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Wow. How insightful and objectively false.

What? More fake news and lies from Kikebart? Really? THAT is shocking!


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Im cracking lads

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If you don't fucking fix this shit yourselves I'm returning to my homeland and I'll make 1942 look like a fucking joke.

I sniff some fake news; Germany has no president

Probably every country has said something similar during the past decade. Nothing new and changes nothing.

You probably didn't even know we had a president or who his name was lol

oh shi

Yeah, Steinmeier is a piece of shit like the rest of the government.

jean-claude juncker lmao

traitors, all of them.

By that logic, France, Spain, and Italy should become Germany too since at one time proto-Germans dominated all those areas.

aayy lmao no

enjoy your fantasy

user ya might want to do a quick google search before posting next time...

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This niggerlover should be tied to a chair and tortured to death with a blowtorch and a knife.

Well you're wrong, as any good murican is

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can we gas the kikes now?

they are using the same kike rhetoric they used to 56% the USA

Btw you can read his speech translated to English if you want



They say that in every single white nation, anyone repeating it just needs to fuck off out of the West, there's no place for them here, they're just subversive, anti-white racists.

it‘s all so tiresome

Rofl what a hilarious POS country

Lol. Shit... I am not a Nazi or anything
But fuck it. Hitler should have won.

How could you say something so based and yet so bluepilled? Nothing happened in 1942 except hitler's retarded invasion of russia


>bruh the refugees from east prussia are totally the same as savages from africa
>bruh there's no difference between refugees from Alsace-Lorraine or germans from the Sudetenland and some rapist on a magic carpet
>germans migrating into germany makes us a nation of immigrants
>people still vote for idiots that actually believe this
We honestly deserve it since people keep voting for this shit.

>we are a nation of immigrants
Has there ever been a more subversive line?

Shut up you autistic cunt you know what he meant.

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I'm basing it off my knowledge of WW2 relating to the Australian military, which was basically "Shit got real fucking bad for the allies in 1942".
I just assumed Germany made headway in that year. Any later and they're getting pushed back, any earlier and they weren't in full swing.

Aaw you poor dumb racist you, can't even understand a speech by your president

Why is it that no matter which country a thread is about there's always a fucking leaf making fun of it? As if you aren't at least equally fucked to Sweden, Britain and Germany.

I see where you're coming from but, using a date more closely related to politics would have been better e.g. 1933 or 1923.

Romans described them as unmixed and pure blooded, and most historic immigrants to Germany were german speaking or from Germanic countries other than the Huguenots. If anything Germany is a nation of rape victims from the huns and Russians

I would have gone earlier, but shit didn't get real till 1938.
I'm thinking peak military activity, not peak political activism.

> Ich schwöre, daß ich meine Kraft dem Wohle des deutschen Volkes widmen, seinen Nutzen mehren, Schaden von ihm wenden, das Grundgesetz und die Gesetze des Bundes wahren und verteidigen, meine Pflichten gewissenhaft erfüllen und Gerechtigkeit gegen jedermann üben werde. So wahr mir Gott helfe.
> dem Wohle des deutschen Volkes
It's in your fucking oath!

>having coffee and cake is harmful

0% kraut

Do it again Bomber Harris.

yep - your people keep voting in the same shit - and very soon the point of no return will occur - as mohammeds are being born at a faster rate than the biological germans .

Oy Vey my tiny circumcised penis is hard as a rock.

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So your president didnt say that?

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You're not wrong, but I hope the irony of you - being an american - saying that isn't lost on you.

That's a lot of money to get for one child. Makes sense that the larger families will move to Germany if the gibs aren't regulated as per household.

At this point it's true.

Sounds like a native german needs to pick up his pitch fork and skewer that faggot in the throat.

Germans will never have the moral highground because of their past.

