How To Implement an Ethnostate (in US)

All of these assume that the Overton Window has moved as far to the right as we can optimistically expect in our immediate lives (barring total economics collapse or declaration of martial law).

1) Revoke the 1965 Immigration Act (normies have discussed this)
2) Secure the borders (Trump's base wants this)
3) Every illegal is deported (Trump's base can easily be swayed to this position and is pretty much there already)
4) End birthright citizenship and revoke the citizenship of all prior beneficiaries (Loads of people on board with the former, the latter can naturally follow)
5) End protected minority status as identified by the 14th Amendment
6) Limit/eliminate government welfare programs to de-incentivize economic migration and dysgenic births (debatable, but if framed right it could be done)
7) Establish White Europeans as the founding stock of the US and codify this into law, allowing for the legislation of demographic integrity laws (If the language and intent of the Founding Fathers becomes widely known public knowledge, this becomes feasible)
8) Teach White Nationalist legislation and opinions of the Early Republic in classrooms (See #8)
9) Teach race realism and eugenics in classrooms as sciences in classrooms (again see #8)
10) Cut all foreign aid to Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and direct it to Liberia, with the condition that American Negros may enjoy the right of return. Classrooms will teach about how Liberia is directly descended from the US as a nation, about the favored status that Americo's enjoyed in Liberia as well as the history of Marcus Garvey and his movement for blacks to repatriate to Africa. American Negros who wish to return to Africa will be guaranteed a $15,000 subsidy to ensure their successful integration into their new life. (Hardest to accomplish, but if framed as a net positive for blacks, many liberals (who already hate Israel) and blacks will get behind it)

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Other urls found in this thread:

In a wildly optimistic world, say, one in which Trump is succeeded by someone who is even more racially aware in 2024, and the overton window continues to move rightwards, I see these as feasible in the next 20-50 years. If they were implemented, the following 2 to 3 generations would likely further implement policies to reinforce the integrity of the white ethnostate (ie all-white immigration policy and citizenship, actual implementation of eugenics into law, etc, etc)

The only glaring weakness is that none of these directly or indirectly address the JQ. The best I can see the public being able to swallow is that immigration of Jews to Israel will be propagandized and openly encouraged, perhaps in concert with a growing public awareness and willingness to point out the position of the (((tribe))) in power.


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I say we do this
>start by implementing civnat strategies, which are wildly popular for some reason
>as we stop the bleeding, implement social policies to fix the birthrate
now that we've stopped the bleeding, we have a larger time window to redpill the world
>target the youth, educate them into a white nationalist mindset
>once you're in a position of strength, let the left take back power
>make sure this left has been subverted make them into a cartoon-character of crazy
>use this to instigate a revolution (your youth-army is ready and waiting remember?)
>use the blood spilled by the revolution as the historical example disproving the diversity shit
>now that you've overthrown the government, spread the revolution global

white world achieved

>The only glaring weakness is that none of these directly or indirectly address the JQ

the culture of critique should be mandatory reading in high school. a lot of people are frustrated with anti-white diversity initiatives, but don't put up a fight because they don't really know where it's all coming from, aside from "liberalism". so they channel their energy into fighting progressives, and progressives become resentful of "racist whites". it's the cornerstone of the two party D&C strategy.

one of the few things i'm thankful to Jow Forums's shills for is recommending the culture of critique.

I think free speech on the internet will be massively cracked down on before we can even reach #4.
Anonymous unrestrained communication is our lifeblood and through a miracle the internet has let us get this counterculture this far but the jew knows now and we all will die having no effective line of communication.

Women cannot fulfill the role of mothers anymore.

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At this point an ethnostate would be more realistic if you created an artificial island in the Atlantic Ocean with controlled immigration.

Usa and canada can be fixed if whites just had more kids

Bumping a good non shill thread

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Only realistic way for an ethnostate is for it to be created after a civil war that whites won.

