Jilted "Mad Max" lost the PC leadership race

and is now using tactical libertarianism (no government regulation of industry) to split
the party.
"If I can't lead the conservatives, then no one can!"

Bernier is a faux libertarian throwing a temper tantrum. Don't fall for it.

Attached: dims.jpg (630x412, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


So this is the power of libertarianism?

I'll vote for whomever I want and not care about what a propagandizing piece of shit leaf has to say.
OP is a cut-dick retard

Max is the most philosophically consistent MP in Parliament. I stand with him.

You’re a kike subverting this country.

Fuck off milk man

mfw disallowing contracts between buyers and sellers is libertarian

>privately-owned dairy industry uses contracts to self-manage themselves

>government-owned healthcare industry decides who lives and dies
"This is fine."

Maxime Bernier (Mad Max) and his supporters/enablers are cancer.

It's funny up until his announcement we were inundated with Canada Hate threads/Canada Falling apart threads, now it's just Bernier threads. Hmmmmmmmmmm

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This has been shot down in another thread already.

>mfw conservatives think freedom is achieved by globalizing our milk industry
Have you guys not been paying attention?

>but I already refuted
Here is my refutation:
Anyone can invest in Supply Managed production.

>wants to reduce federal tax, but keep single payer healthcare
Great- he's simply passing the buck onto the provinces.

>Quebec has some private healthcare
The issue is the amount of tax money spent on monopolized (state run/owned) healthcare services.

>OP is paid shill
I wish. Where do I apply?

These are literally all the same things that were refuted in that thread. You're a broken record.

t. butthurt low level CPC staffer

typical con

I've got a platform for him. Campaign to deregulate the state, get the state out of the private/social life of citiziens not only the economy (as a matter of fact, don't deregulate the economy too much, Canadians are for the most part 'Socialist'), adress the housing market and low wages (a lot of recent Migrants to Canada receive low wages, this topic could pull Migrants to your side) in connection with migration.
AND HERE'S THE WINNER: Campaign for a Universal Basic Income !!!!! Just like Trudeau did with weed in the last election.

>Bernier should do libertarian things
>and also run on UBI
Fuck off Kraut

I would vote for him and hope he initiates a shoah against the jews.

No. That's the exact opposite of his platform. We can do without the open borders bullshit your country is trying.

Attached: Bernier illegal border crossings.png (973x666, 620K)


Read it, dummy !!

Tell ur bosses scheer fucked up big time by being weak and cowwing to the globalist media

>using 'globalist' uniroincally

>adress the housing market and low wages (a lot of recent Migrants to Canada receive low wages, this topic could pull Migrants to your side) in connection with migration.
That's what I wrote, you need an argument for 'New Canadians' to vote for you, you can't just speg out and scream 'hur durr Migrants ebil', because you will be labeled 'racist' and 30% of your population won't vote for you.
The UBI is the carrot, anti-migration the stick (both in the world-view of leftists). You need 'New Canadians and people who usually vote 'left' to win an election.

Calmly presenting arguments and systematically organizing is the opposite of a temper tantrum. Fucking weak if this is all you got.

Kill yourself cuck

If you're an immigrant and you can't agree with the stuff Bernier has been tweeting of late, then we don't want you. Full stop.

Most Canadians think immigration should be reduced, that and anti multiculturalism should be his main focus points the economic stuff is irrelevant.

The UBI would also be the carrot, to make people ready for deregulation (stick), which most Canadians, socialist as they are (not different to any European country for example), are rather opposed to.

If he supports UBI, he loses my support. Fuck that noise.

Your country is turning into Sweden as we speak. You can keep your shit advice.

Its true, even libs are starting to question why we are shipping in ppl from dangerous parts of the world so theycan get tons of free shit.

If this Migrant has the right to vote, which a lot of them have, you pushed them to the left and they are 20-25% of your population.

They're already voting left which is why they are being imported.

I don't how he can convince people that Sheer and the conservatives are exactly like Trudeau when they explicitly said "No left or right Identity politics".