They can never judge muslims or anyone else, thank god they know their place. - Muslim

Whenever a cuck tells you this bring up Israel and or the native Americans and watch an Olympic level display of gymnastics as they try to justify why they think mass, culture eroding and displacing migration is fine in the west but wrong when the Americans did it to the natives and when Der Juden do it today to Palestinians

Hans, light the furnace.

oh shit thats just nasty as fuck
>enough internet for today


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Attached: america home of the free.png (500x779, 164K)

>sends circumcision platoons to bomb as many civilians as possible
>sends niggers to rape their way through France, Italy and Germany
>allies the USSR
>proceeds to pretend being rivals with the USSR for decades despite having sent them massive support during the war
>produces decades of propaganda depicting nazis as evil incarnate[

Attached: american christians.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

sauce with audio?

our government was infiltrated by Communists before WWII, including pinkos like FDR
it got cleaned up after that hence why the cold war started

>it got cleaned up

Why is everyone trying to copy us? Germany isn't a nation of immigrants, European genes have been there since the fucking ice age. I get the argument for us but damn, wtf are you doing Germany?

for a little while yeah, it's back to where it started though yeah
McCarthy did nothing wrong

>Why is everyone trying to copy us
Because american produced global/western media tells everyone, politicians included, that "AMERICA NUMBER ONE!"

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You're going back to prison?

Hat doesn't mean you should emulate us exactly, goddamn. Te whole reason the American Experiment works is because there's still remaining stock of all our genetic admixture remaining where it came from, but now it seems those reserves are being forcibly tainted in order to destroy them.

do it faggot

germany is really done,these people have no fucking backbone.even if you convert them they will still vote for the old parties.
I just don't get it.

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Hitler did nothing wrong.

It's the same (((elite))) that operates on both continents, I don't know what you expect.


Is Breitbart for ethnic nationalism for non-jews suddenly?

What on earth is the problem from their perspective? Or are they just celebrating?

What a sadly typical german response. What happened to you man?

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>Lord Of The Flies

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Maybe read the entire post ;)

hahaw, him butt is poopy

>muh homeland
hello burger

Skin it alive.

It's a colonial thing in general. I've seen quite a few times that Argentinian or Brazilian Anons talk about their "Italian roots".

theres no such thing as an Italian-argentinia, or italobrazilian, they are nothing but self hating faggots. same with americans

Two questions:
1) So you guys have both president and prime minister?
2) So what did he said?

you idiots couldn't even win against your own fauna and Germany has animals that can eat emus

I have never heard someone call themselves XXXArgentinian or XXXXAmerican that wasnt a nigger or a spic.

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It's something most colonials/migrants do. "Muh ancestral homeland".

>So you guys have both president and prime minister
German constitution in the early 19th century was largely inspired by constitutional monarchy, after WWI people made as few changes as possible in order to prevent social chaos, so they needed someone to take the constitutional role of the monarch, which would become the president.

That poor future doctor/engineer/rocketscientist

So did their president said that?

it's really hard not to recognize their blatant tactics for what they are at this point. it's getting increasingly difficult for them to hide it.

Yeah but since Romans described them the Germanics moved into the Alps, which were inhabited by romanized celts, everything east of the Elbe got SLAVED for a few centuries and then germanized, East Prussians were largely germanized Balts who lost their laguage and culture but mostly stayed where they lived and also a lot of germanized West Slavs from the HRE period (Czechs) or imperial period (partitioned Poland).

So ethnic germans are hardly 100% pure germanic though the decisively germanic language and culture may give that impression.

Having said that, whatever a German's exact ancestry their ancestors lived in Central Europe for centuries if not millenia and saying that a German ethnicity doesent exist or that a nigger from Somalia is as German as them is retarded.

Besides, all you need to do to get German politicians to talk about the Ewige Deutsche is to mention the Holocaust guilt. They exist after all, if only for a moment.

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Supposedly. I haven't heard him say it.

Is he retarded? Like, actually medically defined as it?

People are animals that can eat emus.

based and redpilled


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What the actual fuck? I work my ass off to barely get 1k a month and those fucktards get 7k for free. I am fucking RAGING AAAAAAHHHHHHHH

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>I work my ass off to barely get 1k a month
Are German wages really that low?

>They get 7k for free
They get ~800 for free. The 7k is for a household.

They are specialists in demand on the labour market, citizen. This means they are well paid

Move along, this is government policy, everything is under control.

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germany dead. Not my choice, probably was gonna happen.


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>Are German wages really that low?
personally, i am learing a trade, so not full time employed yet. But usually you'll get 2-3k

>They get ~800 for free. The 7k is for a household.
I know. But a german family gets "Kindergeld" (child allowance) for each child from 90 to 200 €.
Immigrants are a burden to society, yet get more benefits from it than a working citizen, who contributes to said society with his labor.

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