Robert Anton Wilson Is Stephen Paddock's Dad

Those hotdogs?

Well it's "Hotdog Friday"

which is the tenant of the Discordian Religion

"Chapel Perilous" by James Alefantis was named after Robert Anton's writing about meeting beings from Sirius...

Only he was the being from Sirius.

here he is:

That's my favourite breed of Dog.

It's the oldest breed in the world - Egyptians had them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I am tired so this wont be an extensive thread but an introduction to concepts I will write about when I have have some sleep.

>"Chapel Perilous" by James Alefantis
clear cut example of a pedophile elite spewing his BS mentality upon something that which he does not own or make, just taking it and stealing and soiling it

greyhounds are an excellent choice

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Chapel Perilous is about Moses

James Alefantis is Robert Anton Wilson

I love greyhounds as well

They have dolichocephalic skulls, like me!

I didn't know that when I picked Afghan as my favourite but I guess it;s true dogs look like their owners.

>James Alefantis is Robert Anton Wilson

keep smoking that stuff it sure has served you well

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I'm not high

your words say otherwise

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those who have no fear....find their tree eventually

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Jack Parsons did 911
He faked the moon landings

and is the father of Pizzagate - Ishtar


“I don't believe anything, but I have many suspicions.”

― Robert Anton Wilson

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>Those fucking names

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I need to do a little weeding

try and keep the thread alive

I will make another one later if it closes

If RAW had any part of this my brain would explode. Although the tragedy that befell his daughter, Luna, was dark too.

Can you not do that? Thx

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I have to

I will try and be quick.

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Still need to find some in Revelation X

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Check behind the toaster.

Indeed. He had her brain cryo frozen, I believe the first human to be.


brain hemmoriage

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what book is this?

oh that's right forgot about his pedo ring

Boston Terrier is America’s dog. First American breed. Everything else is lies.

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Book of the Subgenius

cool story:
i watched this 7 years ago when i was brainwashed and liked obama
then my recurrent isolated sleep paralysis fully engaged and i spent thousands of years in space prison

>I'm a philosopher and psychologist; I am engaged in legitimate human enterprise
>does nothing his whole career but ramble on about if he can actually believe that he talked to all the demons he summoned

One more and I will leave it focused on the topic at hand of daddy Wilson

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I forgot, how is Disfordia and Subgenius related?
I remember looking into it when Chanology happened.

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They seem to have a common origin in the merry pranksters, at least in style and subject matter. Not sure if there is an actual lineage of membership

QRD on this large lad

How do you know is RAW alefantis' dad. Are you being metaphorical?

I would be surprised but not surprised to find out Wilson was a pedo.

Here is Stang & Wilson himself discussing the similarities.

IIRC it's kinda how like Johnny knoxvilles jackass and Bam margeras CKY joined posses. 2 groups but overlapped, doing a lot of the same stuff. Fnord

Looking at the membership of the Merry Pranksters, they were MKULTRA-adjacent as all hell, named a group the "Electric Kool-aid Acid Test," had an associate of the Grateful Dead onboard, and had a couple of Stanford creative writing graduate students in the group

Look at the name of the guy who wrote the article.

It's a shitty thread. Fuck off.

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why the long face user


That's me finished weeding.

I just got soap in my eye so that's not so good.

Just making a tea

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I'm going to say a word which will unravel everything


is the word

is this some /x shit?
tf are you talking about?

Might as well be. This thread has a serious fnord deficit.

I have a newspaper clipping back home of John Dillinger.

Well it was actually a magazine clipping, I hung it on my computer at work for a year, before I went to Europe.

I read Illuminatus and decided to go to Ingolstadt for a joke.

It was pretty funny but no one gets the joke

I'm not sure I do either.

I'm pretty sure I read someone asked John Podesta about the great cosmic joke and he said it took place in a pizza shop.

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have one of pat to add to your collection

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I see many of you have fallen prey to the side effects of the jumping jesus phenomenon.

If pol pursued this we could prove that Paddock Knew Wilson...

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lol thanks


April 2015 lunar eclipse. The Moon passes right to left (west to east) through the Earth's shadow. A total lunar eclipse took place on 4 April 2015. It is the former of two total lunar eclipses in 2015, and the third in a tetrad (four total lunar eclipses in series).

April 4th is Stephen's birthday the same as Gary Moore.

It sometimes falls on Easter and 44 is the number of the chosen, biblically.

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I love /x/ x Jow Forums threads.

When you start to look at weird cults like these and see how they cross into politics, it's fascinating. I really wonder what CIA and government connections these 60s hippie drug groups had.

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I can prove it

Paddock comes from Iowa home of the OTO

Then there's the Timothy Leary connection between Jordan Peterson and Robert Anton WIlson

and then the Crowley connection

and the Jack Parsons connection

and John Podesta was asked for a Thelema Favour

and Jack Parsons ran the Thelema Agape Lodge...

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Jem777 is Jenny Moore

that's another matter.

The footballer

Scott Donnelly was born

December 25th and he goes by the name C1RWON

and SD is Secret Doctrine

whoops no not the footballer

the other one goes by c1rwon

I made a video about everything he told me

I will share it

from 2008 when I spoke to him - well, I listened to him in words.

Sometimes people tell me not to be cryptic

but it's difficult to contain everything in a few sentences

as it's the whole map of creation.

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Scott told me that I was born on the dark side of the moon

alan trist was friends with jerry garcia and robert hunter as teenagers and was a major force in encouraging them to become a band. he worked at Tavistock.

The moon doesn't have a dark side because of quantum mechanics and the collapse of the wave function

that's why you find the Half Moon Deception in Antarctica

SO that's why Robert (bright fame) said

The Map is Not The Territory

"Pizza Related Map"

The Map Of Meaning

Hubbard also means Bright Fame

How high are you right now on a scale of 1 to Marley?

He said when he told me the truth it would be like hitting me in the face with a snowball

well in 2008 when they turned on CERN

George Bush senior lost a snowball fight on Christmas day lol and got a black eye

As you know Barbara Bush "absolutely perfect" was alleged to be Crowley's daughter.

I don't have any weed.

I'm totally straight.

I'd love some and I have some at home but I don't have Jow Forums at home

so I stayed here longer

I have been awake for a day or two but I did the garden so I am awake

Do you think this is weird?

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Published on Jun 30, 2011
This is a Newflash which goes out to C1RWON

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>the Half Moon Deception in Antarctica

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Tavistock us up the road from the Tabernacle.

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>The Map is Not The Territory
Minor Attracted Person is not the territory?

These are not the droids you are looking for.

"explain quantum physics simply he asks..."

laughter from audience.

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This Video