The minorities voted for Doug because of social values, job creation, and because of that sexual education fiasco by the liberals.

At least Germany and Sweden have (far) right-wing parties at ~20%.
Mate, you are deluded. Splitting the 'Conservative/Libertarian' vote before an election, rallying against immigration with 25% migrants in your country and not giving them sth in return (like UBI). The left-wing media (meaning 90% of your media) will rip him apart and call him 'racist' 24/7 and a lot of Canadians will never vote for an 'ebil racist' because Canadians are way too 'nice'/cucked to do that, even if over 50% think Trudeau is an idiot.

Well, depends on the minorities. Brampton went pretty much straight NDP. Every single Chinese-majority area of the GTA voted Ford, though.

Elect someone other than the "Holy Mother" and we'll talk, Hans.

Reminder that low IQ shills from the CPC are trying to sabotage Bernier just like the Never-Trumpers tried to do to Trump.

That's why I said you have to make them clear: More Migrants --> more competition for you --> lower wages and/or unemployment for you.
You could also get a lot of for example Muslim Migrants on your side by openly opposing some of Trudeau's SJW-stuff because most of them are social conservatives to say the least.

>only shills would have valid criticisms of /our guy/
That's where you're wrong kiddo.

when are you 'Americans' going to understand this, the Chancellor is NOT voted by the people and Merkel is head of the (on paper) Center-Right-Party, a party well-known for their 'Nibelungentreue' (these people will never putsch against their leadership, which is the real problem).

t. shill

I'm voting for this guy instead of the cuckservative party, true enough

but that's because the cuckservative party might as well be the liberal party, they have the exact same policies just with different people

>We're super ass-backwards, but our advice is golden!

130 Albert st. Ottawa Ontario.
suite 1700.

Libertarianism is shit, but it at least makes it legal to opt out of poz which is vastly ahead of anything else in the canadian overton window

Jews angry they wasted their money on the Conservative party.
Political politics by a politician is now being selfish.
They know he’s popular and they didn’t want him so he left.
Probably still going to sell out Canada for shekels but at least he’s not a rag head dagger paki

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>said by a leaf-nigger
Calling you 'American' triggered you, didn't it Chang ?

Right? The guy with the recycle meme flag got caught as a burger. But the other one seems to he a bernier staffer who keeps begging for memes hoping we'll create their campaign material for them.

Canadian Conservatives do not have the benefit of being bombastic. We are outnumbered. Even under Harper we are outnumbered. We won by splitting lib and ndp voters. If Bernier takes even 5% we will lose a horrific amount of seats.

Most importantly those rural farmers are reliable conservatives. It makes no tactical sense to kill our own base, while cucking ourselves to American food suppliers

How much Bernier paying you per mile you've been running?

He has my support

>It makes no tactical sense to kill our own base, while cucking ourselves to American food suppliers
This. Canada will do well to weather this storm.

There's a flood of rather children or shills who don't understand our political system boosting Bernier.

Our system works the same. We do not vote for PM. We elect MPs and the party with the most seats has their leader assume PM.
The other shill thread here didn't know the names of our conservative party.

Progressive Conservatives have not existed in well over a decade.

Attached: Screenshot_20180825-100656.jpg (1080x1336, 559K)

>Progressive Conservatives have not existed in well over a decade.

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What did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_20180824-184700.png (1080x1920, 196K)

See, shit like this is suspicious as hell. People don't know the difference between our federal parties and our provincial parties.

Recycle user is posting day and night and looks like a shill. But this guy is rather a child that's never voted or I don't fucking know.

Are parties do not work like America where they have 2 parties. ONTARIO has a progressive conservative party for PROVINCIAL elections. Federally, where Bernier's party is being created, Progressive Conservatives have not existed for over a decade.

For PM he's right, PCs are Provincial, Conservative is Federal
>In 2003, the party membership voted to dissolve the party and merge with the Canadian Alliance to form the modern-day Conservative Party of Canada

>progressive conservatives

Good, I hope they all died gasping.

It's a historical thing you wouldn't find interesting. But its before progressive meant sjw