>we need millions of more humans that will fix it

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Real answer: implement ethnostates in Sweden and South Africa

>Cut all foreign aid to Israel
With your god emperor cucked to (((them)))?
Keep dreaming

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Let me guess? He's #notyourpresident

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>implying the crackdown isn't already in effect.

"soft"-censorship is still censorship. when people can't get a word in over the constant and pervasive shilling/astroturf, it is effectively political censorship.

delusional autist incel - the post.

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White guy who only fucks latinas/ black women here.
White women are fuckibg terrible and lack dat ass. I have 2 kids with a latina and 1 with a black woman but I would never have a kid with a white woman because their attitude is sickening

Much appreciation, man.

Motherhood/womanhood issues need to be solved. History has shown that it's easy to boost native birthrates if the state has the will (see Vichy France, Nazi Germany, Stalinist USSR, modern Denmark and Hungary) but getting woman back into the sane-box will be more problematic. Still, it's relatively easy compared to restoring the demographics to an ideal state.

If welfare programs for childbirth and child rearing were directed towards the middle class rather than the impoverished, than it would naturally boost white birth rates while being socially acceptable to civnats. That said, it's far from a perfect solution.

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the sad part is, most whites are far too lackadaisical and too tech-illiterate to realize they're being broadsided by propaganda. this is why education is so important. this is why we can't be ignorant fools in the 21st century.

>their attitude is sickening

yes, but you can't have a white kid without a white woman. well, you can, but i doubt that most POC would want to be a surrogate just so you can have white kids.

Cry me a river. Find yourself a white woman and do your duty to the race. Life is suffering, don't be a weak-willed clown ruled by carnality.

>Muttland ''white'' US
Pick ONE.

Why do you even still believe this? Remember cooperations control the country, not the people like you. They like open boarders and mass immigration of non Europeans for cheap labor cost or in group prosperity.

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Agreed. Even if Culture of Critique became a standardized text for college courses, we would see a noticeable change in the general cultural awareness of Jews and their habits.

Heck, Jews have written dozens of books saying the exact same things we do, it's just that no one ever reads them. It's very brazen and I would love to see it come back and bite them in the ass.

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Why do you think I have a duty to a race? I dont owe others shit because we are the same color

Trust busting is a big part of this. Legislating that said corporations hire locally is another. Look dude, the answers aren't easy, but they are there. People need to be made aware of them and then they need to vote. It's a shitty process that requires a lot of work, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

You kinda do, but I'm guessing you haven't spent much time pondering upon it. Quit sticking your dick in negresses and spicks and take a sabattical and read up on the history of your people and maybe you'll understand someday.

it's not even so much about jews, but about demonstrating how unchecked progressivsim and poorly-integrated, manipulative sub-populations can ruin a country very quickly.

it's no good if we just trade jews for asians, or jews for indians. you don't want people to miss the point here, which is that people should be aware of social engineering and manipulation regardless of the source.

I gotcha, that makes sense. That said, Jews do have a unique advantage in that they can present as white, so that makes them a unique threat that needs to be pointed out. Though the chinese are just as subversive and cutthroat as Jews are, they will never be able to blend into our societies in the same way.

But I'm getting off in the weeds. I think you're right, inoculating the public against the cancer of progressivism is an important step.

>4) End birthright citizenship
Service guarantees citizenship

Anyone who want to be a citizen must service a term of service in the military to learn American values.

>they will never be able to blend into our societies in the same way.

we're at a point where they don't have to pretend to blend in. people don't give a shit. we had a kenyan president that half the country was in love with for eight years. we have foreign-born people being fast tracked into political careers.

it's not even progressivism that's the problem, it's the idea that we're obligated to bend over backwards for anyone who our ancesors may or may not have wronged in the past. it's the idea that we should be ashamed of our heritage.

and it's also the lie of racial equality. but none of these would be possible without a mass media apparatus telling us how to think.

