***South Africa Farm Attack Stories***

Share this video to bluepilled normies who try and deny farm killings and white genocide


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shut the fuck up and stop crying the world wont do shit its all up to you now.
Grab a gun a machete or a stick and find a couple friends that are willing to slaughter nigs with you.

this is information warfare motherfucker. the more people who know the more support there will be to kill the murderous nigs.

bump. US intervention when? I'm ready for this kind of fight. Whites vs. niggers, commies, and nigger-commies is the war Jow Forums has always been dreaming of. You motherfuckers better be getting your boots ready.

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literal nothingburger

Oh there may be Chinese involvement too, they seem to be very cozy with our government.

Any slant eyed fucks on the ground when SHTF shouldn't be trusted

This, we need to spread this video everywhere.

get out and save yourself while you still can. looks like the suidlanders were right

>be white south african
>be 9% of country
>own 97% of the land
>ancestors kicked Black natives off their land hundreds of years ago
>refuse government's buyout as part of the land reform policy
>get told to leave
>get removed
>oh god its worse than the holocaust!

the white hololauxx

I wonder (((who))) could have orchestrated all of this
Remember, Boer bros, around blacks never relax. Stay frosty

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The only real solution is to nuke London, Washington DC, and Beijing.


why are whiteoids such snowflakes?

Imagine being this retarded and this much of a shill, also there were no "native" blacks there when settlers came it was empty the tribes never penetrated that far south a simple google search confirms this, it's just that the kikes convienced the whole continent of africa was always full of blacks everywhere

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Fuck off nigger

bump for justice, when US intervention begins I hope UK by then is uncucked and joins in

>ancestors kicked Black natives off their land hundreds of years ago
what a surprise a flagfag don't know what his talking about

Trump just fucking invade and colonize south africa already

>ancestors kicked Black natives off their land hundreds of years ago
it was empty, in fact I demand that the Bantus give repatriations to the Khoisan for their colonialism and violence RIGHT NOW

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CNN is saying that the murder rate of farmers is in line with the national average. One would think that the secluded rural areas where farmers typically live should be safer than urban areas, as is the case in most other countries. This would seem to be evidence in favour of there being persecution of farmers, not against.

I've also talked to a few South African normies and the consensus among them seems to be that there is a certain level of discrimination but that it's better to keep your head down.

Fucking when do we get to do something about this?

I know we can count on the aussies, they have never ditched us in a fight before. hope UK will join as well.

fucking hell man

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You're fucking retarded. The Dutch, ironically enough, have more right to land seeing as they were there before the vast majority of the blacks.
Most of the land was obtained legally through dealings with the khoisan tribe. Everyone else came later for gibs - got gibs, and then proceeded to outbreed everyone else. Also, show flag you disingenuous piece of shit.

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Any race person could methodically break into your home using sophisticated government cell jamming devices and weapons and viciously rape torture and murder your entire family and then never face justice for their crime duh!

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i dont disagree with you, but id like to see a source so I can be more well-informed

>Irish citizen
Why did RTÉ or any Irish media report on this? Motherfuckers

This, I get really pissed off when BLM, SJW's & the MSM push this bullshit. All of South African's were settlers regardless of their skin color, and their DNA carries the proof. Dr Wilmot James, head of the African Genome project, a distinguished academic, sociologist and more recently, honorary professor of human genetics at the University of Cape Town has researched and documented all the proof needed.

To claim that the whole of Africa belongs to blacks is absurd. It is like an Italian claiming the whole of Europe belongs to italians, including Norway.
Dr Eschel Rhoodie labels this in his book as "The Third Africa" Arabic up north, black in the center and whites in the south. The White settlers of the cape first came face to face with the Bantu around 1770 on the banks of the Great Fish River, 120 years after Van Riebeeck came to the cape and 100km east of Cape Town.
This shit is just elementary knowledge.

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All this WN bullshit. There is no white genocide in South Africa. The oppressed will have property given to them in reparation of past abuse.

