Would you support a USE (United States of Europe) in a perfect world where the non-European population remains low?

Would you support a USE (United States of Europe) in a perfect world where the non-European population remains low?

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Too many different cultures and too much smug. You all would bicker at each other about your customs and how muh culture is better.

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That's exactly what it would try to prevent.
Europe is a continent forged in constant competition, constant warfare and constant bloodshed, for thousands of years.
A USE would help prevent more of that.

dios mio

Why the fuck would I want to give up my nation's culture and history to be a part of some shithole USE. If I wanted to be a part of a pan-European Union it would've been the Fourth Reich.

Yes,sir,yes i would.

What culture? Kebabs and curry?

Hide behind your memeflag you pathetic cuck

Imperium Europa when?

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