> making your army out of foreign conscripts.

that's an awful idea if i've ever heard one.

maybe we could do something like the french legion though

Just do what the Jews do in Israel, don't hire them, tax them to death for being "non-citizens" and push them out. Make them hate us so much they don't want to live with us, separate and push out. Deny it to the UN, even though we are the UN. China does this shit as well, no one will give a fuck if we do it, except for Jews and white liberals, but if we claims it's hate speech against us, then we can get away with literal genocide. Just control the narrative.

Good thread OP. Here's why diversity doesn't work.

Americans don't trust each other any more. Since Senator (((Jacob Javitz))) pushedthe (((Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965))) though the Senate, which legalized the immigration of Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans, the homogeneity of society and therefore trust in neighbors and institutions began to die. Fast forward 50 years later and 2/3 of society doesn't trust their neighbors or government.

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Cornell university found that different ethno groups will get along so long as they are separated, especially by a wall.

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Diversity CAUSES detachment from the community, even if your history there is long standing

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> the more racially homogenous a country is, the more trusting they are of others outside their group. They assume all groups are like theirs and will assimilate when they won't
> the more racially homogenous the neighborhood, the more trusting of one's neighbor people tend to be
> the more racially homogenous an area, the more you trust others in your group
> Diversity is bad on numerous different levels for numerous different organizations and institutions
>Diversity is bad regardless of socio-economic class

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Diversity causes negative economic growth at the macro level and conflict, reduced productivity, and morale reduction at the micro level

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As diversity increases, people vote less, volunteer less, give less to charity, work less on community projects. Neighbour trust is half what it would be in homogenous neighborhoods. All measures of civic health are lower in diverse areas.

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The greater the diversity, the greater the societal distrust. People like the idea of immigration until they are actually confronted with immigrants in their neighborhood, then they become strongly averse to immigration.

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The greater the diversity, the greater the societal distrust. When people of different ethnicities get to within 80 meters of one another, neighborhood cohesion and social trust begin to decline. As diversity and proximity increase, trust and cohesion plummet. The macro opinion is often the opposite of the micro opinion on diversity because those at the macro level don't have to be confronted with diversity.

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Ethnic homogeneity and Protestantism are the only two ideas that create high trust societies. This is obviously caveated by the fact that they have to be white, with the exception of Singapore, South Korea, Japan.

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Give better economic reasons for white women to be married, stayed married, and have children. Also, we need to push the importance of families and define women's role along with men's roles as well, yes, men need to be deprogrammed as well. Better jobs and better pay for men helps and kicking out 50 million shitskins will drop housing like a bitch which will help families.

Ethnocentric societies are the most successful ones. Any society that chooses a humanitarian path will lose to selfishness and traitors.

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if migration is allowed, it should be a slow drip. slow enough that demographics aren't radically changed within the span of a single generation. i wouldn't care if it were close off completely though.

This, absolutely this.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white

Pay off the blacks way more, an amount over 80% of them couldn't refuse. Around 150k or more. Each black on average costs the system over 750k throughout their lifetime, anything 300 and under is a bargain to get them to leave

why would they do this when they can send blacks to jail, and call white people racist for doing it? they kill two birds with one stone.

>disagreeing with your president's stance on something makes you a sovereign citizen progressive
>meme flag
the absolute state of the_donald

it's a mistake to think that TPTB want to improve our condition or do anything but maintain their own positions.

You forgot repeal the 19th amendment

He didn't have any criticism, just yipping' and yappin' about the greatest thing that's happen to America in 80 years being a jewish plant.
I consider it malevolent shitposting.
Love him or hate him, you can't deny he's turned our democracy focused on minorities and sexual deviants back on it's head.

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Tumblr is filled with cuck fetishist white males who pretend to be nationalist women, and then they reblog and like cuck porn and try to get "caught". It's the weirdest shit ever.


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The JQ isn't too hard to deal with. Just define Jews as a nonwhite ethnic group and deport them. Alternatively, you can eliminate dual citizenship and deport anyone loyal to other countries/ideologies before the US. The most important thing is that Jewish history needs to be a permanent fixture in American classrooms. If it isn't, they will find their way back here in centuries to come.

if there's anything that Jow Forums does right, it's actually the promotion of identity politics and white identity. Jow Forums is reversing this strange condition of ethnic ignorance, perhaps in the most asinine way imaginable, but hopefully it gets through to people nonetheless.