Makes it even better imo. This shit has been simmering for a long time and these are the best fucking battlelines drawn in the past 100 years with all our enemies on one fucking side. Trump light this fucking fuse and let's get this party rolling. Every red blooded American wants to be in this goddamn fight, let us loose POTUS.

Actually white genocide isn’t completely terrible

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I hope to see you in SA very soon, you communist faggot. It's put up or shut up time, you soft little piece of shit. You've got entire batallions of airborne and SF on standby with hard dicks just waiting to jump into SA and help out our Boer bros. If you only realized just how fucking cranked up the US military is right now wanting this fight, you'd piss yourself princess. You've got people in non-combat MOS positions begging to get into combat schools just so they can re-class for direct combat for this fight before it kicks off. You have no fucking idea, Mary. Goddamn if the brits and aussies jump into this thing with us to help the Boers and fucking shilak SA and chinks I'm going to bust 10 nuts.


>Be Colored
>Nearly die of Blacks
>Give up land to Whites in return for protection against Blacks
>Be 1994
>Let Blacks get government
>Be 2018
>Blacks take land from Whites
>Be Colored

Savage fucking bastards. I couldn't even do those things to someone even if they murdered my family, I'd just shoot them. I want these sick nigger scum dead.

who are you people? where do you come from?
what agency?

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35% of the South African anti-apartheid activists were Jewish despite being less than half of 1% of the population

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Here are some more links.

"There's nothing happening in South Africa!"


"We've not calling for the death of all white people... at least for now."
-Julius Sello Malema

"But Julius Sello Malema isn't relevant!

Wrong. He is the founder and leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, the third largest party in the South African Parliament. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_Freedom_Fighters

In June 2018, Malema gained additional notoriety when he was asked whether he was responsible for organizing gang members to murder white farmers, and responded "Maybe. Maybe not."

Can you imagine the outcry if there was an influential political party in America and its founder implied he may or may not have organized gang member to murder Jews?

And yes, they do want to take their land away.

Why do you repeat fake news talking points?

It's not fake news


645 page PDF of all S.African Farm Murders from 1994-2012 with lots of pictures and links starting on page 54. Pdf

why do you post with a memeflag shill? or did i just answer my own question?

Holy fucking shit, kill yourself already.

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I can't attack an argument so I will indulge in logical fallacies by attacking the motive.

I'm not repeating Fake News talking points, I'm repeating Real News talking points.

nice that you explained your post about "fake news". now fuck off and get a real job outside paid shilling

The Boers need our help more than any beaner or negro on this planet. They're being slaughtered one by one and if we don't do anything about it. They'll go on to America and Europe next.

You know what you're saying is wron-
Oh wait, nevermind

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Niggers are garbage

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The Jews funded the record company that released the song.
"I don't want to play sun City"
(((Sumner redstones))) MTV gave the video alot of play.

"Salt Mine Share Blue.jpg"
Hahaha nice

Someone get that George Galloway quote and add it to that image. It's something along the lines of:
>when I was an activist visiting apartheid South Africa, everyone I stayed with was Jewish

South Africa was not populated at all because there was no animals around or wild agriculture fertile lands. The Dutch build that shithole and managed to had a lot of cattle which attracted Zulus and other niggers. They got felt and when the region was modernized and cities were built niggers willing moving in as second class because they had better living standards than in their northern native countries.

>share my video you stupid goyim i-i m-mean fellow red piller

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Is this clip bullshit? Because I never here anyone reference this one for some reason and it's the most brutal.

It's complete propaganda.

Implying that the holohoax even happened

It's from Radio Free South Africa. It did happen yes.

These stories are past from family to friends, news never covers them because our murder rate is so high.

>torture methods are identical to ANC known torture techniques
i would go to war to fight these fuckers

>talking about murders is propaganda


>What is the holocaust.

Racism is strong with this one. Constitution was drafted by your apartheid ending buddies and includes a land expropriation process.
Criminality is about the same as Chicago. Nothing new.

