How will he bring down the swamp's house of cards or is he completely neutered?
What is his Master Chess Move?
The biggest October surprise in political history is coming.
It's gonna be huge.
Its pretty obvious that Trump is done this time.
Mueller is closing in on him as his allies all turn against him.
This. People still grasp the concept as everything is becoming more surreal and Trump is desperately trying to enforce some alternate reality, but it will happen.
And when it does even pol will have repeated that it won't happen enough to accept the fact it actually does.
>“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
>― George Orwell, 1984
Well, boys, we got three engines out, we got more holes in us than a horse trader's mule, the radio is gone and we're leaking fuel and if we was flying any lower why we'd need sleigh bells on this thing... but we got one little budge on them Democrats. At this height why they might harpoon us but they dang sure ain't gonna spot us on no radar screen!
pooing his pants and being a 1 term president
Yep, he’s done for real this time.
His master chess move? Being the first member of Space Farce and being shot into space.
>pooing his pants
big if true