from drone strikes
*sips tea*
>not all niggers
>look at this crazy tweet guys
>How can Jow Forums even compete?
>You mad white boy?
>take this jewish DNA test goys
>Jow Forums BTFO
>not all jews
*sips tea*
>Look at this qt jew
>gays are people
>defend this poor shitskin
>Can I get a quick rundown guys?
>random nigger porn
>what did he mean by this
Hey there Barney Stinson.
>No fag, I still sleep with women
You are a degenerate, that's what you are.
There’s no reason you can’t do a sys admin / dev ops kinds of jobs if you’re good at the aforementioned skills.
Go to Hacker Rank and finish the realms you described and you should be shitting jobs: hackerrank.com
You have the raw tools to land a 6 figure job in Silicon Valley, provided you’re not shit at your aforementioned skills. If you are then that’s fine, stop browsing pol and get better. Your destiny is in your hands.
St. Louis. Dunno if that's bad or good.
For....python and sql?
I voted to leave and still got no job. my mum wont help me find a job, i'm 24 now. fucking hate my life
I'm not unemployed, I'm just a full time student.
I fuckin shitpost for fun. I only do Jow Forums. Live in SoCal. Wear Nazi uniforms to bars. Drink, and smoke. And play EQ all fucking day.
Tell me something I dont already know.
You guys that are unemployed and living with your parents in your 20's are going to seriously regret it when its finally time to nut up and hack it on your own. Just remember gaps in your resume are a very big deal these days.
>Just remember gaps in your resume are a very big deal these days.
Oh wow, never knew that, thanks for reminding me!
Don't worry, people in that situation are pretty in tune to how things are. It's almost like if they aren't happy going 60k in debt for a STEM degree to work fast food they aren't grateful.
Depression and anxiety. Worked for 22 years and was highly respected and very successful in my field. Got so bad I just stopped going. Now work part time at my uncles business as a night janitor. Wife wirks full time. I do some other jobs for them at times as well. Changed lifestyle completely, no more high end items that are not practical or needed. Own a home with a low interest payment. Payments are low. So not totally useless. I fought depression and anxiety for my first 39 years of life, it almost won, now working to pick up the pieces and put them back together in a more manageable way.
old money bitch
self-employed master race checking in.
>tfw live abroad and pay diddly in taxes
Well that might be part of the problem user, see pic related. You’re trying to swim upstream in a dying metro area. What gets masked by the America is doing great rah rah bullshit is that the places doing well are doing really fucking well and consolidating economic and political power. I don’t know why of any major companies in St. Louis outside of Anheuser Busch and given your sector is tech I’m hard pressed to name any highly relevant ones. I’d seriously consider moving to a different metro but of course you should weigh that against other life dimensions like family.
Yes. Python, SQL, and also Linux Shell.
Just do a cursory search for “CCNA jobs in the Bay Area” and “CCNA jobs in St. Louis” and you’ll see the difference is night and day.
God speed user, rooting for you.
I believed the TEFL meme and came back to a city rife with fresh, malleable college graduates who were far more likely to get calls back than someone who went abroad for a while
This guy looks like the sort who dresses for success only to harvest failure.
A venture debtor.
It might be the sunglasses and the awful beard, I don't know.
Nobody is but if you're in your 20's and don't have some type of degree or legit trade skill that is marketable you're going to end up putting luggage in airplanes for $10/hr and go crazy.
are you dan bilzerian?
Interesting, I almost fell for that meme. The problem was I saw so many people just doing it for 6 months to 2 years and then coming back to the US, it didn't look like a viable career choice.
>dan bilzerian
>has old money
>acts like new money trash anyway
It's probably that you don't give a shit about what women think, feel or say.
Makes them wet to finally meet a guy who's not a patsy.
Well, the metro population is more like 3 million if we are being honest. But yes it sure isn't growing.
>but of course you should weigh that against other life dimensions like family.
Yes, friends and family are the only reason I've stayed here.
I'll take your advice and apply in places like NYC and Washington DC. I'm worried as hell about relocating but hey, what the hell.
I'd bet that's the St Louis city population, not the county. St Louis is really made up of the County and the City, which makes some statistics wonky.
I've been unemployed since 2006 cunts.
No plans of gettin a job. Livin out in the ghetto with an NBN connection and gaming all day.
Work is for suckers.