>masturbation machines vs murderous niggers

gee wow which is more plausible?

Based and red pilled.

The Bantu first arrived in South Africa between 300 and 500 AD. Not at some point around 1700 as Boers try to get you to believe. courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-worldhistory/chapter/early-africa/

Anyway, the Bantu people in South Africa have significant Khoisan ancestry. The Khoisans are (almost) extinct because of breeding with Bantus, not because of some mass genocide.

Goodness now its 97% already?

I guess those wakanda farmers were doing just fine before evol whitey stole their farms hey...

what's your angle

The Bantu expansion is the name for a postulated millennia-long series of migrations of speakers of the original proto-Bantu language group. The primary evidence for this expansion has been linguistic, namely that the languages spoken in sub-Equatorial Africa are remarkably similar to each other.
It seems likely that the expansion of the Bantu-speaking people from their core region in West Africa began around 1000 BCE. The western branch possibly followed the coast and the major rivers of the Congo system southward, reaching central Angola by around 500 BCE.
Further east, Bantu-speaking communities had reached the great Central African rainforest, and by 500 BCE pioneering groups had emerged into the savannas to the south, in what are now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola, and Zambia.
Another stream of migration, moving east by 1000 BCE, was creating a major new population center near the Great Lakes of East Africa. Pioneering groups had reached modern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa by CE 300 along the coast, and the modern Limpopo Province (formerly Northern Transvaal) by 500 CE.

Accept the land deal and be happy.

It'll be 120% tmr, the number keeps going up according to shills

Fake news there is no white genocide or expropriation because somebody on Twitter told me so.
White supremacists BTFO


I'll defend my property and kill many before I'm taken out.

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Pretty soon they will be claiming that blacks inventer farming and built the roads and hospitals and infrastructure too.

If would be funny to hear it if the reality weren't so grim.

Byt vas manne. Ons is met julle

Why don't you give your house and belongings to the natives then you damn hypocrite. Show us how progressive you are.

I just find the hypocrisy astounding. The Zulu annexed their neighbors and tried to fight the European settlers and lost. It's just the nature of existence. Besides, the Bantu's claim that SA belongs to them is autistic because they weren't actually doing anything with the land. It wasn't like Boers walked in shot everyone and built farms over their corpses or pre-existing farms. It is a myth. And it is just used to commit white genocide. Also, the logic is hypocritical and usually inconsistent because the counter-argument: "Well then, Europe for the Euroepeans?" gets dismissed as racist. So the political motivation is important and also let's not pretend that the Khoi people were integrated peacefully as many of them displaced by the Bantu invasions.

Anyways the whole point is the hypocrisy of blacks and Leftists to suggest the Bantu somehow have a "right" to the land in SA and Europeans however do not have a right to the land in Europe. In addition, the Left just simply overlooks Bantu colonization and cries about European colonization because it was simply more successful.

Do you have a family name for this particular murder? I think this one might be exaggeration because it would be utilized more often if it wasn't. If it IS real, it should be plastered everywhere, but I don't want to spread something that'll be used to brush off the entire SA situation once it's proven to be fabricated.


I can't wait to hear this response

There is Chinese involvement.

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China is definitely involved. They are implicitly taking the side of the ANC.

This will become a proxy war.

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And then they pretty much disappeared, retreated or merged with local tribes until a thousand years later. The settlers never met them when they arrived.

The majority of todays black south africans are from these newly arrivals or newer immigrants, don't give me bullshit.

In addition it will be impossible to tell just how brutal the Bantu were considering most of the archaeological evidence either:
A. Doesn't exist because no records were kept
B. The area is simply too unsafe to conduct any detailed research

But we can draw conclusions based on factual evidence such as the Bantu expansion into Angola:
" However, mtDNA genetic research from Cabinda suggests that only haplogroups that originated in West Africa are found there today, and the distinctive L0 of the pre-Bantu population is missing, suggesting that there was a complete population replacement."