>Alternatively, you can eliminate dual citizenship and deport anyone loyal to other countries/ideologies before the US

loyalty on paper isn't necessarily loyalty in practice.

Why would whites sudden be so worried over having an ethnostate? This is the 21st century not the 19th century. White people aren't obsessed with maintaining their (((whiteness))). What white culture is even worth preserving these days with the amount of degeneracy and hedonism in their countries. Your pan Europeanism is just never going to work. It's at the point of no return. Most people who tend to be obsessed with white ethnostates are poor looking weirdos in public. White people care more about freedom and consumerism than whiteness. Also you need to have a real sense of culture and heritage to maintain a ethnostate. Most white people don't care about their native culture and are obsessed with other cultures all over Asia, Africa and south America.

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the only way that we have a chance of getting "real" politicians is by electing people who were born and raised here, people feel at least some connection or obligation to america and the majority of its people. in other words, we have to elect white american males.

it's not cronyism, it's just the only way we'll get politicians who feel at least a modicum of genuine obligation to the people who they're supposed to represent.

Tribalism is the pandora's box to our democracy. Conservatives and progressives are split down the middle as being white or not, it's a fact.
If white people want to keep minorities from using democracy to usurp our wealth and sovereignty we need to form an identitarian voting block in the pursuit of self interest.
Simple stuff.

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couldn't you have figured that out a couple decades ago before they all got here?

Just being white alone will never bring people together. If so then Europe would've been one huge country instead of a continent with little countries.

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SA should have never allowed niggers in

The resurgence of nationalism has been a good catalyst for racial identity. People are quick to catch on when presented with fact. It's nice that the information is easily digestible through popular internet culture thanks to anime imageboards. Weird shit when you say it out loud.

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Indians and east/south east/central Asians having been coming to America for a very long time. How are you going to convince cooperations to either shutdown or fire all of their asian employees over maintaining whiteness? You are at the point of no return m8. Your country even depends in foreign investors and businesses to stay afloat. You have airports and military bases all over the world.

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if politics is split along racial lines, then civil war does seem a lot more plausible. but if that doesn't happen, we might just be displaced, marginalized, and diluted away. not exactly a fun time in either case.

>Indians and east/south east/central Asians having been coming to America for a very long time.

it's an issue of numbers, user. i don't like being the only white guy in the room, or on the floor.

The implementation of an ethnostate in the United States is an impossibility and anyone who tries as either utterly naive or foolish beyond belief.
Fate has decided that we become Brazil 2.0 and that is what we will become. Sooner or later we will become South Africa 2.0 and then eventually Rhodesia 2.0.
Our time is over. Accept it. We will be long gone once these things occur.

>Indians and east/south east/central Asians having been coming to America for a very long time.
if you combine these groups they make up the largest part of our current immigration wave
believe it or not, beanerland has exhausted much of its unwanted popualtion

we should not allow this decay. civil war would be preferable.

Most people who don't want kids are white people lol. White people are more concerned about traveling, vlogging, college, social justice, casual sex and be independent. No other race or ethnicity is like this.

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I agree that war would be preferable, but I seriously doubt that anyone on this continent is capable of any serious thought or any concrete allegiance to any sort of real cause.
The end is near. We can do nothing until the empire falls, and by the time it does the parasite that made it into the disgusting Frankenstein monster that it was will have moved onto its next host.

We don't want the US, we want Europe. Europa is our homeland and our birth right.

>I agree that war would be preferable, but I seriously doubt that anyone on this continent is capable of any serious thought or any concrete allegiance to any sort of real cause.

they're pretty into all the contrived fake causes that mass media offers them to keep them busy. pretty sure everyone would up for a real cause.

