Allowing children a say in politics is irresponsible. College students are infantile and clueless kids and have no experience of the real world. Recent scientific evidence proves that the human brain is not finished developing until the age of 25 in females and 27 in males.
With this in mind, should the voting age be increased to exclude these literal children from the democratic process?
make it 35. with 25 most people still are retards.
Luke Powell
IQ tests should be the only requirement for one under 100 should be allowed
Dominic Jackson
It is absurd that analphabets are allowed to vote. How would someone who can't even read make an informed decision and not be completely manipuled by television propaganda and shit
I don't know if that's the case in the US, but here it is and it's ridiculous
Alexander Watson
You can buy a gun at 18, you can hold one even younger. Why the fuck would you vote at 25 then?
Jason Hill
IQ tests are unreliable and not reflective of a person's maturity or understanding of politics. What do guns have to do with voting rights?
Anthony White
Anyone over 22 who is a landowner, business owner, and/or has served in the military All niggers, spics, and self hating anti US whites who rent apartments and covet their landlords don't deserve the responsibility of voting
Carson Rivera
65-80 year old, land-owning whites are the only ones that should be able to vote
Juan Gonzalez
Property/land ownership.
Isaiah Roberts
Only white males who own property or a business should be allowed to vote.
John Sanchez
Lol don't be retarded. Elderly people vote for whatever the party of gibs is. Elderly people of all race are essentially niggers.
Jeremiah Bailey
Property and land ownership based voting only worked in the past because only the upper class and upper-middle class had the possibility to own land. Nowadays only allowing property owners to vote would mean that all the stupid landlords who buy up dozens of houses, in other words the very ones who are driving house prices through the roof and aiding in the destruction of our country, have more power than they already do. Why would you allow these people to vote, or some idiot who just happened to take out a mortgage to vote, when there are plenty of intelligent, spiritual, and worthy people who would be much better but choose to stay mobile and rent.
Just modifying democracy is not the answer. What democracy existed before was just the last gasps of a formerly feudal system. But it's the same old shit with all of you. None of you are real traditionalists, you just want to poorly imitate the 1950's society by creating a system in which minorities and lefties don't exist. Really, democracy shouldn't exist at all and none of you would have a say, whereas only noble families would determine how their areas were managed. Of course, you can thank most of your ancestors for fighting against that in favour of democracy, and no surprise that it ended badly when the decision was made by the majority.
Voting is fucking stupid. If government only existed to protect property then we wouldn't have faggots voting to steal other's shit or to keep their shit secure from theft. Voting is the political means to a better life. It is also immoral and it is theft. Voting is legalized plunder. It is a slave's suggestion box. Fuck voting. Long live our natural, God-given rights. If you form some type of government then you had better keep voting as a right of property owners, and likely only males.
Angel Morgan
no, it should be rescinded to anyone who hasn't served in the military. Same goes for the right to hold office.
Gavin Martinez
similar but a council of prince-electors
Isaac Cox
Yes, and ideally only males should vote.
Jose Kelly
child voting rights opens the door to pedophilia
Jonathan Collins
We give the dead the right to vote, so why not fetuses?
Ryan Bell
Only taxpaying men with family (3kids) who completed military service, should be allowed to vote.
Dominic Mitchell
no , current voting age is fine denying voting rights to people serving in the army is fucking absurd .
They're in the army to follow orders. Soldiers don't vote on which location they think should be the next target for a drone strike.
Nolan Bennett
A license preceded by logic puzzles and knowledge of statecraft.
Cameron Morales
With things like this, I think that the voting privileges should start when an individual meets three qualifications, is of the age of 21, is not the dependent of another individual, and pays taxes. I think this is fair simple and takes into account fairness and equity towards responsibility toward the country and the individual.