This suggests that the Bantu more than likely wiped out all the locals in the area. The first Bantu settlers did not even arrive in the modern borders of South Africa (SA did not exist as a concept pre-Boer settlement by the way) until about AD 500 when they settled the far North. I would be very interested to see a population map showing just how thickly settled the area's were of Bantu people when the Europeans arrived. I will have to look that up now.

And for fuck sake the "linguistics" you are discussing are literal fucking clicks. LOL

>ancestors kicked Black natives off their land hundreds of years ago


Dutch and English settled uninhabited lands, and the Bantu tribes (dark-skinned Central Africans) migrated south to get gibs from the whites.

The Khoi/San tribes (lighter-skinned) were the only natives of South Africa, and they lived in anarchistic tribal bands that didn't have any set borders. They also got along nicely with the whites, but were ironically genocided by the Bantus who invaded from the north.

>being on a continent means you own the entire continent

Okay then, so that means that whites own the entirety of Europe, and have the right to kick-out any other race at whim, correct?

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>ancestors kicked Black natives off their land hundreds of years ago
There were no Bantu (Zulu, Xhosa etc.) in the South African region when Whites arrived. Those are the blacks who claim the "land was stolen" from them. They believe the entire continent of Africa belongs to them, and they even committed the genocide of the Khoisan people (the real indigenous Africans of South Africa) when they first arrived in the area, killing 2 million of them (of a population of 4 million, so they slaughtered 50% of them).

Yeah fuck, Its mighty convenient that the people I hate align with each other

Found the answer:
>The Colony began properly in 1671 with the first purchase of land from the Khoikhoi (called "Hottentots" by the settlers) beyond the original limits of the fort built by van Riebeeck.

>sell land to settlers
>they actually do something with the land
Typical nigger trade.

I wouldn't mind if all these spineless leftist cucks actually lived their narrative. Why don't they be the change they want so badly? Why don't they give away their own shit if thats what they believe so badly.

No one would stop them.

how convenient

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And to put the final nail in your dumb ass coffin:
>Those who chose the latter [migrating Northwards away from the Boers] encountered the hostility of their old foes, the San, who inhabited the plains from the Nieuwveld and Sneeuwberg mountains to the Orange River.

So they got wiped out by their own alleged "people". What a load of shit dude you're done.

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There actually were Bantu when whites arrived in South Africa. There just weren't in the Cape Area. Didn't you see my post above?

The reason why whites rarely if ever encountered Bantu until the 1700s is because the whites didn't expand beyond the Cape until then.

And the Bantu barely expanded Southwards until they wanted GIBMEDATS and got BTFO'd for it.

You'd think it should but it's one of those things where the family does not like saying "OUR LITTLE SUSIE WAS RAPED TO DEATH" it's traumatic as fuck and I believe that American woman was told that story in confidence. People don't use things like these as talking points, they tend to want to forget it happened or commit suicide from the depression.

There are many murders just as brutal and they happen in a variety of ways. Here's the KEY DIFFERENCE though between what you want and how reality works. You will not get some drowned-syrian-boy-like thing from people who have suffred from farm murders, nobody wants to plaster their dead kids and butchered family members in newspapers. That's what the left does, they show suffering Syrians to further their selfish political points, in the end the actual trauma these people suffer means nothing to them unless they can milk it for brownie points.

We are a religious volk, we do not speak lightly about the topic.

It's a serious topic here, and we DO act on it. It's really shocking for us how the entire western press reacted to it considering it's common knowledge here. Last year in October there was nation wide protests against the governments inaction surrounding farm murders yet the western press was entirely silent about it.

Watch this:


It's a great blessing I can only thank God for that Trump tweeted his concern. Sure, the demonic journalists will deny something that goes against their politics because as I've already said; they don't care about actual suffering of people, they only care about how they can milk it.

All we can do is stand firm and prepare for war as land theft will become legal. We do not care what the world thinks in the end.

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