There not going to live the country unless you give them incentives. African, Caribbean and south amerimutts are alot more convincing to returning home than blackmutts of America.

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actually, i'm positive of this. it wouldn't be nearly as hard as people think.

Then run off to a majority white state in North west. These people are not leaving anytime soon. Start an orania state somewhere obscure or off the grid.

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Civil war would not end in our favor I think, it would likely turn out to be another bolshevik revolution.

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make sure that no masonic lodge or any kike is able to communicate at the beginning of the nat soc revolution.

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>Then run off to a majority white state in North west. These people are not leaving anytime soon. Start an orania state somewhere obscure or off the grid.

neither am i. and 999/1000 of them are FOBs, not the fully-integrated descendants of chinese railroad workers from the old west. i've met maybe one or two of the latter, tops.

Make it an auxiliary force, high standards and discipline, stationed off US soil, deployments are the longest, shittiest and most dangerous, 5 years minimum service required with combat action and then and only then they can get citizenship. That can work.


>What is the Hart-Celler Act?
The Hart-Celler Act (or the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965) removed nation and ethnic restrictions on immigration to America. Initially intended to help family members immigrate to the states, it has since completely changed the demographics of the United States.

>"Congress was saying in its debates, 'We need to open the door for some more British doctors, some more German engineers,'" Klineberg says. "It never occurred to anyone, literally, that there were going to be African doctors, Indian engineers, Chinese computer programmers who'd be able, for the first time in the 20th century, to immigrate to America."
Even the politicians who supported the policy had no idea the Pandora's Box they were opening. Had they known the consequences, this abominable bill never would have been passed.

>But repealing the bill isn't enough!
It doesn't matter if you are pagan, christian, 88, or just 14. We need to start somewhere, and we must work quickly if we want to save White America. We've seen how formidable we can be when united. Let us unite once again in defense of our country. A repeal of the HCA is a politically attainable and significant goal.

Support the repeal of the Hart-Celler Act at every turn. Make it your most important political ambition, your most common talking point. Redpill the normies - most of whom have been brainwashed into believing the "America is a country of immigrants" drivel. We must stem the tide of non-white immigration if we ever hope to have a country fit for our children. Stopping White Genocide starts here.

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i'm sure it would depend on who TPTB favor to win. our armed forces (which are mostly comprised of white and some african/hispanic american males) aren't going to fight for the sake of foreigners. we certainly could lose, but i doubt it.

Hispanics are a much larger problem. In half a century they went from virtually 0% of the population to 23%. How are you going to deal with them?

I like all of the above. However I would suggest simply eliminating forced integration laws (ie allow freedom of association), then racially conscious whites can simply exclude undesirables from their communities/towns/city's/states.

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>Hispanics are a much larger problem

why? they're an underclass. how could they be nearly as big of a problem as immigrants from the east?

the only way we'd lose is by forfeit, which unfortunately does seem to be our default position on all things race related.

your du bs speak some sort of truth I guess
I just don't know man
the people around me spend such long periods lost in the darkness that it leaves me feeling hopeless
and when they finally do draw the shining sword of sanity they so easily sheathe it again only to never recognize they'd just had it drawn moments.
it all just leaves me feeling so hollow.


10 year prison sentence for employing illegals, civil forefeiture of ALL assets of the guilty party, as they were obtained through crime and fraud. Anyone who is a whistleblower. Gets 50 percent of the seized assets.

The illegal immigrant problem would be over in a month.

>how could they be nearly as big of a problem as immigrants from the east?
probably because they're the group Whites are most prone to miscegenate with

Currently we suffer from lack of law enforcement on these issues, which are usually already illegal. Drawing up new laws on top of ignored laws doesn't seem to fix much.

why do you give a damn? promoting miscegenation with africans has been priority #1 for TPTB for decades. nobody had any problem with that. and even mestizo goblins are more fit than most african-americans.

The problem with family based immigration is that a european family has one kid, a pajit family has 4, and an afro family has 11. Families are not uniform, and we have to account for that.