The era of conservatives dominating YouTube is coming to an end. Leftists are coming...

The era of conservatives dominating YouTube is coming to an end. Leftists are coming, and they're eradicating right-wing homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and racism with FACTS and LOGIC.

And that's a good thing.

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This is the face of YouTube in 2018 and it's beautiful.

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It's not just ContraPoints either. There are tons of radical leftist YouTubers and their subscriber counts are EXPLODING. COMPLETELY ORGANICALLY.

Nazis look out!

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Alex "tranny fucker" Jones is doing more to eradicate transphobia than that smarmy, self-promoting, horse-faced autogynephile ever has. Also if this is Contra, please seek help for your alcohol addiction. Seriously.

Bloody hell how many shekels are these goys getting paid to shill this hard?

Don't forget the science, philosophy, and reality itself has a leftist bias.

If you're against the left, you're against philosophy!

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Nobody takes ugly perverted freaks seriously. They are clowns for children who laugh at their mental illness. Once their fun loving high schooler subscribers turn 25, they'll vote for the far right, after having worked with niggers and spics for a couple of years. Reality is the best redpill and reality is on our side.

contra points is entertaining, kind of, I'll give him that much, but his recent rise in popularity is most decidedly not organic

>Don't forget the science, philosophy, and reality itself has a leftist bias.
Delusional bullshit. The evolution of different races confirms suspicions of race realists that in fact not all the races are created equal. Differences exist (due to evolution) and you cannot wish them away with a repeated mantra of "We are all equal".

True philosophy orients itself after nature, and nature is inherently völkisch, meaning far right.

Get it together wypipo: European history is NOT white history. So you need to open the borders and LET THEM IN.

African history is black history though which is why we dedicate a month to black history. But white history is just a made up myth.

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There seems to be some organized effort to push this future 40%'er too. Never mind that his video get shit on with any level of analysis.

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You can sage my thread but you can't hide from the #BlueWave on YouTube!

Look a the view counts and like/dislike ratio on all of ContraPoints videos! Wow, they're really resonating with people! Xe is clearly saying things that the majority agree with.

Spawktalk has consistently owned contra in pretty much all of his videos. Him and Ryan.

Oh. So you mean youre gonna keep doing the same shit youve been doing for a decade? Falsely accusing people of hate crimes and turning them to the right side like you did with me? Good luck.

Nobody wants to watch some filthy tranny talk about politics

Encourage liberals. It makes them look stupid and makes our army bigger.
>If your enemy thirsts.


Absolute power

The preference for ‘facts’ over biases and prejudices is, objectively speaking, just another bias. A fact is only a single aspect of the infinite universe, and all systems seeking to organize the data are the synthetic work of the mind, and not something inherent in Nature.

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You’re not fooling anyone. It’s more like you are eradicating different viewpoints by bullying and brigading. That’s why you’re here.