America is destroying this Bird's breeding sites

What does Jow Forums make of this?

Attached: razorbill.jpg (480x360, 12K)

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It makes me sad and angry, can not speak for the others.

You can find non-breeding ones off the coast of Estonia.

>non-breeding ones
How long?

Till the start of Spring, they will be coming in soon since they winter there.

But how long can I find them if they can not breed (because breeding sites are gone)


From end of Autumn to start of Spring. Just don't fall off a cliff trying to find them.

this is an issue that's really close to home for you isn't it

Without the Razorbills. The ecosystem loses it's dynamics.

Entire planet is my home. US and Chink farts reach my delicate nose.

I understand the Razorbill is called the Alk in Estonia.

>Climate change? LMAO, fuck that Jew conspiracy! Let me tell you how cheese pizza is a secret code for child rape!

Attached: 1531909533386.png (889x696, 133K)

Pizzagate is real, America just as happens to destroy Razorbill nests as well.

We must secure the existence of our birds, and a future for native fledglings.



Attached: razor with chick.jpg (711x533, 111K)

Btw, it is protected species in Estonia.

That's good.

And I should have said: they are protected species in Estonia.
Fuck. Too much English is ruining my native worldview sometimes.

I understood fully. I am used to foreign 4channers.